No matter how smart you think you are, there's someone here that's smarter than you

Bros, everytime I talk to someone on this board they are clearly more intelligent than I am.

How do you guys increase your brain gains in order to destroy the weeblords on the field of battle on this Japanese fitness board?

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Read moar, sleep well, eat a carnivore diet

read the logical fallacies sticky on pol. then leave pol forever. then read the book of proverbs in the bible. if you want to get really smart, read plato, meno and the republic to start, and learn sentential logic. if p then q stuff.
music theory and geometry and logic if you want to be really smart. everything else is low octane waste of time bullshit. that is all mainline wisdom pure unadulterated.

damn you are so intelligent, I hope I will be like you one day

>thread about intelligence
>suggests the carnivore diet, the least scientifically backed diet there is
>what research there is, the statistically significant ones suggest it's terrible for you
You're fucking retarded mate

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post body

>Intelligence is following research

Define it then retard

the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

The opposite of that would be you, where you don't apply the knowledge (data) of others, showing very little skill in anything.

This. Us intellectuals don't need any evidence from any (((scientists))). All we need are some youtube videos and some time on the bus on the way to work to meditate about how intelligent we are lol.

wow, I think the complete opposite. Most people on here are irrational people who spout nonsense without having read much at all.

Its because pol has failed as a containment board user.

the trick to being seen as intelligent is to be interested in things other people think intelligent people are interested in

answers that

>the ability
Exactly, one is considered to be intelligent if one has this ability. One who lacks this ability cannot be trained or changed into being intelligent, Intelligence is a state of being.
The surrogate activity such as the pursuit of science imposes pessimal conditions for man. The progress of 'science' and 'technology' always germinates at the expense of Man's dignity and autonomy.

Obligatory nonsense: SS + GOMAD.

There is no easy way. There is a chance you won't understand, but your feeling of intellectual inferiority is, in fact, just a feeling. You can train to improve your current skills to reduce this feeling, but it won't disappear until you've realized intelligence is neither innate or trained, but attaining mastery in a specific range if skills effects the attribute of being intelligent to others.
Take bodybuilding for example. A person who dedicated his time to research and understand human physiology to the point to improve his own health and fitness is in no way not intelligent.

Research. Question. Criticise.

Fuck me you say a lot for someone trying to justify working a wagie job because he had no choice but media studies in his further education.

Know what you talk about, OP. Most of the time the person you are arguing with over something knows their thing and have done their research, thus appearing to you as intelligent.
Second reason may be that you are just doubting your reasoning and knowledge over a subject, which is good in essence, but when you get the heat over what you said, is bad.
And when you see someone typing in a very structured and formed out sentences doesn't equate to them being right over a subject, like people from Reddit for instance, who believe only higly intellectual people understand Rick and Morty, even though, the show has no logical reasoning whatsoever and is just philosophy portrayed in a comical way I'm. Good show regardless.

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To be fair, reddit does have a higher iq than Jow Forums and you do need to understand that to appreciate the dichotomy between the two.

>reddit does have a higher in than Jow Forums
How do you measure that exactly?
Reason why you might see reddit as a 'higher iq' board is due to their upvote system which boosts best comments to the top and leaves the rest down the bottom for no one to see.
In Jow Forums, you just see everything.

You don't. IQ is mostly (>80%) genetic according to twin studies.

The system 'boosts' popular comments. This is not synonymous with 'best' and for many of the "creative" opinions expressed on reddit the metaphor well applies: turd attracts a lot of flies.

Maybe one day user, keep feeding the dream

It all boils down to the "chad anecdotal self experimenter" vs "the virgin article reader"

"The statistically significant ones"

Go learn what a relative risk of 1.1 means and about correlation not implying causation you dirty peasant, I bet you're a vegan

My IQ is 144 according to

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>be me
>20 in uni
>1550 sat score
>mostly self destructive besides lifting
>people at my school are all pretentious and see school as a dick measuring contest, not a place of improvement

Anyone else feel like they’re smart but also a retard ?

You can be smart, but you need information as well

Dry fast, it will change how you treat yourself and it is a very humbling experience

This thread is sarcastic you idiots
Clearly 4chincel is mostly comprised of brainlets

I'm 135 IQ, yet one of the most retarded people I know.
I'm technically not even an aspie or anything, just shit tier personality.
The ride never seems to end though.
>lifting to be one of the specimens the aliens grab for butt research.

This. Most humans lack genes responsible for critical analysis and problem solving

First thing you have to do is practice being my re accurate in your speech. No more “I don’t want to sound like some dweeb so i’ll cus and use slang excessively.” There’s a time and place for that, but you’ll find most interactions go much smoother if you employ sincerity and accuracy in your speech.

In other words, read books you shitposting illiterate.