>get test levels checked
fuck my life... no wonder I can barely squat 70kgs. is TRT the only option I have left?
>get test levels checked
fuck my life... no wonder I can barely squat 70kgs. is TRT the only option I have left?
Other urls found in this thread:
how long you been training for, for that 70kg squat
Start nofap/noporn
Eat lots animal foods, specifically fatty animals foods steaks, eggs, butter
Exercise more often
Get some sunlight and vitamin D
You test will go up for sure
Squats 550, DL 600 but bench only 315
Go to get your test checked
>doctor laughs in my face
Yep Im healthy
Are you fat? Being fat can easily halve your T
Get more sun, exercise daily (liftan + cardio) make sure to eat foods that cover your micronutrients as well as macros (specifically protein)
Stop fapping, pick up some herbs proven to increase test, eat more eggs for cholesterol which aids hormone production, eat garlic and onion every day
I forgot, if you're overweight, lose it.
Can anyone tell me why T actually matters again?
I'm a bit skeptical, since it's a meme synonym for masculinity that is sold in 100s of snake oil (nootropics), that T is anywhere near as important as this board thinks.
I know nothing tho so can someone pill me?
Proofs that obesity is detrimental to testosterone? I tried looking it up today but found nothing.
Are you retarded? You don't think testosterone does anything? At 200 ng/dl unlikely Mr low testosterone can use his penis or has decent sperm. Low energy, low muscle mass, possibly depressed, etc.
Now within a NORMAL range, it's not as though differences are going to be perceptible. If someone's test is 600 or 800 I doubt it really matters.
Obesity is unhealthy nonetheless, but here you go
Do you know what steroids are?
If you're within the normal range it hasn't been demonstrated to really matter at all
also those tests can be really volatile, did you have some quack screen you so you could feel better about your squat numbers? If you're not otherwise symptomatic it really doesn't matter aside from making you think you're broken
It's another "op has health problems because he's fat" thread.
Adipose tissue produces aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen.
Just casually pulling whatever comes up fast- ergo-log.com
Considering getting my T levels checked. How does this work? Are they gonna just draw some blood the day I go in or am I gonna have to come back later?
What should I do beforehand to make sure they test as low as possible so I can get on that sweet, sweet TRT? Plan atm is to stay up all night working out to extreme exhaustion and jerking off as much as I can.
it's mostly a meme and from a biopsychosocial standpoint it's way more likely to harm you than it is to help you if you're not actually experiencing symptoms
it's a pretty serious problem that experts in the field are dealing with right now because instagram meme fitness meatheads are recommending people get screened for no reason at all
That being said, there are plenty of snake oil salesmen who will be willing to take your money to give an irresponsible screening and prescribe you some crap that you don't need, so if that's your jam go for it
barely do either porn or fapping, as I'm in a pretty good relationship and have sex quite often.
>fatty animals foods steaks, eggs, butter
latter two I eat pretty much daily, steak is the only one I don't consume that often (but still try to eat lots of meat)
>exercise more often
I'm doing full body 3 times a week right now. do you have another routine you would recommend?
>Get some sunlight and vitamin D
barely any sunlight here right now. have been taking vitamin d religiously though (4000 iu a day at least)
I don't think so. I'm 6 foot 2 and weigh 80kgs (176lbs). have trouble putting on extra weight (eating around 3400-3600 cals a day)
If you aren't experiencing anything, you'll come up with some information that will either just make you feel like something's wrong even though it isn't, or even make you adhere to a hormonal replacement therapy that will do more harm than good. Don't get your T levels tested for no reason
No 3x is enough.. dam you do a lot to combat the common causes of low T and you still get it. Maybe ask your doc to hop on the juice?
I do have various symptoms that are probably either low t or sleep apnea. The former is much cheaper to test for so that's where I'm going first, but if my natural levels were healthy then surely doing a few things to drop them temporarily wouldn't be enough to put me in the "low enough to need replacement hormones" category. I just want to avoid potentially getting tested and being low, but not low enough to warrant TRT.
>did you have some quack screen you so you could feel better about your squat numbers? If you're not otherwise symptomatic it really doesn't matter aside from making you think you're broken
It's exactly because I'm otherwise symptomatic that I went to get my levels checked. I could live with being a weak piece of shit, but I generally have low energy and more often than not low libido.
