Circumcised anons

circumcised anons,
why are you not restoring your foreskins?

also, foreskin restoration general

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inb4 the poster below me copy pastes this

>he had his genitalia mutilated

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Wtf you can do that

I elected to get cut at 19 due to severe phimosis. As in the opening was the diameter of a needle at most. I have never looked back. Seems silly to try and restore incase it comes back. I'm much happier now.

Good that looks painful.
Cutfag here by the way, you can shitpost about it all you want but only uncutfags do that. It's never bothered me.

That's a super rare condition. And yet, at least one person always shows up in any circumcision related thread to tell how he had it.

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How do I do this?

this is a process that takes place over months to years using gentle tension. nothing painful about it.

majority of people still with foreskin are the color of mud, foreskin is a sign of an underdeveloped country

and no foreskin is a sign of being kiked by jews

>I don't feel anything when I get a blowjob
>My dick head is all dried up due to always being exposed
>Basically no sensation to what it's meant to be
Why did my parents do this to me?

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you are aware only muslims, jews, americans, and niggers get their foreskin cut, yes?

because they hate you, probably. what kind of parent gives their newborn infant plastic surgery on their genitals? lol

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You will NEVER feel what true sex is supposed to feel like

>Something i never can experience because my body was mutilated as I child has never bothered me
Lel enjoy your wood dick

I hate this meme, my dick is set off by the wind and doesn't try out unless I beat it 4 times a day for a week. You either got a botched job or god doesn't want you to have a dick, and it's time you take the tranny pill
So user, would you be able to comment on the before after differences in sensitivity and fulfillment or lack thereof with your decrowned dick?

>super rare
Maybe. But this thread is specifically about circumcision and naturally is going to attract people like me. I'd show you a pic know.

>got cut in grade 9
>all my friends were cut and bullied me relentlessly
>"girls find it disgusting, i dont know any girl who likes uncut dicks" etc
>then i found out the entire rest of the world it is normal
>godblessamerica.jpg ;(

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I can try, but I literally could not expose the glands before getting cut. I haven't noticed any changes really, sensitivity wise it feels the same, but I was never able to really stroke it. There is a little bit left on the underside, near the frenulum I think it's called, and that part is pretty sensitive to light touch like tickling.
Honestly this whole argument is silly, if you were cut as a baby, that sucks, don't continue the practice on your kids, but to worry over something like this is silly. You literally will never know the difference. Likewise, ridiculing men who were cut as children is absurd, but that's what Jow Forums is I guess.
>tldr no noticeable sensitivity changes but I'm not a normal case


> White American
> Still have foreskin
Can honestly say I have never had phimosis or any issue with it. As long as you clean yourself and aren't dirty there is no downside.