>idiots on internet meme about how keto will change your life >keto makes losing weight easy >keto will give you unending focus >keto makes it easier to sleep >keto gives you mind-reading abilities >keto makes your dick bigger >...
I was convinced for the longest time this was nothing but mindless placebo and momscience, but I lost a bet to a keto-fag friend of mine that entailed me going keto for thirty days. I have to say, placebo or not the results are unbelievable. I recommend anyone give it a shot, you literally have nothing to lose.
I would try it, but my wife keeps so many fucking delicious carbs around. There is no way I would be able to avoid them. I also don't really need to lose weight, but I'm interested in how I would feel on keto.
Alexander Rodriguez
OP count your calories, also add 8 lbs to your total weight to find out how much weight you lost.
The problem with keto is that you lose weight extremely fast as you carry 8 lbs of water just to hold glycogen in your muscles,
So if you want to know how much you really lost. One day eat a bunch of carbs, then drink a ton of water. You would gain 8 lbs within a day.
Owen Fisher
Fuck off shill.
Josiah Williams
My wife is a clinical dietitian.
Keto is bullshit unless you're a child with certain kinds of epilepsy.
Staying on keto long-term fucks up your kidneys and liver, with the added benefit of increasing your risk of heart disease. Using it short-term to cut is just as bad as any other yo-yo diet.
The best diet is to reduce sugar and STARCH (pasta, bread, etc), increase fiber and protein, and eat at a 500 kcal deficit. Hit your macro and fiber goals, stay hydraded, and any diet will work as long as you stick to it and don't jump back on the Pocky and Pepsi diet you fat fucks are starting with.
It's not fucking rocket surgery.
Ian Jackson
post blood results. Thyroid, uric acid and ldl
Lucas Howard
yo-yo diet Shitty meme propagated by fat middle-aged women
Robert Torres
>did keto >lost water weight
lel, if that is unbelievable results then lol
Alexander Reyes
A vegan got kidney stones from eating lots of spinach. Stop eating that shit.
Grayson Perry
eat my ass lol
Aiden Howard
I saw a zoomer at the park brag to his buddies about eating ass. Eating pussy is pathetic enough where the fuck is the needle gonna land when ass eating is completely normalized?
Connor Lewis
0 citations
Owen Morgan
>My wife is a clinical dietitian. this is the exact moment I stopped reading
Caleb Diaz
I've been doing Keto mixed with intermittent fasting the past week and a half and lost 15 lbs and 2 inches off my waist.
Side Note: I was eating at a large deficit because I had a PFA coming up that would dock points if I was above a 35" waist.
Juan Rodriguez
>reduce sugar and STARCH (pasta, bread, etc), increase fiber and protein, and eat at a 500 kcal deficit. HOLY SHIT, its basically keto.
>Not eating carbs is bad >If you want to lose weight don't do keto, just don't eat sugar and starch (carbs)
So basically... do keto?
Asher Moore
Dietitian are shit tier degrees that colleges make bank off of because they're easy as fuck to get. No doctorate needed. Just as useful as a women's studies degree. Do you really need a degree to tldr the sticky of a fitness board on a mongolian bird nesting website?
I used to go to one when I was a kid and all they did was tell you not to eat junk and start logging what you eat.
Adrian Reed
Did 0 carb (steak and eggs) for like 6 months. Lost weight. Had sustained energy but at a lower level, no energy bursts. Focus slightly worse I think. Absolutely had trouble sleeping, same as fasting. No mind reading. Dick bigger only because of less fat. 5/10 overall it was okay I guess and ribeyes and eggs are delicious.
Ultimately I prefer to just eat a normal healthy omnivorous diet.
Adam Gray
Its good for weak willed fatties to lose weight otherwise its detrimental especially for athletic performance
James Powell
He said reduce, not eliminate in any shape or form, that is a big difference. Keto is about getting none or close to none carbohydrates in your diet. If you just decrease your sugar and starch intake by a HALF while keeping the rest of your food as usual you would see results in 2 weeks or even less.
Also fun story time: >a friend of mine bloated to over 120 kg (265 lbs) because of bad eating habits and being lazy >everyone in the crew started calling him a fat fuck and constantly mocking him about his weight >eventually this gets to him and he goes on diet which is basically a keto variant and starts doing some light cardio >loses 40 fucking kilograms (90lbs) in a year >goes back to looking like a regular guy instead of a fat slob >mfw we bullied him into shape
Post the picture someone of the fat lady in the candy isle, " I'm a dietitian and 70% dark chocolate is good for you" or something to that effect
Jace Cook
Keto is best for cuts. Doing it as your standard diet would just be inconvenient.
Bentley White
Here’s an overview of the results of dozens of studies and meta-analyses comparing low-carb or low-fat diets, while tracking weight and other risk factors.
The blue (low carb) or red (low fat) squares signify a statistically significant advantage. The pale blue or red squares signify a non-significant trend toward low carb or low fat being superior.
