What age do men hit the wall?

What age do men hit the wall?

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Men can look good into their 40s with good care (and good hairline)

depends on your lifestile and genetics

Men - never,
Numales - 30-35
Hollywood males - 40-45

this guy is in his thirties, almost 10 years older than justin bieber

take it as you will

(justin abuses drugs and has an generally unhealthy lifestyle too)

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45 usually.

The real answer is about 22-25. Jow Forums is fucking delusional though. After 22-25, your hair starts receding slightly each year. Hair thins out too. Crows feet are much more prominent even with a slight smile. You start to lose that nice jawline, even being under 15% body fat you’ll have a double chin. Body has aches and pains.
And much more. Don’t listen to this board, they’ll just post pictures of models and celebrities just to feel superior to ‘roasties’.

Its slowly after 25 actually, although its socially more acceptable for men to age and turn into "daddies" while women will always be most desired at 19-25

you can earn a nice physique or become a fucking slob like Justin Bieber

Depends, some can rock it until 60, others go down the drain in their thirties. Mostly comes down to healt


>(justin abuses drugs and has an generally unhealthy lifestyle too)
Was about to say this. Bieber looks like shit because he does tons of drugs.

I'd say successful men hit their peak somewhere in their 40s.

When do men stop improving?
As soon as you're weird teenage and early 20,s manchild years are over you just keep getting better and better

This as long as you take care of yourself.
At the same time, I hate being 26 and looking 19.

When they start balding

I’m 35 and at peak performance. I am also naturally stronger than the roided sissies at the gym

He asked when do men decay, not boys

The wall for men is late 60s when muscle loss accelerates and you begin to physical deteriorate. Forgot what the word is for this specific physiological effect but pretty much once you hit advanced age your cells start physically dying... Hope biology bros can elaborate more but it's something hardwired to cause telameres to shorten.

Men, who look after themselves and don't work manual labour can retain a high smv up into their 60s. For example, George Clooney is still rated amongst best looking despite being old enough to be some of these woman's grandfather

Does this mean Trump is retarded?

>Thot coping

Jog on faggot with that cope. I'm the best looking I've ever been at age 33, and yeah it's harder to achieve but when I look at the decrepit state of most people my age it makes it all the more worth while.

Going from a boy to a man is an important transition, that most don't make. Plus only little girls fancy boys.

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When you run out of money

they day youre born, now start climbing

>imagine being this weak

all this boomer cope in here lmao

holy shit he looks absolutely dogshit hahahahah.
still bangs hundreds of prime 18-21yo future victoria secret models and has a $100m net worth though


Preach on boomer bro. I'm 32 and in the same boat as you.

Men don't hit peak attractiveness till about 27 given that they've been training.

Muscular atrophy happens at any age, but the telomere thing has to deal with stem cells and their role in development of muscle recruitment en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_unit_recruitment?wprov=sfla1

Atrophy happens when muscles arent recruited and the neurons arent stimulated, and after a certain age you may have trouble developing stronger connections. I suppose an argument could be made in favor of steroids if it wasnt for the unacceptably high risk of heart complications such as detubulation of ventricular myocytes, if I am not mistaken. There's also much to be considered about the effect excessive aerobic exercise has on aortic wall thickness, which is magnified by steroid use as well...

I just recommend anyone doing this for health consider doing it as arnold did, with a doctor involved personally and not some over-the-phone deal.

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This ain't a cope. This is projection.

Most men never reach any sort of peak.

Based boomer

That depends on the man, and on circumstances. I'd say it's roughly at 60. But you can still have the time of your life until you're in your mid seventies.

Another long term keto victim
Current year fitness guru routines dehydrate your ass while making you go into rampant muscle wasting, that then "fix" by having you eat insane amounts of protein
It's the ultimate fitness troll: people get famine, women lose their tits, men lose their hair.... And all that turns into more money for fixes: transplants, surgery, detox diets, meme foods, depression, drugs....

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>while women will always be most desired at 19-25

Not debating that but, hypothetically, is there a way for women to age gracefully?

