After 18 years, I finally got a gf and she’s >fit too and is my first gym partner I think I’m gonna make it guys...

After 18 years, I finally got a gf and she’s >fit too and is my first gym partner I think I’m gonna make it guys. Thank you guys for everything throughout my journey, all the advice and the shitposts. You guys are what got me off my ass to get fit in the first place. It’s been rough, but it’s finally paid off.

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>have a gf at 18

lol bro the average male does not have a gf by the time he's 18, you are well within normie status


user for the life of you please heed my advice

love yourself and put your happiness before anyone else. you are not responsible for anyone's emotions.

For real? I had my first legit gf when I was 14.

For real. Most guys do not get girlfriends (a proper sexual relationship, not kiddy shit) until early adulthood.

My first was at 20 but that’s because my chad brother helped me, I’ve had girls lust over me at 16 but I was too sperg

How did he help you breh

Wot? That seems lonely. First girlfriend at 14 and lost my virginity with her a few months later at 15.

You are literally in the top few percent of men, in this respect. Your experience is NOT the normal one.

Got me a girl who was easy and aware of my spergness and told me to do whatever

But I was pretty spergie. Took me a few weeks to hug the girl back that would end up being my gf lmao.

I’m a chad with mental barriers which I’m working on

How did he just "get you a girl" though? You've gotta go in to more detail here

He started fucking her and let me work in.

And she was ok with you taking his place?

Bro you've literally fucked the same pussy as your brother, that's disgusting

It was a ruse.

I’m a chad with mental barriers which I’m working on

Other poster was a troll

>he thinks it ends here

Everyone is 'spergie' at 14