Is chiropractic a meme or does it actually do something beneficial? Here is an example of what I mean
Is chiropractic a meme or does it actually do something beneficial? Here is an example of what I mean
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The type you watch on youtube is, Dr. Ian and Rahim Gonstead Chiro-Practitioners are the real deal.
Ring Dinger man is debatable.
I have upper back pain. Every night I work I have my roommate step on my upper back. It cracks and the pain vanishes. Certainly not a meme for me
what a fucking whore
Mother of God
I want to be a chiropractor now
There is no scientific basis for it, the guy that invented it was a fraud and claimed he cured a blind guy by cracking his back. The justification is so bad that some new chiros reject it but still pretend cracking your back does anything other than minor pain relief without getting at why it hurts. Go to a PT
This. Chiropractors are fancy masseuses.
came to post this
>user, why are you touching my ass? My upper back hurts.
Scam like most other complementary medicine. Most are doing whatever they can to churn out a better profit.
it’s like getting your front end adjusted without bolting anything down
go to a PT
Chiropracty is the most Jow Forums profession ever. It's professional broscience, and judging by this dudes borderline porn videos, you get to be awkward with gym thots.
>have slight scoliosis after growth spurt
>mum takes me to chiro twice a week, for a month, then once a week for a few months
>talk to dad
>we go to a chiro
>he says to stand up straight
>"don't come back unless you're in pain"
You gotta work bottom up.
Yes, it does do some beneficial stuff. However, they really are just glorified physical therapists.
I suffered, and still do, an injury about 2 years ago when doing a seated press in my neck. This pain eventually spread down to my traps.
It felt like daggers were being plunged into my back and my head was twisted at a bad angle.
Went to a very highly rated therapist and in one 30 minute session she loosened things up enough to the point where I damn near wanted to cry from the relief.
She also had a massage therapist who broke down a lot of the scar tissue in the neck and traps and after about 15 visits (2 every week) the pain has subsided to being 95% of what it originally was.
You'd go to jail very quickly if you aren't a Chad, which you aren't.
Chiros are roughly split in half. One set of them are complete whack jobs who believe in some pseudo science about "vertebral subluxations" and go to alternative medicine schools where they get taught the rest of the mumbo jumbo science like homeopathy and you should avoid these at all costs. The rest of them are basically just properly trained physios who call themselves chiros for marketing reasons because people think chiros are a good thing which makes zero sense.
??? what is your point
That's real physical therapy though, releasing trigger points and taut muscle, helping break down scar tissue with massage. Chiropractors just want to "align" your joints so your nervous system can be restored wahwah hoohah space magic.
you cringe you lose?
>he doesn't know the yoga teacher scam
Why do bullshit chiro when you can be around hot sweaty sloots that "want you to push them deeper into a movement"?
I'm in chiropractic school. This is pretty much correct
This, stretching and massages go further.
I go to one when i need it and it helps, but some will try to tell you they can cure anything.
its good for back pain thats about it.
>"..yeah haha"
Not to say there's anything wrong with that, just that it isn't really all the helpful. It can feel great but that's it.
I bet you guys would chiropractice that ass, Put all your mighty "oil" on it
How much of a temptation is this semen demon is? Listen those little sounds she make...
How could she come dressed like that for a session?
That channel is just soft core porn to get youtube views.
Yes and no. It never really fixes the underlying cause of back pain or anything like that (partly because a lot of people don't continue to go once it stops hurting and go back to using their backs like they're 20 again), but it is a pretty effective treatment for back pain. If you see it more as a treatment than a cure than you won't be disappointed, but it won't just fix your shit completely.
>does it actually do something beneficial?
I guess it depends on what you need fixed
My chiro guy who teaches students in Uni told me that chiropractors who does all those fancy looking "adjustments" everywhere on the body are just trying to manipulate their clients into thinking that they're skilled.
My guy just focuses on my body parts that bothers me. He just checks to see if it's injured then bends it, moves my joints and stretches it to better understand whats wrong with it and teaches me at home stretches and exercises that I have to do for weeks to fix it. Sharp pain I had for 5 yrs from doing dip with shit form is now gone.
