

White girls:

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>twatter maymays

Fuck off normalshit zoomer pajeet

What's the problem exactly? Gym thots are great.

Incels BTFO

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Not talking about gym thots in general. But specifically stupid ass white girls.

This thot is smart. Reverse hypers are great and it's your webm is a good alternative if you don't have a machine.

Based stroke poster

What do grills do the other 5-6 days of the week besides training glutes? Or do they just train glutes every day?

>complaining about women acting sexy in public

Is OP a faggot, or feminist landwhale?

Fuck off, nigger. White girls are the only ones that are attractive in the first place. Every single poo and nigger woman in my gym is disgusting.

Go to places with friends.
Have fulfilling relationships.
Possibly play some sports.
Have jobs.
Go to uni.

t. mad sheboon


OP: pic related.

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Elliot why are you still posting beyond the grave?

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Dont fucking ask me mate, gymthots do the most ridiculous of things.
I saw a gymthot using the seated calf raise to do NHC when she couldve used the fucking thing made to do it


fuuuck her form is off but that's such a good idea for a glute exercise, not even kidding
I'm 6'4, all normal glute machines are made for women and I can't really fit comfortably, might try this the next time I'm doing legs

I hate the seated leg raise machine at my gym and actually kind of like this idea... as dumb as it looks. Thanks, gym thot.

Is Op actually gay?

God bless

What is that 5lbs? Fucking thot just showing off her ass....and I appreciate it

smells like reddit

Elliot saw the future. Guys are a record rate of not having sex these days compared to the last ten years. Even with guys obviously lying about getting so much fucking ass dawg, the rates are probably even higher. Girls are literally fucking Chads and Chads only. Guys literally have to get lucky one night to get laid. The United States is slowly turning into Japan. Keep lifting and developing social intelligence or your genetic lineage will be fucked and non-existent in the future or you'll settle for the first girl who lets you fuck and be stuck into a depressing suicidal marriage situation.

Women are so amazing, I've never seen such creative use of the fucking gym machines for literally 100% ass and thigh exercises.

Mind boggling

My wife: left me

Give me actual advice for dealing with gym-thots. I can only go to the gym at like 7 PM and this is the time when they all love going, I cannot fucking concentrate when their asses are all over my face. Worst part is that being 6'2", 90%of them won't leave me the fuck alone

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holy shit this is a good way to do a reverse hyper

Tell them you're gay

fucking normie neck yourself

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True but lotta will dumpster dive....just look at this board

try sucking on of your gym bro's cocks in front of them

wear your "im a gay homofag" shirt

this diaper butt stuff is literally cringe to me. for that but size she can at least squat some heavy weight, but its mostly fat. also a girl has to have more swag to attract me, or be a little bit more pervy than that.

Haha I only talk to me at the gym.

Get dabbed on

At least she isn't one of us and actually looks good doing it. I see other black girls acting like gorillas and it makes me so sad since they're part of the reason we will never be worthy of love or respect in this life.

>Starts post with telling nigger to fuck off
>Remembers and uses proper punctuation for a direct address

I like your style, dude.

All a man should do for glutes are heavy ass squats and deadlifts, why the fuck are you trying to use glute machines? Are you some kind of faggot?

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This is brilliant because reverse hypers are an amazing back exercise especially for low back pain, but no gym ever has it. Id actually be tempted to do these of it didnt look so retarded

Someone must want issues with their hips when they're older.

At my gym 4:00 PM is Thot O'Clock.

There's this blonde Eastern European girl who prances in front of me in tights with her wafer-thin waist and pierced navel. Dear lord it's rough. Luckily she's only in and out in a half hour. No stamina.

There are more, but that girl is the champ.

She actually has great form, very controlled. Not jerking, slight pause. And she’s not ego lifting.
Surprise surprise, White people thinking outside the box.
>b b but that’s for quads!
Keep doing as you’re told shitskin.

she's just using it like a reverse hyper

Will Ever Love: You

seething whitoid. enjoy your coalburners faggot

Just do reverse hypers the right way lmao

So says the frogposting normalfag

i usually go during lunch time, there is only 1 or two guys most of the time

then i do meme lifts whenever im alone in the gym. feelsgood

Its good to know that Ive always been Chad apparently, damn mang. Chads confirmed slightly autistic.

Fuck you and your newspeak you quadruple niggerfaggot. gtfo of my board.

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Lmao. White girls are statistically the least likely to race mix. Meanwhile, your sheboons will gladly date a white guy because they see it as moving up.

Proper grammar is what separates us from niggers.

I knew at least some Chads went here

I'm on easy mode, bad eyesight and I leave the glasses in the locker room.

instant anti-incel

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actually this, and it's a quite clever idea besides having a much shorter leverage

Isn't there a typical leg curl machine that puts you in nearly this exact position? What's the point of doing this on the leg extension?

Getting the d from chad and brad supersets

Go back to Facebook

>training hams on the quad machine

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get off my board and go back to being brainwashed by twitter you worthless waste of oxygen

you disgust me



Jow Forums: Fuck off with your shitty cucked Jew-subverted memes

Fuck off normie

Watch reruns of The Office

Watch reruns of The Office

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So does this thot have a name?

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That's unironically the best ass I've ever seen.

these are funny fuck off

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Why is this picture so fucking grainy. You can see it in the thumbnail.

I wish girls weren't allowed in the gym. I was trying to do a couple sets of leg extensions after a good leg workout and there were 4 skinnyfat girls taking turns pushing 40 pounds literally while talking the entire time. Just wasting everyone's time, including theirs.

its not black


How do I convince my wife to train her ass? She thinks that any ass work at all will turn her into Kim Kardashian. I don't want her to have a phat ass either, but I still want her to have a hard little ass.

Like pic related.

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Asian girls do this too but it's because they desperately want to be white.

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Ain't gonna click it, that's a man's ass.


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No it's not

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The only way thots are an issue is if you are casually throwing around BABBY weight. If you were pushing some actual plates you'd be too busy lifting to care what literally that hoe over there is doing.

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I have a hard time focusing on lifting when I have to concentrate hard on visualizing boring shit so I don't get an erection. Gyms should have some simple rules to prevent thots from taking over with their distracting, whorish ways.
>no skin tight pants, shorts, leggings
>no wearing only a sports bra or belly shirt for a top
>no using equipment improperly
>three strikes and you're out for life
>still have to pay contract if applicable because fuck you stupid fucking whore gym thots

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Incel detected

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Cope harder, faggot.

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