Does roiding in your teens stunt your growth? (He's 17)

Does roiding in your teens stunt your growth? (He's 17)

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The black guy is 5'6.

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That's literally the biggest side effect, are you retarded?

when will they learn?

Not only is it not the biggest side effect, it's never even been proven

Show me one study. One.

Arnold started at 14-15, didn't stunt him

Yes it does. Bad idea to start that young.

>dbol is the same as test/tren/eq/sdrol/etc

Lee Priest.

is that v e g a n
g a i n s

he claims natty lmao

Fuck, there's is literally nothing that says overcompensation like a roofing manlet


Roofing kek

I think it just tends to be a manlet cope more than anything. They gravitate into it more than taller guys.

He looks like a roided 12 year old

>roofing manlet

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Yeah roofers are cunts. Can't really blame them though. Sun's hot.

i hate you guys. its like you're shunned from being big just cause youre short. why... this is why ive stopped caring about looks and lift to be a ball of overcompensated stress and spite.

problem number one is letting shit people say on Jow Forums affect you.

Nah dude do it what could go wrong

I thought roofing was a new slang for combing or spraying your hair up so it looks like you are a few inches taller

First off see here Second, you can’t even deny for MANY (not all, but many) guys under 5’7” that getting as big as possible/gravitating towards gear use is more common than for tall guys and is a cope of sorts. There’s nothing wrong with it either, I would get as big and strong as possible if I was that short. You play the cards you can and you don’t give a shit what anyone else says. You shouldn’t give a shit in the first place either because 9/10 the one making your height an issue for you is you. The other 1/10 are shallow women who flake on you, and even then they do that shit to taller guys all the time for various reasons. Man the fuck up, be big if it helps you get over it.

>Roofing manlets

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depending on the substance, frequency, amount, pct, etc it can.

certain hormones essentially tell the growth plates to fuse, and this can be done by fucking up your endocrine system with exogenous hormones

estrogen stunts your growth, thats why girls are shorter than boys.
your estrogen rises uncontrollably on steroids.
so kinda yes but also kinda no

Is that anti-v*gan gains?

>Roofing manlets

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Height is good to have, but your brain stops developing at around 25. After 25 it is easy to reverse and reduce side of effects of gear

>but what about Pro athletes
Are you a pro athlete that has career riding on performance? If yes you know the risks and hope that pct and other shit can help you. If not, understand the risks

Arnold would have been 9 feet tall without the roids.

That kid in the middle has such a punchable face.

roofy the roofing roiding manlets

aromatase inhibitors are literally administered during puberty to increase final height in people with short stature

i see. so just keep ur estrogen under control and steroids wont stunt ur growth?

maybe. not enough data

having all that additional shit in your body might signal "alright were obviously adult now and done growing" but thats just me guessing

Yes. My brothers and sisters are all over 190cm, I am 181cm and recently had a blood test showing 40pg/ml or 144pmol/l e2.
19 years old

>roofing manlets
when will they learn?

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>roofing manlet
top fucking kek

Fuckin suns hot bruh

idk, but I topped out at 5'10" when I was 15, was always a 5'10let, and then 10 years later, after running my first cycle in my mid 20s, realized I'd finally grown to 6'0"

Ran my first cycle at 16 when I was 6’1”. Not even baiting.

Doesn’t matter if your growth plates close and stunt height when you’re already over 6ft.

Why would you roid before you cleared the Manlet hurdle?


I’m currently 5’14” king of Manletz. Two years post cycle.

>Sister over 190 cm
Would you mind giving me her number real quick?

yes but it also gives you enlarged genitals

arnold started at 18. lee priest on the other hand started at 14 or earlier and he's 5'4 now LOL

>get on a roof
>people on the ground still taller than you
>tfw always a manlet

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Shut up nigger he started at 14. Here is a pic on him trainning at 15

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why are their shirts numbered consecutively?

Did you take AI?

v3gan gains got bigger

literally lol

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sex hormones inhibit secretion of gnrh which results in decreased gh production

>Tfw no cute manlet to fix your roof

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