Semen Retention

I tried SR for 30 days and here's what i experienced:
>more energy/better workouts
sexual energy is real
>mild gyno gone
>severly less acne/clearer skin
>better looking eyes
>higher vibration/more positive energy
>feel more alive
>increased attraction from the opposite sex
kind of a double edged sword this one, since ideally you don't want to have sex
>more focus/less brainfog
>more at peace
>more disciplined
Negatives are:
>Difficulty sleeping
Which is solved by excercising before bed
>The flatline period
I'm shooting for 90 days and I think you all should atleast try it. The jew doesnt want you to know about this, thats why our society is so hyper-sexualised and stuff like masturbation are seen as "good" and "normal".

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Other urls found in this thread:

>difficulty sleeping solved by exercise before bed
Nigger what? Exercising makes me pumped up.

>30 days no cum

I honest to God believe you should not be holding on to fluids and shut in your body that long

dunno, every time I do push ups and then rest my heart rate is lower than before

semen doesn't rot in your balls user. in fact it can take up to three months for your fully functioning sperm cells to regenerate.

fuck me this thread is fucking retarded

would love to try this but how do i go on for longer, last time i literally made it to like day 13 or something and relapsed.
tips pls

I meant cardio specifically, works for me
You need to do something with your sexual energy, look up sexual transmutation. Also whenever you get an urge take a cold shower. Don't edge or look at sexual images, youre only making it harder for yourself
Its perfectly natural. On the other hand i sometimes leak a little bit of cum when taking a piss
Either jew or addict in denial

im blasting fucking test right now
i dont have a gf so i have to spank my monkey twice a day, or ill go insane
fuck your nofap

If retaining semen increases performance, logically speaking wouldn't ingesting semen increase performance even more?

Attached: 1554099212316.jpg (741x568, 73K)

I tend to read the OP of these shit threads and there's never a result where you get laid or a GF. You're supposed to be more social or productive rather than roleplaying a Tibetan Buddhist or there's no hope for you autists

Retain semen for maximum kundalini energy.

Attached: kundalini_pranayama.jpg (190x272, 18K)

It helped me, too. Didn't want to try it (or NoFap for that matter) at first. Don't try to negotiate or reason with this and abstain completly from masturbation. Preferably you abstain even from any activity that leads to the loss of semen. Just remember the jews when you have an urge.

honestly i edged to porn while on sr and felt nothing bad just blue balls. its not worth it just for the efucking blue balls

usually I feel more energy and power for a few days, but after 7-8 days it feels hindering. If I go through it's great again for some days and feels like shit around day 15-17.

I think I'll continue with a weekly fap but stop watching porn.
I want to read some taoist shit about sexual energy too, any recs?

I am struggling fro 2 years now with this addiction. My longest streak was 4 months. It happens that you will relapse or edge. Just continue. Right now, it really helps me thinking about how jews literally want me to masturbate and weaken myself. Look up jewish involment in porn and how they used it already as a weapon (intifada).

I think some religions believe that

ive been on and off this shit since 2014. i have very few morals for me its not a moral shit. i dont give a fuck. i just feel better (and even look a bit better) when i dont bust nuts and thats all i care about. ill look at attractive pics but not in a way that would give me boners (idk how to explain this) and thats about it

Good. Stay tame then
The point of SR is not to get laid so your first point is irrelevant. For your other point, ideally you should retain ASWELLL as being social and productive. I thought that was self-explanatory

No, metaphorically, an improved engine will not be further improved by putting extra oil in the trunk.

So aside from your pseudoscientific claims and body vibrations you gain.. nothing?
And somehow Jews are involved in the mix of your decision to masturbate, sad

all this is just shit you want to believe yourself
all meme benefits of no fap were debunked several times

yeah that's why people just drink their steroids instead of injecting them.

>if you dont get sex you get nothing
yes because the only purpose of life is fulfilling an animalistic instinct. Disgusting...
Sure, believe everything (((people))) tell you instead of trying it out for yourself. If you can't see why not spilling your life-force everyday (which is capable of creating life!) can be beneficial then i dont know what to tell you

Given the choice between following my primal instincs or being some preaching fucker on Jow Forums I think I'll stick with the better choice, I have no doubts wasting hours daily fapping to a monitor is bad for you but not reaping any benefits of a social life is arse backwards

Odin sucked the dick of corpses #nohomo because he needed more cum to sustain his form

Well, in that case you should definetely try nofap instead. Sex is a great motivator so if you start seeing any benefits you'll probably never want to fap again. Good luck

>I tried SR for 300 days and here's what i experienced:
>>i became pure energy/better workouts
>I shoot cum lasers out of my dick
>>grew DD cup tits
>>my skin is octoCamo now
>>regained 20/20 vision + x-rays
>>I am in a decoupled Quantum vibrational state
>>literally living dead
>>I'm gay now
>kind of a double edged sword this one, since ideally I catch and pitch
>>I have attained a conscious "fog" akin to a hive mind or omniscience
>>I achieved nirvana
>>more disciplined than shaolin monks
>Negatives are:
>> sleeping is no longer necessary
>Which is solved by excercising before bed
>>Craving cocks
>>The flatline period
>I'm shooting for 900 days and I think you all should atleast try it. The jew doesnt want you to know about this, thats why our society is so hyper-sexualised and stuff like masturbation are seen as "good" and "normal".

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mr.beta incel go back to Jow Forums


One could argue that is not technically a metaphor.
It is certainly analogous.

Hieros gamos, homo


>The jew doesnt want you to know about this

>Craving cocks

I think it's for the best we should not know.

thanks doc, did you come up with that fluid retention theory in med school??? fucking subhuman brainlet

>that guy that doesn't regularly drain his own blood

>sauce: tarot cards
