How do i achievet his body? is it natty?

how do i achievet his body? is it natty?

Attached: tumblr_m8id4vmUf31qa5kito1_400.gif (361x271, 999K)


Yeah sure kid. That's totally achievable with hard work and BCAAs

he doesnt even have a gut?

Not it is not natty. 95% of the bodybuilder, IG model, fitness models, actors etc. aren't natty. Stop asking if X IG bodybuilder is natty. They aren't. 50% of the people who got a good body at your gym aren't natty either.

Just curious, is there anyway to reliably tell if someone is Natty? I know you can never be a 100 percent, but maybe like 75 percent of the time.

Ultimately you can never know, like zyzz body is possible natty but he wasn’t

It's quite easy to tell a lot of the time.
Vascularity, traps and shoulders, balding, acne, red skin, muscle 'fullness' and being very low bf% are give away signs most of the time

>Vascularity, traps and shoulders, balding, acne, red skin, muscle 'fullness' and being very low bf%

I have all of these things and Im natty. What?


post body

Go away faggot

why so?

He used to look so good

If they're more developed than guys lifting back before steroids were invented could get, then they probably aren't natty.

Attached: natty limit.png (452x457, 232K)

all of them are like 5'3 tho

>snorting coke

Post body big boi

>is it natty?

ahahahahaha fucking natties I swear

He was 5'9.

It should be pointed out that Sandow has really good genes so that's the natty limit IF you're genetically gifted. Otherwise it's lower.

>implying coke has an anabolic effect

No, but it is useful on a cut and it gives you an insane energy boost.

> half the frat boys in my gym have bigger shoulders and arms than them
Fuckin cheaters

I’m so jealous of people who can get insane fun energy from coke. It literally just instantly ties my stomach in a knot of anxiety. And I’m not even normally an anxious person. Guess it’s nice not worrying about addiction.