As you can see above, low-carb diets repeatedly beat low fat in improving all metabolic risk factors. On the other hand, low fat can result in somewhat lower total and LDL cholesterol.
However, since all the metabolic factors (including HDL) favor low carb, even the best measurements of cholesterol-associated risk (like total cholesterol/HDL) favor low carb, on top of the clear victory in blood pressure, blood sugar and weight (including waist measurements).
I’ve been doing keto because i fucking love cheese and meat so why not go the whole hog.
Holy shit i feel really good, urge to snack nearly gone. and i’ve been eating 2x the amount of protein than before i started. I love it.
Blake Gonzalez
There are only overwhelming benefits to keto. Anti-keto morons just repeat shit they heard their mom or a "dietician" say. They have no grasp of facts and no ability to learn.
Carbs are extremely harmful and should be avoided.
Aaron Miller
>he thinks eating pussy is pathetic What's the matter user, do you think vaginas are icky? Are you a closet gay? Guys who have a problem with eating pussy have the weirdest copes.
Juan Hill
You get that eating pussy was a rare thing just a few generations back, right? Sure, there was always people doing it but it wasn't common. All of your opinions about it are something you have been conditioned to have. Go on pornhub today and two of the biggest memes they're trying to shill are black man + white woman and inter-family sex. Polyamory is getting pushed hard on college students. So 20 years from now there might be some guy like you telling a guy he is weird for not having incestual sex and not letting black men fuck his girlfriend.
Anthony Gutierrez
Women like sucking dick because it is subservient.
Why do you like eating pussy? It's pathetic.
Camden Murphy
Everyone thinks pussies are pretty "icky" """user""". Have you ever seen one outside of porn? I'll stick my finger or dick in your mom's bum but I'm not gonna put my fucking tongue anywhere near it.
Luke Flores
Eventually you're going to find out you don't need vegetables at all and then you'll be free.
Tyler Perez
>I'm interested in how I would feel on keto
So quit being such a pussy-whipped and lazy pussy and find out. You can't stop eating your fucking bagels for 30 days? Are you really that fucking weak?
People disgust me.
Jeremiah Williams
It's because of all the oxalic acid in spinach and some other greens. It binds calcium. So he got kidney stones and his bones are weaker.
Juan Butler
>>mfw we bullied him into shape
Our society needs positive public shaming again. Human psychology works really well when you are shamed by those you respect. You can do amazing things when someone says "you're a fat fuck, you fat fucker, lose some weight and come lift with me, fatty" and you believe that person.
Carson Ward
Your problem isn't bread. It's that word. You can do whatever the fuck you want to do.
Grayson Gray
See here's the thing with keto. All the studies are short term as of now. Long term studies wont come out for awhile. Although for European phenotype its EXTREMELY beneficiary particular to Germanic and Scandinavians decent . But I do minimal 3 Olympic triathlons a year and last year i went full keto all year long and had the absolute worst results ever in my 10 years of doing endurance sports. So that being said, i do keto during the winter months and half of fall. Rest of the year i need High caloric intake and carbs, there no way around it. Burning 2.5k calories a day from training alone. Keto is absolutely dog shit in providing peak performance in endurance sports.
That's my gripe with it, i wish fats were great for racing but its not and it sucks but w/e.
Gabriel Reed
What's the "LC %kh" mean? Percentage of calories from carbs?
Noah Mitchell
I said blood test results. thyroid, uric acid and ldl
Leo Howard
1. for anyone athletically inclined, keto is an absolute dead end 2. life is too short not to eat the foods that you want 3. keto is almost certainly going to be proven bad for you in the long run 4. most people feel absolutely garbage on keto. given, not all, but the vast majority. therefore, it's a niche dietary prescription if it's every recommened
Ethan Stewart
> This Also just fucking cook your veggies that helps remove alotnof the oxalates. Dont eat raw fucking spinach.
Kayden Cooper
Keto is babbys first lo carb woe Raw carnivore is the endgame
Aaron Edwards
Dietetics curriculums are controlled by food conglomerates Your hole is dumb and wasted her life
Aiden Sanchez
you're thinking of a nutritionist, user
William Turner
Well, current thinking is that our obesity crisis is caused, for the most part, by the 1970's food guides heavy emphasis on carbs and grains and seed oils.
Keto is not the solution, but I think it does you good to understand keto, so you can better understand how you fuel your body, and how you store fat.
I am not doing keto now, but I am sure the fuck playing with reducing my carbs, doing some intermittent fasting, and seeing how it affects my workouts and my brain.
I finally feel like i am in control of my weight.
Lucas Reed
Keto is white people shit and it's creating an unattainable image of health for the rest of us.
Jaxson Jenkins
keto diet is pro inflammation, causes decreased cognitive function and athletic performance.
