Angion Method

Does it work, bros? Is he our guy in terms of PE?

I've tried it a few days and noticed that my erection was much harder. How long to see results?

Attached: angion.jpg (300x168, 6K)

About a month to notice a difference I gained an inch from 6.5-7.5

I would post pics but I don’t wanna get in trouble for lewd posting

About a month to notice a difference I gained an inch from 6.5-7.5

I would post pics but I don’t wanna get in trouble for lewd posting

Also start taking vitamins that assist in blood flow, follow this list

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Did you lose weight in that time period ?

It makes my dick feel healthier and slightly more girthy.
Makes fapping feel 100x better.

Nah I’ve stay at the same weight and bf% for years, never had a fat pad so the penis gains were real. I personally use angion method 2.0

What version and how many reps / sets do you do?

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The fuck? That's incredible

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I'm a week in. I did notice better erection quality, starting the first day.
It might be a placebo, but it seems to still be around. I'll come back in a month.

3 months in with 2.0
Went 6.4"->7" bpel

gained about 1.5 cm in both length and girth in 40 days. Erections are much harder and sex feels WAY better(although I can last longer than before). Refractory period is also way shorter(1-2 min down from 20-30min)

What are good rep ranges? I've been doing fives sets of 50, but it seems rather low since it's done in about five minutes (Angion seems to chug pretty fast when he demonstrates).

Are there any progress pics for this?

>1 month for 1 inch
Bullshit. It took me a whole year of jelqing to get 1 inch.

there never are progresspics, have a guess why

so this is just jelqing but more complex? Enjoy your erectile dysfunction, dicklets.

I remember thinking about getting into jelqing years ago and went to some forum dedicated to that and noticed hundreds of threads saying they're progressing but could not find a single pic to show that this shit works.

the main purpose of this is literally to cure ED, gaining was secondary. And it's not more complex it's just different, without any of the damaging components of jelqing.

Angion method 2 is my favourite
Just start off by doing 5 minutes every other day, then increase as you feel like it

He got banned from Thunder's Place because the mods didn't like him talking smack about the other methods of enlargment where some are quite dubious and pretty strainful. I wouldn't call his mehtod the be all end all but he is definitely on to way more than the established penile experts like to admit. Try his stuff and see that, at least, it is able to revert any loss of erectile quality or sensitivity with the simplest of tools. Also he has done ample explanation of why is method for growth should work... why is he getting shit when he can present a scientific base for what he claims to be activating.

6.5 to 6.9 erect length in a few months of doing 2.0 and taking arginine/citrulline with vitamin d3/k2

I've only just started doing HIIT like Janus recommends so I'll see if I get anymore gains from that.

how much d3/k2 and citrulline do you take?

All this plus arginine gave me varicocele

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They started a subreddit(inb4 suck my dick) and there’s a lot of progress pics there. They’re delusional morons. Half the pics are just holding the ruler at different points (first pic will be along the top of the dick, second will be near the fucking leg) and the other half are people going from severe ED where they’re getting 50% hard at best to having better and harder erections yet they call it actual growth. It’s bullshit, any of the guys here claiming jelling or angion works can easily make a thread on /b/ with time stamps referencing this Jow Forums thread to make me eat my words and show me I’m wrong. I’d like to be wrong as much as the next guy.

angion is great for EQ though and it won't do shit to your dick since you dont even squeeze hard or anything like that.

10000 iu D3/200 mcg k2 in the morning
1200mg l-citrulline x3 throughout the day on an empty stomach

10000 iu d3 isn't too much?

angion 1 2 or 3?
dont need to post pics faggot

not him, but consider this. my vitamin d level was like 5 when i got tested last year. severely deficient. after consistently taking 10k iu for over a year, i tested at 24. our vit d needs are very underestimated. 10k isn't much at all, especially if you live in northern latitudes and you work indoors.

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No I said 1 month to notice changes. I’ve been doing mine for about 5-6 months now. I wish I had taken more notice to progress and constant measuring every week

Here’s some tips I came across for anyone interested

1.if you’re circumcised do not use your spit as lubricant either lotion or lube it every day. Make it part of your routine much like going to the gym not focus on any pleasure whatsoever focus on the movements in the videos and do them to a T

I used to go for at least 30 minutes when I first started but that was short lived since my hands started cramping from all that work.

I’ll usually do it for 4 sets of 5 minutes on angion method 2.0 with about a 1 minute break in between

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like the other user said, 10000 is fine if you take the appropriate k2
don't wanna let those arteries calcify

>do it every day
don't you want to give yourself some rest?

I’ve never developed any problems. Perhaps a rest day would be viable but I think it’s a personal choice

Is that a good thing?

No, not that user but I have it too. It's a minor inconvenience.

What about girth. I'm already over 7.5 length, but I need girth

I've had it since I was a child and it's gotten better for me since doing angion. Veins are less visible. Dunno how something that improves blood flow and a supplement that does the same thing will make you get varicocele but whatever