Mk-677 Sarms Experiences

Anyone here tried out mk-677? What was it like?

Attached: Ibutamoren-mk677-25-1.jpg (500x517, 21K)

Will it cure manletiosis?

Will it make gyno worse?

Plz I just wanna get tall and jacked bros

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I think it only increase height if your bone plates are not closed. You need to be younger than 18 to grow from this

Am 19. Have been taking mk for 2-3 months now. About an 1" or so taller. +10lbs. Hungry all the fucking time. Best sleep of my life. 30mg/day taken at 5pm. Glhf anons. >sarmtech

Don't listen to this uneducated pleb. There is hope

It won't make you taller
It will make you gain water weight
It will make your joints and ligaments feel better
It won't make your muscles any bigger
It will help you sleep better
It will increase your overall sense of well being
It doesn't need PCT
It will make you borderline hypoglycemic for 3 weeks due to increased IGF-1

There's an almost 100% chance that you will overpay for a diluted vial of it now that so many people sell it.

MK-677 is good for coming back from injury, and gaining weight during a bulk. But it's not HGH and it's not steroids.

No. It doesn't aromatize

You're half right. Your plates can close after 18

>MK-677 is good for coming back from injury, and gaining weight during a bulk. But it's not HGH

this. GH is godtier for recovery

can anything be done to combat the hypoglycemia?
i want to either bulk hard or cut strong but wont do roids, is this shit worth it? should i look into other sarms?
not op btw...

Why did you choose SARMs instead of test? If you get hypo often then take glucose tabs

I haven't chosen either, I'm just trying to learn about it.

What's total height? 5'8 manlet here hopping to make it to 5'10 master race

MK677 isn't a SARM. It's just marketed with SARMs.

We have this thread every day you stupid DYEL faggot

The hypoglycemia is from your IGF-1 levels skyrocketing when you first start taking MK-677. After about 2 weeks your body builds a tolerance, and you stop feeling so hungry all the time.

This is not a steroid, and it's not even really close. Unfortunately, you're not going to find much results in SARMs. I've heard LGD is pretty good, as it's one of the more androgenic SARMs, but at that point you might as well just do steroids.

continuing from
It's worth doing maybe once. The physical results will be underwhelming, but the mental benefit of getting a great nights sleep every night for a month is pretty great.

>muscle gains
>appetite gains
>sleep gains
>skin gains
>good for injury recovery/regular gym recovery
>dont need a pct

What's the catch?

none, shit dope. been taking it for 2 and a half years with no problem. find legit sources are hard as fuck though.

Has it made u grow a big nose and ears? I heard that the hgh spike causes cartilage to grow..

i probably wouldnt do it more than once
i'm happy with how i'm tracking but i'd like to add about 2-4kg of LBM and it just takes fucking forever from where i am at.
after that im happy to just maintain being lean and strong enough i guess...
i dont want to be huge or compete with anything, i just want to look like i'm as fit as i am because bulking makes me look like a dyel skinnyfat, i was happy with my last cut but wasnt as big as i'd have liked.

this shit will make you turn into the mutant like in akira

can i take mk if im trying to recomp?
6ft, 250 around 30%bf


>but at that point you might as well just do steroids.
I don't get this mentality.
Benefits of LGD over test E:
Legal to buy in US
Few side effects
No PCT required with correct dosing
Doesn't require injections
Cons of LGD over test E:
Effects are currently less studied
Less lean mass gain
It's a great stepping stone if you're considering real gear because it has such little commitment compared to any AAS cycle. Just take your dropperful every day and enjoy the gains.

I just took the plunge and ordered 60 ml of a 25mg/ml alcohol solution. I'll update in a couple months.

Also you feel the effect rather immediately, plus it increases hunger.

Which src

can u kik me results

user pls

Does MK677 shuts down the production of HGH if you stop taking it?

I had testicular cancer, but i noticed it in the first 2 weeks so they just removed the badboy, and im clean for 8 months now, I'm not planning on using either growth hormone or test since I'd like to keep my favorite ball but I've heard GH increases cancer chances Is this true Jow Forums ?

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Never done mk677. I want to try some time but you need to run it for 4+ months to actually get legitimate memefit from it (same with legit hgh accordinjg to forums and shit I lurk)

I have tried sarms though, sarms don't do much. I did 8 weeks of lgd 4033 and spent the entire time questioning if it was working. I got the retarded "lgd flu" for 4 days at the start. I did gain like a bunch of bloat and I got good pumps for the first 2 weeks but after that I guess I was too suppressed and was lethargic and stopped good pumps. Honestly with the 4 days of sickness and weeks of lethargy I probably would've made better gains natty. low t is no joke even when you have a chemical making your body technically more anabolic.
A couple weeks after I just started testosterone at 500mg a week and 1.5 weeks into that I'm already out of the "is this doing ANYTHING?" phase. Hyped for 4-6 weeks in when my levels are peaking and the real gains come on.

wonder why you get hungry you massive idiot

read the rest of the thread you autist

I'm 18 and I don't think I grew at all, I've been taking it for almost 3 months with a 2 week break at 10mg/per day, should I increase my dosage, eat more or am I doomed with 5'8?
Pretty sure I'm 10-12% bodyfat

ketogenic metabolism

Finding a good source seems impossible in canuck country. There's so much shilling around.

What's GH?

You could just take actual HGH. But fucking with your height may deform you. Also Saunas can help increase GH. Look up Dr. Rhonda Patrick.

yes, by a lot, there's like a 5% case you get cancer/cancer you have but don't notice will skyrocket and you'll fucking die in weeks

No, because it does not replace natural secretion, it just sends signals for your body to make more. You return to baseline.

People using it for height typically take 25-50 Mg/day

It's placebo. OP is a faggot shill.

No u

Shitty gains from a substance that hasn't been tested as much as roids. I don't get your mentality.

How long do you have to take it for height gains

Growth Hormones, newfag

At incredibly high doses it can as your body tries to produce more estrogen. But it's highly unlikely

It is actually recommended to PCT, it does very slightly

It does very slightly suppress test production after cycle.
It will make your muscles slightly bigger, but nothing near as effective as gear.

I combined MK-677 with LGD for 45 days and gained about 8kg. A decent chunk of which was water. MK-677 will make you bloat like crazy, and prepare for ravenous hunger. I've never been so hungry in my entire life. If you're not careful you'll add a lot of fat.

Considering how cancer works, and how HGH works, it will probably accelerate whatever proclivity for cancer you have. If you're destined to get cancer, it will just speed up that process. If you're cancer-free, it won't create cancer.

t. I have used it

Ostarine mk-2866 is bomb.
Very good results.
My source is legit and its worth every penny.