Deadlift blood price

Dyel here how do i not bleed all over the bar on leg day

Attached: IMG-20190409-WA0007.jpg (2160x3840, 803K)

retard keep ur aids blood off of my bar

How there is blood when you deadlift only 40 kg?

Assuming babbyweight, your feet are too far apart. You shins shouldn't be near the knurling unless you're doing sumo

use proper form you hairy faggot

Attached: Sophie_deadlifts.webm (480x480, 1.87M)

Put the bar over midfoot and bend your legs so your shins touch the bar at the start of the lift. If you do it right the bar will travel straight up instead of swinging into your legs.

Pic not related?

Pic related was lifting 275 and doing switch grip

You're pulling back on the bar too early

she abandoned all form after the first rep
after that the weight on the bar doesnt matter


Stop doing them sumo. It's the smooth part of the bar that is supposed to slide against your legs

Wear pants and socks you literal retard

Man, that lower back

Use sweatpants?

will be bound to a wheelchair by 50

People like you are why I wear gloves. Post face so I can kick your ass if I ever see you.

What an ugly whore

>rounding with a belt
>is a dude with gyno
absolute trash

Not op, but I'm too big for the smooth part, always grind the knurling.

form ist shit though

new to lifting, how do people get this? do you have to drag the bar against your shins?

Yeah. Closer bar is to your body, less stress there is on lumbar spine.

might i suggest pic related

Attached: eso-si-que-es.jpg (600x600, 21K)