Why do normies always "both-sides" the obesity debate by bringing up Anorexia?

Why do normies always "both-sides" the obesity debate by bringing up Anorexia?
The US is at 40%+ obesity rate and 70%+ overweight rate.

I'm pretty sure Anorexia is a problem in under 1% of people.
They're statistically insignificant in the debate.

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Because people rationalize their choices.
Just like roiders who keep claiming that "roids aren't magical" when they very much are

People on one extreme use the other to justify what they're doing.

>Oh yeah I'm a massive body builder who has sleep apnea and other problems but at least I'm not obese!
>Oh yeah, I'm massively underweight with anorexia, but at least I'm not obese!
>Oh yeah, I'm massively overweight, but at least I'm not anorexic!


It's just cope, ie rationalizations.

>Just like roiders who keep claiming that "roids aren't magical" when they very much are


Normies need strong leadership and that includes thought leaders.
They simply aren't intelligent enough to puzzle out even basic issues because they're too busy doing normie things.

people are afriad of eating disorders eventhough the standard american diet is an eating disorder itself

Have you not seen any of the trips in fraud?
Sure some are big boys, others not so much.

Yeah he's just repeating the usual roider rationalisation.
>it just lets me recover faster
If that was your goal you'd take peptids and not steroids.
>it only does something if you use the roids to workout more
Wrong. Even if all you do is a natty 3x a week fullbody strength program, roids will make you noticeably bigger.
This is literally how professional wrestlers train.

Literally cope

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To justify doing exactly what they were going to do anyway. It's a lot harder to eat less or eat more than to just say doing it gives you an eating disorder

Back when I was a young lad there where no obese people, well there probably where but they stayed at home to die a well deserved death.

But what we did have was heroine chic and teenage magazines. Suddenly everyone had an eating disorder the same way that everyone had a problem with gluten sensitivity/intolerance some while ago. This shit was everywhere and it was drilled into everyone's head that you should NEVER tell a teen that she should lose some fucking weight.
This most likely has helped the obesity epidemic along nicely.

Anorexia become a meme in the 90`s and is still a meme for those who have lived though that age.
Question magical ovens and you get to hear about the six gorillion, talk about fat fucks and you get to hear about the non-existent anorexia epidemic. This is why people cannot stfu about it.

I don't understand why they bring this up either.

Anorexia is so different in nature from obesity. Obesity is simply where someone eats too much because they're used to eating too much (the human diet adjusts its hunger to its caloric intake). Anorexia is primarily a psychological disorder with physical symptoms.
When I was young my older sister was anorexic. I think she dipped down to the low 90~lbs at 5"6'. I could tell it tore my dad up inside seeing that. We went to a psychologist and sorted it out and shes doing much better now, but it wasn't something you could fix with a diet like how fatties can just eat less.

Genetics. It's proven that even if you do roids and do absolutely nothing, you look better than you would look natty with optimized training and nutrition.

That's why we all say Blaha has awful genetics, he even looks like shit on roids and sub 15% bf.

Morbid Obesity and Anorexia should be classified the same way. Both are an unhealthy relationship with your body that will kill you prematurely.

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>>it only does something if you use the roids to workout more
It's literally been studied that roiding and not working out at all is much more effective than working out without roids.

please source,
not arguing with you, but this would fit well within a current debate going on in my friend group

Roiders that don’t work out put on more muscle then folks that work out but don’t roid



I don’t follow our favorite mercenary that closely, has he ever actually been under 25% BF?

If you’re talking about the same study I’ve seen, if you actually look at the methodology the natty lifting group had a shit tier split (I think they did two compound movements or something) and it was a relatively short study, so it doesn’t actually tell so much about what only taking steroids would do compared to natty lifting

thank you good man

Yeah they had them doing a terrible lifting routine, fucking three times a week