I’m putting together a team

I’m putting together a team...

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Yeah well I don't want to be on it, lardass

I'm in.

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You'll need a man on the inside

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If you’re not with us, you’re against us!

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I'm okay with that. I did challenge kyriakos to MMA but he never responded

I'll drive

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radar, activate

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What's growing on here?

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You'll need a chef

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My extraction point?

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i got this bro

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I'll be our connection to the underworld/bring the scoops

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You'll need a swordsman

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Aw what the hell, im in.

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Before joining in, first i need to ask
Who are you?

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I'll come if you need to crush enemies, see them driven before you, or want to hear the lamentations of their women.

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stop sleeping on me

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What are we hitting?

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Just leave the fighting to me guys

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ba termina daten plm de boschetar nu vezi ca esti prost

i'll be the muscles

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Just call me muscles

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ba manletu pulii mele de-ti pun pula pe umar zice lumea ca esti pompier bagami-as pula-n gura ta sa-mi bag astazi si maine si poimaine si toate zilele pe care le mai traiesti pe pamantu asta boschetaru drecu ai mai dat si tu de Jow Forums primata oparita ce te-o facut ma-ta la plictiseala si in cautare de bani

doar lmao la viata ta daca crezi ca citesc tot cacatu ala scris de tine. stai nervos tigane

My deadly scissoring thighs will come in handy

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Any tips how I could get in this situation?

tigan e mata aia vrajitoare ce suge pula si dispare

2/10 foarte slab bant. vezi ca te mai vede careva si te faci de rusine

ma doare-n pula eo tot o am pe mata sub birou

My wife will clean this mess up

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Leave the area denial to me, guys.

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C-can we lip wrestle..?
You can use your butt if you want.

Easy, stallion. We don't want too much collateral damage this time.

marry me

Do not forget the versatility of the halflings.

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You know my flava, baby