I'm 29 and none of this is true


Theres guys at my old office who MOGGED everyone and who I thought were mid 20s...turs out they were 42-45

cope harder cuckboi

Anyone can age gracefully (unless you have reaaaally awful genes, a bad lifestylye, drug use and sun exposure). Just in media etc. they wont be as desired

I'd say dont tan, unless its spray tan, moisturize and peel a lot. Sleep and eat well. Don't starve yourself but don't overeat. Also change your hairstyle/clothes so it fits your face as you age.

Doesn't mean you have to dress like a nun, you can even dress revealing just know that fat distrubution might change and sagging/changing face might make another haircut more benefecial

Also don't over do plastic surgery and just accept aging. Facelifts dont look right most of the time

be skinny, take care of themselves

If you're a nascar driver, around 49

Science says late, and it's really just a slope

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I'm 29 and have none of this. Curse your parents.

Worst answer on this board in ages. I'm 32 and look way better than I did at 25. Dating becomes way easier with age and well. Of course it takes work. Fucking moron.

In my experience, 34-35 is a key time for many
If you are not fit by that age, or if you are eating crap all day, you will most definitely see a huge bald head and a belly in the mirror in no time
But, if you are fit, you eat sparingly, you train every other day without going full blown retarded... You will look fine, like 28 or something, other than gray hair, more lose skin, and maybe eye bags
The worst? The mood. It's very hard to find people that are legit happy and positive without resorting to alcohol... It's like you grow out to be a pissed off version of yourself

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Thanks man, that's actually useful :)

>Went to strip club with friends after clubbing
>Just looking around
>Girls walks up to me and asks me how old I am
>Say I am 25
>Asks me to show my ID

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Men don't hit the "wall", their worth in terms of women is not their physical beauty but their capacity to provide. Birth control threw somewhat of a wrench into this equation, however, women are still wired from the pre-BC days. It's why they get emotionally attached to anybody they fuck, at least the first few guys, then become emotionally scared after a while.

Would you rather fuck a 10/10 18 year old with a bubbly personality or a 4/10 female physician? Easy question. However, if you reversed it to being a women choosing an ugly male physician, she'd have to think much harder about that question.

I wanna grab those buns and violently shake my head into that crack

Go to a different board if that's your attitude. We're all doing our best to take care of ourselves, and you're just giving up from the get-go with this bullshit. You probably take horrible care of your stuff and blame the maneufacturer when it breaks. Your car probably sucks. Fuck you.

Imagine licking the soles of her feet and then keep going and not stopping until you taste her butthole, haha.

bullshit desu. both mom and dad started to look actually worse after 40. both looked best around 20-35

With good genes and lifestyle a man can last until his 40s, the average guy probably starts to fall off in his early-mid 30s.

One anecdote doesn't change anything m8.

Prettyboys and twinks like Bieber tend to start looking like shit in their mid to late twenties. Masculine faces tend to age better and if you’re lucky you can still look handsome well into your fifties.

Id say on average the wall is probably 30-35.

Daniel 1:11-16

Then Daniel said to the steward whom the chief official had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, 12“Please test your servants for ten days. Let us be given only vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13Then compare our appearances with those of the young men who are eating the royal food, and deal with your servants according to what you see.”

14So he consented to this and tested them for ten days. 15And at the end of ten days, their appearance was better and healthier than all the young men who were eating the king’s food. 16Thus the steward continued to withhold their choice food and the wine they were to drink, and he gave them vegetables instead.

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Most men are finishing puberty by the time their 22 rofl

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men: never, if you do it right

Why does everyone after college drink so much, eat like shit, and never workout? Everyone looks so fucking bad after college.

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What do you mean by emotionally scared? I’ve noticed this too

Bieber looks like a weed addicted NEET lol

Wagecucking drains your soul. After work you just want to do nothing.

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Ha. Watching my then 18 year old ex gf 21 now go through college and totally decay is pretty crazy. Graduates next year and I’m sure will decline even further

The point of the term "wall" is that it's fucking sudden, and unless you do hard drugs and bingedrinking, you shouldn't have to worry about this at all as a male. Compared to women it should be a very gradual decline.

