Why do militaries love push-ups?

Why do militaries love push-ups?

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>why does a physically demanding job want you to be physically fit?

The Jews are responsible for all the wars

easy workout that you can do everywhere

About time we end the jews and the wars.

Why do militaries love rats? That thing next to him is a fucking weak rat goblin fink.

It builds character
She's the soft shoe profile bitch who gets to count how many you do
The Jews are responsible for everything bad that happens

It's a bodyweight bench press, and the position is demeaning.

>Can do 62 push ups in one minute
>Can only do 3 reps of 145
Can someone explain this shit

>It's a bodyweight bench press
No it fucking isn't.

Once you get past 25-30 it becomes resistance cardio more than anything else. That's impressive, still. Maybe ditch the push-ups for a while, they might be the reason you don't have as much BP strength?

I'm trying to max my Air Force fitness assessment (67 push ups/1 minute). If I eat more can I get good at both high-reps and increase in BP weight?

You can certainly try but eventually you'll have to choose between one or the other. I doubt people who bench hundreds of pounds can do as many push-ups as you, same way sprinters are not likely to run marathons several times a years.

what’s an alternative exercise you’d suggest?

So is your mother jewish?

a skelly can do 20 pushups no problem but would behead himself trying to bench his bodyweight

Back to Jow Forums you go

It’s not your whole body weight but it is body weight

The British and US army basically don't even do them any more because they are useless..
So I would suggest you learn more about first world militaries.

a 60 kg guy who does 20 push-ups could probably at least do a 50 kg bench. 60 also wouldn't be out of the question for one rep. given a week or so to learn the movement.

3 letter agencies do

the training some organization makes people do is often different to the training you need to do to work in said organizations

pushups are easy to make people do

Depends on job, Navy veteran here and that branch is filled with hambeasts in various different fields.