Stronglifts or SS

Stronglifts or SS

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Every training program works. It's not like making an incorrect choice now is going to doom your lifting career forever. Flip a coin and try one for like 12 weeks, then switch and try the other.

Strong lifts, do chins and dips for accessories. Add in some shrugs or lat raises on OHP day. Just 3x10

skeletal gymnewb here, does this really happen with SS? see:


I have a question, currently doing stronglifts, is it worth, after doing 5x5, lowering the weight and doing more sets? Either more 5x5 or 8x3 or something?

I would just do Stronglifts and then move on to PPL once you stall.
Also, I think barbell rows are a shitty exercise and should be replaced with cable row variations, but that's another story. They might work for you.


literally all i do is squats ohp and pullups and im stronger and bigger than all ive ever seen in the gym besides benchpress because its the dudebro lift

i did ss for 3 months before moving to a upper/lower split 4 times a week, still making steady progress but its getting slower, been going to the gym for 1 year and 1 month.

Ice Cream Fitness novice program by Jason Blaha

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that isn't really how noob gains works. it's more like you max out the lower body noob gains, and leave some gains to go for the upper body.
but yeah, SS will make your lower body disproportionately big.

>he doesn't shrug at the top of his OHP

No. Oh, you can get away with it for a while but it will catch up to you and affect your other lifts. Follow the program, lift correctly, and you are better off. Also, if you haven’t, get the SL app.

Go away Mehdi

Thank you, i have the app, I've been doing fucking more sets of lower weight after but my progress has halted completely, I've also beenc going gym every day instead of every other day, so I've been overtraining, i feel like a fucking idiot, I've been wasting so much time, just gotta learn from my mistakes, thanks again bro

What's the deal with training every other day? Does it have to be 48 hours? Due to my fucked up schedule, i have to go to the gym at night on monday, can go either night or morning Wednesday, but have to go in the morning on friday, does it make much difference if i only have 36 hrs between a workout? Doing stronglifts if that matters

Bro gains reset at 00:00 everybody knows that

alright, do you have suggestions for what I should add to balance it out and get the upper body (esp arms) going?

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Not how it works, he’s just memeing

if you just include curls & tricep extensions then you've instantly made it into a decent program.
even better, just look at jason blaha's 5x5, it has all the accessory work you want for the entire body. this yields better gains than doing low volume
in his latest update he recommends 3x5 instead of 5x5, so basically it's like starting strength but with more accessory lifts. which is great

cheers, pal. thanks for helping a newfag (to lifting)

SS if you've never lifted before and you need to get strong so you aren't a laughing stock

should I just do greyskull

>Jason Blaha

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None, Greyskull LP