>the absolute STATE of leftwing """""wit"""""

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>women will always be most desired at 19-25

more like 16-21

you're only as old as your hairline

Around 70

based all these "30 year old men" who did nt agree to you are insecure beta faggots

>being a genetic failure
My dad is 64, has a complete hairline with barely any gray hair and he looks 50.
He also has a better sexual life than any other guy I know.


my mom aged well,shes 42 and looks like 28-30 by not drinking alcohol, not overeating,sleeping well

to be honest shes more attractive now than when she was 20

i think shes an outlier anyway hope i ger her genes

me at 22 is handsome as fuck compared to her at 22, but now shes very beatifull

They basically don’t since their attractiveness is based far more on status than physical appearance. Women hit the wall so hard because their value depends on primarily physical appearance and fertility, both of which are at pinnacle in their youth and quickly degrade.

This man is about to turn 50 and looks better and healthier than most of "men" in the world.

Key is to stay hidrated, have a healthy hobby, take everything in moderation and be a good person. Thats it. Bad human beings turn into ugly people by their mid 20s.

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About 90

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>He also has a better sexual life than any other guy I know.

How in the fuck do you know that about your dad? Do you guys tag team chicks together or something?

"Trends are totally wrong because of an anecdote"

Seriously neck yourself brainlet

"Hurrrrrre smoking's fine cuz my granddad smoked a pack a day until he was 90!"

>tfw turning 29 in 3 months and I'm at my peak in terms of face and body

you're stupid. golden age for men is from 30 to 40. after that you have to work hard to look good but you can push the line to 45, maybe even 50.
stop making excuses.

Because my dad is constantly bringing up different 40 year old women to his house? While he has a gf on the side.
Do you actually have to see someone fucking to see if they have an active sexual life? Are you 12?

lol at all the butthurt incels that youd this


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sadly true

It varies a lot by how you take care of yourself. Assuming average genetics and a healthy life women start deteriorating faster at around early 30s and will generally peak between 18-24. Men will start going downhill closer to 50 even with good health, peaking between late 20s and early 30s physically.

But at least 90% of people don't put in even the minimum effort to stay healthy and youthful so it's tough to really get a good idea. I'm 23 and this has just been my observation. I've seen men who look better at 30 than 25 and guys who crashed from drugs. The wall for men is a lot more flexible whereas women can only stretch it maybe 10 years by going from shit health to being fit proactively.

do you fags realise thats online dating charts and all wimminz wanted some sugar daddy? doubt any of them wanted 40yo dude for his looks or muhh personality, unless he looks like jared leto or some shit

>hit the wall
Pick one

They've scarred their ability to pair bond. The thousand-cock stare is a thing.

Sex for a woman is a metabolically costly and time-consuming action. A "normal" woman would be wired to have to choose a "good" man. She would have sex (i.e have a kid), and be protected for 9 months + caring for the infant.

We are K-selected species, not some R-selected zerg shitspawns. We invest a lot into our offspring and women still have that wiring in them.

They have essentially gone against their evolutionary urges and it would be partly why women over 40 are more likely to be on antidepressants than any other demographic.

Mens value is not about superficial looks, like women value is.
As womens value in sexual market declines by her age, men can more and more derisable by the habits he engages in.

What attracts women is behaviour.
Im in my 20s but most alpha level men i know age in their mid 40s.

Nice bate anyway

Con't. All these concepts are talked about openly in any course on evolution. They obviously don't frame it in terms of women and carefully choosing mates - no, the professors would get in trouble. But the concepts still apply to human women.

The rules would change a bit if women could simply shit out a baby who is almost fully developed within 1 week or something. There would be little cost for her. This is kind of what BC is simulating in today's world.

So a woman who fucks around on BC has little consequences (other than psychological, as we have discussed, as well as STDs) but their brains are still telling them that there are consequences because we don't change that quickly.

Two things in the future will throw further wrenches into this sexual dynamic:

1. Invention of realistic sexbots, for men specifically.

2. A future with more antibiotic-resistant STDs. We are already there, with many people who have resistant strains of various diseases or who need to go on horribly harsh drugs that are saved as a last resort such as aminoglycosides.

he will be rolling in teen pussy till he dies and you all know it

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lel, I like how you shoehorned "faggot" in there.
Don't mind me, carry on.

Yea no unless they have shit genetics like you

Bullshit, women of all ages find fit men in their 30s waay more attractive than mid 20s

Based, I am almost 34 and never looked better.

I agree with everything, except losing your jawline. How the FUCK do you lose a jawline? You're retarded.

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>he doesn’t tag team college sloots with his chad dad.
Lmao what a fag