Ok good for you I guess
Honestly, I've had lower back problems for years. I saw a Chiropractor recently it the guy was really good. I was in and out in two sessions and assessed that I didn't have a herniated disc. I've been to PT and ST and they charge you $60+ twice a week for two months with unsatisfying results. I was hesitant to try ciro's out due to JRE but honestly, Joe had no idea what he was talking about when he went off on the subject. Not to say that there aren't shitty chiro's out there that milk ppl for money.
do you know luo dong?
dont type this on youtube or you will be in rage
>You're gonna hear a sound
>Its nitrogen gas releasing from your joints
Kek wtf is shit
This. Also something like 5% of adjustments result in actual injury
Hopefully he can heal her lordossis.
>Systematic reviews of this research have not found evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective, with the possible exception of treatment for back pain
I mean why else go to a chiropractor? I think that massage, fascial stretching chiropractor, sports therapy, ect can all be great for finding out what's wrong and how to fix and prevent it. If you go to your GP(IE a "real" doctor) he's not going to do shit other than give you opioids and reference.
Your shitty anecdotal evidence doesn't mean anything. Chiros offer a simple solution, just crack it and its fine. But do you really think you can change the position/shape of your joints and bones by 'cracking' them? Literally just releasing trapped gas? PT's work because they treat something you can actually change, stretching and/or strengthening muscles. But people don't like that because they have to actually do some fucking work themselves instead of just lying down. If you have an actual problem with your bones the only solution is surgery.
The choice isn't between a bad GP and a chiropractor, go to a physical therapist, which a good GP will refer you to anyway.
This will fuck your night up:
i dont get chiro shit. Why not see a phsyical therapist. They actually reprogram your muscle memeory. Chiro just crack your bones
literally nothing
all they is removing nitrogen from your sinovials
move on
>Chiros offer a simple solution, just crack it and its fine.
I went to a chiropractic college for twice a week for a month and wasn't cracked or adjusted once. Also my shitty anecdotal ended with stretching being the ultimate solution to my problem.
fucking quack doctor
Chiropractors are quacks
indians gay as hell
What an absolute whore.
I wouldn't date a woman who dressed like that.
If my wife started dressing like that, I'd leave her.
I don't how in the right mind a well put together, stable woman, would think transparent clothing is appropriate for anyone but her husband.
It's all complete pseudoscience, DO NOT let a chiro touch your body, go to a physio instead.
Chicks dress in leggings because they're lazy as fuck, not because they're constantly lusting for dick.
This is not true by any stretch of the imagination, is it bait?
They say
>its comfy
But thats bullshit. Its fashionable. Dick catching fashionable.
Don't play dumb, they fucking knew what they were doing in that video. That being said tights are comfy as fuck so I understand that there easy to wear and they(usually) look good so it's pretty much a win-win for women.
Are these whores lusting after their chriopractors or were they aware that there would be a camera ahead of time?
Nobody wears a dress like that just because, unless she was going somewhere after, like one of her escorting client's places.
Maybe they lust after their chiros because they make them feel good. They associate theor hands with feeling good. Thereby making all touching sensations feel good because there's that base attraction.
>being touched non-sexually by someone you like or are attracted to feels good.
So then then dress in a way to try to attract more contact from them?
This. Like 90% of them ive seen are big chads with big strong hands
My childhood best friends older brother is going to jail for the next 2.5 years for defrauding insurance companies and patients. Left this morning for it kek
He was a chiroquackter and once his license was revoked in Minnesota he just went to North Dakota to practice while the prosecution built their case.
Shit is a complete fucking meme. They won’t ever solve a problem.
The biggest asset to a chiropractor is if they have an ability to have nice conversation with a patient. Because they don’t have a service worth a shit to sell so they might as well sell decent elevator talk for 15 minutes before they charge $60
>”oh sure my pain didn’t go away and I’d be better off getting a baclofen prescription but he seems like a good guy”
Oof, if you reverse image search this one should get a name
I go to a Chiro a few times a year just because it feels fucking good.
I have a good friend who is a Chiro and he said spinal manipulation is really not good for most people, and most Chiros just pop your back for temporarily relief without really solving a problem.