I should mention that I've had it done twice now. The first time it came back around 400, this was done a bit earlier in the morning; the second, most recent time, it came back at 213, and was done at around 12 in the afternoon.
It can't be healthy that my test levels fall well below the average like this.
>lose weight (higher muscle to fat ratio)
>lift weights
>vitamin d3, ZMA, fish oil all demonstrably improve T-levels
>asghawanda may improve t-levels and reduces cortisol levels
>get plenty of sunlight 15 minutes a day is ideal
>sunlight on the ballsack if you can swing it
Specifically, I have extremely low appetite, low sex drive, difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, have struggled with depression for lengthy periods of my life, have a patchy beard and very little body hair, need to sleep 10 hours to not feel tired but very rarely wake up feeling energetic or especially well rested, etc.
But one is a blood test and one requires a $600+ overnight sleep study, so.
I thought having higher BF% improved test? Hence why fat guys tend to be hairier.
>I thought having higher BF% improved test?
It increases estrogen since fat cells turn test into lady hormones (faggot shit).
if i'm 40% bodyfat does that mean i'm 40% girl?
>sunlight on the ballsack if you can swing it
user, I...
Do your homework, straight test (i.e. monotherapy) is not the best way to go.
I’m coming off TRT after 2.5 years (taking 100 mg/wk, was 313 ng/dL when I started). It’s been AWESOME, and I don’t regret it, but I wish I’d supplemented with some HCG to keep my balls going; now that I’m getting married I’m dropping the test and running an HPT restart program to turn them back on.
If you have trouble with doctors, look up Defy Medical, you can do everything with them online. A little pricey, but they’re fucking fantastic and this is their specialty, including the HCG
I have low libido, erection issues and trouble sleeping
Going to get my test checked. What are the downsides?
Did you have to visit a doctor every week to get injected?
No, that’s a waste of time and money, you can learn to do the injections yourself.
how it worked for me
>had symptoms (what you’re describing)
>saw general doctor, described them, expressed concern over low T
>he says i’m “Within normal range”
>I explain why that’s bullshit, that’s not the normal range for a young man
>He refers me to an endocrinologist
>Endo has me get more blood drawn (get used to this, learn your local labcorp’s hours, you’ll be there often)
>Endo is somewhat skeptical, but agrees after I emphasize the sexual symptoms
>First injection is done there, but afterward I buy my own needles and such, so my reading on proper injection protocol, and demonstrate to the nurse practitioner that I can do it myself
>At first, meet with Endo once every few months, to dial in dosage (getting blood drawn beforehand each time, to check levels). Started off doing 250mg every two weeks, but that was just way too wild of a variation (high highs and low lows)
>after telling him I don’t mind doing the injection more often if it means less variance, I switch to 100 mg/wk
>feel fantastic, great gains, great libido, all that stuff
>meet with Endo only once every six months for a checkup
Again though, balls shrank, as they are wont to do, so I’d do a different approach if I could do it again. However I doubt every standard endo will really know about test + HCG protocols, so that’s why i’d recommend a specialty/concierge clinic like Defy
>too low test to look like a male
>too "high" test to look like a trap
I just look like a ugly dyke homosexual, this is simply a curse.
>tfw all the normal symptoms of low T, including erectile ones, but "400 is within normal ranges"
No but you are aromatising waaayyy more test into est than you would need to maintain healthy bodily functions. Men seem to do best between 10-17% bf. Anything over or under will probably have a negative impact on hormones.
I’m just now starting up with Defy but it’s been a delightful experience
>call, leave voicemail with their intake staff
>get a call back from the guy who would essentially by a receptionist, but REALLY knows his shit
>before they take you on as a patient, you have to get a full panel of blood tests done (only one labcorp visit, they draw three vials then run 11 tests on those)
>that lab order is pre-paid, you’ll pay for it over the phone with the intake guy and they send you the form to take to labcorp
>cost of the full panel is $250, but that’s a bargain for all the tests you’re getting done (Full blood count, lipids, metabolic, endocrine, IGF-1, you’re tested for everything and you have the results for yourself)
>Once they’ve got your bloodwork and a physical (you can just go to a walk-in clinic for that, bring a copy of your blood test results since some docs want that info), you’ll get an appointment with one of their docs or NPs, that appt is $250
>they’ll describe a very comprehensive treatment protocol and walk you through it
>you can order the prescriptions through their compounding pharmacy. For my full course of AI and SERM (not relevant to you) it was like $150.
