>oh user your muscles make me so scared
how is your response?
>oh user your muscles make me so scared
how is your response?
Never happens. Girls just usually say "i love being held in your muscular arms :)"
*flex glute*
You see this? This here will protect you.
Post body
Don’t forget the timestamp, tranny
Stop LARPing, girls blow their whistles around you
Op is a virgin faggot who’s never talked to a woman like all of these virgin larping thread posters
alright then
It’s a shit test unless your actually hulking big like rich piano
Shut up faggot
Today i talked to a woman
>be me
>shop for protein chicken
>go to cashier
>she goes "hi"
>i go "hi"
>she asks me "anything else" with a qt smile
>felt so alpha and told her "no thanks" and smiled
could i bang her you think? tomorrow i might buy more stuff just to see her
I want to state on my tinder profile that i'm a virgin looking for a caring, dominant man in bed but I'm afraid everyone will pretend to be just that
*grindr, my bad
Nice fake news you posted, user.
should i ask her number?
i was thinking about going to buy chicken, i put a piece of paper stating my phone number on that piece of chicken, so when she bips it, she notice a number, and cheeky tell her "hehe call me"
girls love muscles even when you're peak bulk(still with some ab definition)
Post body
I had a buddy say this to me while we were in line at a festival. He said that I "looked scary and looked like a freak" as he was trying to clown me in front of people.
I didn't know what to say but fuck him.
"and you look like a bitch, i dont know what i do hanging out with you lol"
in a funny way, never show that youre mad
t. dyel. If your bitches arent miring you directly or indirectly you need to fucking reevaluate your fucking life. Stop doing SS and clean up your diet
Punch her in the face.
The correct response? Put him in a headlock and give him a noogie like he's your little brother and make spooky "wooooo" ghost sounds
>clowning someone for being fit
Low tier cope from him
I'm skinny fat nobody would ever tell me this
you fucking should be bitch
cast invisibility
should i do 8 to 12 range? which routine would you recommend brah
I flex a cep and wink
They're going to scare you even more when I use them to choke and beat the everloving shit out of you for saying stupid shit like that
>oppressively lean towards her
>she'll then begin to take steps back
>eventually reaching a wall
>say something along the lines of "how scared?" while gently pinnig her to the wall
situation assessment time
>if she went along with it and was smiling like a retard after hearing those two words
>you are carry her to the closest peace of furniture for a power fucking that you'll both enjoy
>if she was reluctant all through, and said 'like really scared'
>you are to pin her on the ground and rip her clothes off at once, and then proceed to power fuck
The best answer to most situations, really
Just go in and lift, do 8-12. I do Chest tris, Shoulders, back/bis 2x a week for 6 days total. Sometimes throw in some legs or abs
true chad
I have a friend who thinks like that, girl employee is going to clean the washrooms at popeyes chicken and makes eye contact for a split second with him, he says I think she wants me to go in there to fuck her "should i go in?"
fucking kek
>"Oh yeah, I'll show you true terror"
>*unzips dick*
How autistic can OP be.
You've truly made it. You're an inspiration user.
Tell him to go for it occasionally, but only in the worst situations (like the bathroom one). Make it seem urgent. Then greentext us the story.
>"the weak should fear the strong"
>Today i talked to a woman
Y-you too.
>>oh user your muscles make me so scared
>Proceedes to feel me up
>how is your response
fuck off pajeet, I'd 360 and walk away
>"A natural response"
Then we all come out to back him
depends which tone. Playfully? Then that's fine, I'll probably make a joke about it. In a disgusted way? I'll beat her up
then stop looking at them faggot