People that avoid or fear carb simply don't understand it and thus can not manipulate it to suit their daily needs.
The keto diet "works" well initially since cutting carbs out can reduce some water weight, giving the illusion that its very effective.
The focus for fat ppl should be reducing visceral fat for chronic illness prevention through am optimized whole plant food diet.
Brody Scott
Well duh, keto is quite literally THE stress metabolism, it's basically the physiological response to chronic cellular hypoxia. Not exactly suited towards high performance, maintaining structure (homeostasis) and least of all creating new ones.
Luis Wright
>whole plant food Enjoy your cancer, dementia, parkinsons etc. bro. Optimal diet is high sugar (glucose:fructose >1), adequate proteins (in correct ratios, i.e. reduced methionine and tryptophan w/r/t methylation) and adequate fats (preferably SAFA) for structure and synthesis of steroids.
Josiah Jackson
Are you a low IQ ESL or just a low IQ nigger? You no talky right.
Why are there always these retarded diet threads up? The best PROVEN diet is moderation: hitting macros and micros, calories in and calories out. It's not that fucking hard. Stop falling for these shit tier diets that are fed to you by "influencers". Cut out your soda, stop cramming sugar up your ass, get your essentials, and stop eating more calories than you burn. Congrats you just lost weight.
John Nelson
>The best PROVEN diet is moderation: hitting macros and micros, calories in and calories out. All of this is actual arbitrary nonsense and completely ignores the actual chemical effects of nutrients in the body, though I do agree with the principle of moderation (balance), the problem is that this is highly contextual.
Jeremiah Ortiz
but i like junk food
Jack Williams
Moderation (balance) typically refers to the individual's needs and not going beyond them. EX: let's say Jimmy wants to lose weight. Jimmy burns 2000 kcals a day. He should eat 1500 kcals instead to help him be at a deficit and help him lose weight. He should obtain those kcals by eating foods that give him his dietary macros and micros (essentials). This will help him cut out all the unnecessary sugars and other unnecessary's from his diet, improving his health and helping him lose weight. Thus he is eating in moderation, rather than in excess.
Jayden Morales
Lord almighty the straw man is real. I don’t eat cause I want my gf to be happy I eat pussy because I’m not a prissy faggot and love sticking my face in some gorgeous cooch. Maybe you only fucked nasty ass 2/10s. That would make sense I wouldn’t eat their pussy either. Maybe you just like sucking dick. Everyone like their tea a different way right?
Caleb Bailey
Citations needed
Christopher Harris
So I don't have my grade 10 user, big fuckin deal. I'm not a pessimist, I'm an optometrist
Jace Wright
Science is a conspiracy by the jooooos
Only blogs by shady gurus can be trusted
Caleb Baker
You know why it gets results op? two words, LOW CARB! And if you pair it with intermittent fasting, You can even lose more weight with a 1 day or 2 day fast. Your body can feed itself for approx 50 days without shutting down. Animals are pros at fasting like lions, But they are still lean af. You don't need to eat 2-3k calories a day, But the way our society is conditioned many people have a food addiction.
Kayden Young
Of course you still need your minerals and nutrients, So you must eat every 2 -3 days. But you can also drink water with potassium, sodium and electrolytes if you feel like you are out of energy.
William Carter
Maybe you should be sleeping 18 hours a day like the lions too. Or live for the whole 10 years.
Fucking retard
Nicholas Reyes
I sleep 10 hours a day. I feel fine on a 24
Dominic Roberts
fast or a 48 fast, You have so much fat stored.
Hudson Reyes
>The best diet is to reduce sugar >IS MORE SUGAR gj wp
Joshua Robinson
Fasting for one or two days is very beneficial and you can practically solve binge eating if you're not an undisciplined fuck.
Isaac Anderson
every fucking 5 years there is a new shitty diet trending fatties just cant track calories so they have to eliminate shit. imagine a fucking human world where potatoes are considered unhealthy just retarded, i hate every single keto fag on this planet. science is not on your side but you dont care as long as you eat shit all day.
Alexander Young
This is the truth, You can eat anything you want as long as you track it, put in the discipline to just run and lift for an hour a day and don't go overboard on the carbs.
Hudson Barnes
Day 6 of carnivore keto. Yesterday and today I've felt high or something it's pleasant. I hope this happens every day. I've woke up angry yesterday and today too though. Instead of waking up from nightmares or something I will have a dream that pisses me off. I didn't know you could have angry dreams.
Colton Foster
Fatties don't need to eat in the first place
Dylan Powell
Still, it has helped me to drop 10kg in 3 months, helped me get over the fucking sugar addiction and literally halved my liver values (alut etc), 90% of my IBS problems have disappeared, cholesterol has dropped dramatically etc. But oh shit, "science is not our side", wat nao.
Do notice, that it's not a magic diet and still needs discipline and other facts and doesn't mean you can eat whatever as much as you want.