Look up "The Chiropractic Joint". Its literally an office you can buy a subscription to just to get your back popped without any kind of medical need for it other than it feels good.
>make six figures
>get to molest women
I'm signing up for chiropractor school right now
Didn't one of these dudes murder some instathot by severing her vertebral artery? I can kinda see how that happened watching that video.
>make six figures
not even close cunt
>I'm signing up for chiropractor school right now
I have good news, that's not necessary
I feel like when chiropractors get brought up everyone is talking about different things. I've been to two chiropractors for two severe injuries and had excellent results. They didn't have any hokey oil, no Chakra bullshit. They took an x-ray, showed me how my spine was crooked as shit from falling through a roof and hitting a ski jump, and then told me how they were going to straighten it out.
All they did was apply consistent pressure over time to get my spine back to where it was supposed to be. And as they did it I felt increasing amounts of relief and flexibility. They took another x ray after a few months of going once or twice a week and the difference was like night and day, even to my untrained eye.
And they did more than just crack my back. For the one injury, my hip was actually tilted up pretty badly on one side, so he gave me a shoe insert to force my long leg up to level my hip. They also assessed some sleeping patterns I had that were influencing my spine - I have very wide shoulders and like to sleep on my side so I was developing a slight curve in my upper back.
Anyway, this is all anecdotal so ya'll can shit on it/discard it if you want. And yeah, if your chiropractor has a diagram of Chi points in his office and wants to coat you in oils and massage you rather than ever actually getting around to adjusting you, then you might be going to a hack.
>assessed that I didn't have a herniated disc.
user maybe get a second opinion on that one, preferably from a licensed medical professional.
Hopefully your chiropractor is right but a potential herniated disc is not something to fuck around with
How about you get a real degree you fucking fraud?
I don't give a fuck. Some of the videos give me asmr tingles.
Like a lot of treatments, a lot has to do with placebo and there are a myriad of factors influencing this. The guy in your video for example would likely achieve far greater success with his treatments if he for example wore scrubs or a lab coat instead of regular street clothes.
What about Chinese massages? Are they a meme too?
pt 2
This is a porno isnt it
Why cant I get a cute soft gf!
your upper back hurts cause you’re carrying your posture in your lowerback/butt. Don’t question me
Chiropractic and other practices based on manipulation barely have any scientific base, they are just based on esoteric bullshit around "realignment" and shit, and have never been proven to work. Go see a real doctor with a real medical degree.
Also there is a high risk of injury in these practices.
wait, I know this guy
breh sauce
You want to fuck her like a two bit slut though don't you?
These ones are. Rub&tug ones by a tiny asian lady are pretty great.
Chiropractic treatment definitely is not evidence-based, but a majority of patients do report relief from symptoms and it is relatively speaking quite harmless, likely much moreso than evidence-based medicine.
yeah right
And the symptom relief is not better than placebo or conventional practices, so no reason to go to a chiro.
>"how are you?" is not a question, its just a greeting
oh silly americans...
>one case study
>one n=12
>one study on the possibility of mechanical manipulation in association with ischemic stroke
Wow it's fucking nothing, if anything it just confirms the relative safety of it considering how many people use chiropractic treatment. And even though it most likely is indeed a case of placebo, I'd argue that it actually is safer in a lot of ways in comparison to orthopedic and neurological treatments, both of which could present a host of deleterious side effects.
absolute mad man
isnt doing anything but spouting bs with his shitty english and full on grope massaging them
On my community Facebook page, if some retard mom is desperate for interaction she'll post something like 'Heyyyyy my son Bryson is feeling bad any remedies besides seeing s fucking doctor??!?' And theres always four or five women who will unironically say "YEAH TAKE YOUR (no joke) TEN MONTH OLD TO GO SEE MY CHIROPRACTOR HE WORKS WONDERS. these dumb whores are always in pyramid schemes too.
No. Dont ever trust or go to a fucking chiropractor. They're one half-step from using essential oils to cure cancer.
The chiro only wanted him to come to see his mom?
How do you not get a boner in these situations?
Seems like he got a boner in this one.
Brehs I would do this for free
>getting manhandled by masc authoritarian chads
Of course they love it.