Note that they DON’T take any insurance, but if you’re a wagie and have an HSA or flexible spending account, you can pay for all this with that, that’s what I’ve been doing.
I know I sound like a huge fucking shill but I really can’t recommend Defy enough. I’ve enjoyed working with them a lot so far. Do your reading on them (T-nation forums, etc) and give them a shot. Worst case scenario is you’ll end up with a gigantic workup of all of your blood levels (many doctors can get really bitchy when you want certain blood tests done), and you get to hold onto that data. They are NOT guaranteed to put you on TRT if your levels aren’t low, but they’re more likely than most endos or urologists.
Be aware that they do sell some products of their own, which they may nudge you toward an upsell on, but you can just say “hmm, i’ll do some reading on that” and they’ll get back to talking about the treatment you’re there for.
It may seem shady that they do all this online / over the phone but every interaction I’ve had with them has given me a really good impression of medical competence.
What happens if your balls shrink?
Lowers your test so you need trt even more?
No, what’s actually happening is that your pituitary (HPT axis = hypothalamus-pituitary-testes) stops producing Leydig hormone and follicle-stimulating-hormone (LH and FSH) that tell your balls to produce sperm. Your balls have nothing to do, so they atrophy (very gradually get smaller). It’s not really a huge deal, but you’ll miss them and be a bit self-conscious about them.
The reason I’m going off the test is that, plus I had my sperm count checked and (no surprise) I’m azoospermatic, i.e. zero swimmers. So, time to restart the HPT, there are common approaches to this.
And again, there are ways to do TRT where this isn’t necessary.
yeah shit sucks. my sleep quality isn't often the best (tho i regularly get 8hrs) but even then it shouldn't really be this low.
Who do you think decides the '''healthy ranges?'''
What blood test do I ask my doctor for?
testosterone test, ask for that
If your doctor is reluctant to give you an order for a blood testosterone test, start complaining about fatigue and mention that you are finding that your energy levels are low. Usually doctors need to provide a reason to insurance for ordering a specific blood test and many insurance providers will accept chronic fatigue as a valid reasoning for ordering a blood testosterone test. This is for the US, its how I got mine tested a few years ago.
Do you also have severe dandruff? That's a broken thyroid or whatever
shut the fuck up retard
How do you get your test that low? I sit for 12 hours a day and go to the gym 3-4 times a week, got my results: 798ng
I hate it because it makes me wanna have sex all the time, but I'm a perma virgin so I have to jerk off 3 times a day. It also gives me anxiety and mood swings. How do I get it to sub 500 without fucking up my sleep or diet?
Start brushing your hair daily using a red squirrel hair brush (or brown but red is better).
Massage your testicles in warm kelp water with ionized black sea salt.
Put 3-5 drops of ashwaganda oil on all processed foods.
Take walks in the moonlight wearing aluminum foil on your head to absorb test-boosting cosmic rays.
This guy is correct, but i’d go with the opposite way — FIRST describe your symptoms, and maybe embellish a little bit, and then say based on those you think it may be testosterone and you’d like your testosterone levels checked. There are two specific tests, “Free” and “Total” testosterone.
If you feel you have to embellish, talk about weak erections and lack of libido.
Total is the number that should be like 600 or 700 nanograms per deciLiter for a young guy (if not higher), Free should be somewhere in the teens or twenties, in picograms per milliliter.
Are you some kind of HAES faggot?
Sounds like me
Can it be fixed?
aer you overweight or obese?
Got a form to get my total testosterone checked. Should I ask to get free checked too?
you're supposed to have it done early u brainlet. test levels fall throughout the day. thats why you do it first thing in the morning, so u have a baseline comparison for the future. if you're overweight or obese, you need to consistently lose weight. get enough vitamin D and eat very clean. (in fact, get your vit D levels tested)
Both have useful information. Try to get free as well, but you’ll be fine with just total, it’ll still tell you if you’re low
have you already fixed your diet and sleep? If yes that's unfortunately probably the case.
suck my wiener bitch
It does for females not males. For males it increases estrogen.
how is it even possible to be this fucking stupid
He already stated he's 176lb @ 6'2", that is not fat.