Nerd rage: afraid i might kill a Chad at my gym

This fucker will not fucking stop his inconsiderate behavior. Plays shitty music on his shitty phone speakers. Never wipes down equipment. Farts on dumbbells. Just all round behaves like a nigger everywhere in every way.
When I tell him to knock it off, he just pretends like its no big deal. Gym staff are all worthless skanks who won't do anything about his bullshit.
I can't switch the timing of my workouts because of my work schedule and I have to take my mom to dialysis several times per week.
Should I vandalize his car or something? I just need to let off some steam before I blindly bludgeon this chodefuck.

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put a hornet nest in his gym bag when hes not looking

Where do I get a hornet's nest?

You should try calming down friend. It probably is not that bad. You could complete the maymay by wearing a pair of new balances and drowning out his speaker with a set of white ear buds. Or go the CHAD approach and bring a bigger speaker and drink from a five gallon jug to completely mog him.

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>farts on dumbells
OP you gotta dress up like a girl, seduce him, let him cut up your butt, then say he raped you.

Spread a rumour he is a peadofile or something

Hmm, any plans that DON'T involve letting a man penetrate my anus?

Tell him you want to fuck his ass. Tell him he seems like the kind who likes a good hard buttfucking without the reach around.

>farts on dumbbells


Farting on dumbells is excellent to break pr dude, all that brap test flowing thru your veins.

honestly if staff doesn't care I'd just switch gyms. there's nothing preventing more people like that from joining

Put dnp in his shake, although it will make it yellow, so maybe first start gradually putting yellow dye in it until he's accustomed to the colour.

If he acts like an nigger he isn't a chad. Beat his ass

It's time to fight the gym chad. Just go there when is he about to leave so he will be tired. Smash down his weights and tell to his face "do you think this is game" and punch his face. When you are done tell him why you have smashed his skull.

As a bonus gym thots will be wet for you.

>Farts on dumbbells
Lmao what

>Farts on dumbbells
i do this, watch your fucking back

quality thread

>farts on dumbbells

Check on eBay. Gardeners and landscapers usually keep them set aside for some extra income when renovating and sell them on eBay. There's a surprisinly large market.

Also chill the fuck out OP you sperg faggot. Instead of hating the Chad why dont you try to emulate him?
He doesnt give 2 fucks what you think about him, so why do you?

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Interesting. Why would somebody buy hornets?

Whoop his ass. Everyone else at the gym would thank you.


>Farts on dumbbells

literally nothing wrong with lifting with a rip

Very based

Get a bluetooth speaker and drown his music

Imagine not having the balls to call someone out on not wiping down the equipment. There is not a soul alive who will take his side in that argument or think less of you for giving a shit about hygiene and sanitation of the gym.

To fuck with people

This isn't chad, it's autism. Put him in his place. I say this, but my autistic online best friend did pic related, so it's not autism, it's just poor manners.

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KILL IT in the gym and lift heavier than him. Grunt loudly SHOOP AHH SHOOP AHH GODDAMMIT. and then bring your biggest boombox and your favorite tapes to mog him.

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OP what you must do is eat everything you can that will make your farts smell as bad as possible and fart as often as possible and crop dust him until he takes notice. Once he does start talking about random shit to make him uncomfortable. Say things like "did you catch those gypsies holding hands in the locker room? Hahaha go back to China why dont you amirite"? Soon enough he will be freaked out and/or made uncomfortable by you enough that it will effect his workouts to where he will stop coming when you do. You're welcome.

Best plan right here. Wait till he’s done with a full workout and get in his face.

>doesn't fart on dumbbells

Never gonna make it.

>Plays shitty music on his shitty phone speakers. Never wipes down equipment. Farts on dumbbells.
Only way to counter him is do further whatever he does.
Bring 80's casette player in the gym like a nigger and play from it. Pee on the bench to assert dominance and the most important shit on dumbbells spray with your diarrhea until numbers cannot be seen from even the close distance. Don't forget to wipe your ass to his gym bag to show who is boss. Remember brother
>Whatever it takes

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