

I was doing a virtual tour of the local planet fitness and found this. Do these things tend to roam planet fitness locations or is this a rare occurrence? I would like to know before I plunk down 9.99 a month.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Choosing planet fitness as a source of training.

Attached: Unknown.png (235x214, 7K)

>planet fatness

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i actually have a homegym but am thinking about supplementing a pf membership for cardio

No need to be so bitchy about it, there's a lot you can do at planet fitness. Unless you can rep smith machine squats with 6 plates then you could keep making progress at PF. I hate their SJW bullshit too, but that doesn't magically make their equipment ineffective.

>can't do deadlifts
>making progress
look if you want to go for cardio in the winter/shit weather, fine by me, but it's probably the worst option for a gym membership. don't pretend it's not

Its over for you

You do know you can deadlift on a smith machine, right? I mean no it isn't 100% exactly the same, but it's >90% the same.

Dumbells weigh the same, I promise paying more at a fancier gym isn't going to help your shit form.

I always have the 100 bucks for the year membership along with another gym membership at fitness edge. Depends if I'm feeling lazy

>a pf membership for cardio
>giving money to a place to run
Just go outside

I think RDLs would work better in that case.

Keep popping off like you know what the fuck you are talking about faggot. The smith machines at planet fitness are at an angle. If you wanna snap your shit up sure deadlift on a fixed weird angle

When it is 115F outside during an Arizona summer, you really can't just go outside.

115 in Arizona is dry heat. You can’t handle that youre a pussy and would instantly die in 115 Midwest humid heat

Don't worry, he's just a poor soul who fell for SS

Put cardio equipment in your home gym then. Don't contribute money to that shithole unless you want free pizzas.

I do know what I'm talking about. If you want to deadlift on the angled machines, you have to do it so the angle is slanting backwards relative to your body. Also, not every location uses those machines (they are franchised).

So why are you so angry and why do you swear so much? You make this board unpleasant.

I agree, that might be a better option.

I go to planet fitness. Only because it’s the only gym around other than the ymca and the monthly rate is almost 70 dollars. I pretty much only use the pull up bars in the back, dip station, dumbells and some cable machines. You can get some results but it’s definitely not optimal.

nothing wrong with using smith machine for some movements, even bench. but smith machine squats are nothing like normal squats

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Planet fitness is fine if you arent planning on training very seriously but if you do plan on taking the hobby of lifting at least semi serious go somewhere with barbells, I'm not elitist but i will gladly pay the extra 20/month to train at a real gym and not a glorified hotel gym

Post body

yeah because planet fitness has enough plates in the vicinity to make that viable for anyone but a novice

>Rippletits claims another victim...

he's on a bulk

>not having a gym centaur

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SS baby, now THIS is a strong man.

You have to go in off-peak hours and steal from empty Smith machines or the leg press if you want more than 2 plate. Kinda silly.

>the gym centaur is using two barbells for squats again

Wrong. Planet Fitness deliberately uses fake weights in order to give their patrons a false sense of progression. Your gains are fake and you should exile yourself from this board.

planet fitness is fine if you are weak. anything you would need a barbell for you might as well do with dumbells. if you are strong enough to bench 2 plates well then obviously planet fitness is useless for the kind of training you need, but you can get your body looking really good with the equipment at planet fitness.

i had an amazing body from 8 until 18 and i used NO equipment not even a pullup bar. pushups and running laps and situps and leg lifts and i was fine, planet fitness has enough equipment to get big and strong and lean. if you're wondering if planet fitness would be good for you, it would. people too strong for planet fitness already fucking know they are and they work out at powerlifting or ncaa gyms.

Give us a link.

>Tfw no centaur gym buddy to ride around on

Is it actually humid there? Anytime you guys come to Florida during the summer you always seem like you’re dying, so I always figured the midwest was kinda cold

Planet fitness is a containment center for people who don't know what they're doing and will never make any progress ever

Find an actual gym with barbells

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What if you like your knee cartilage?

I'm from MI, it is cold and windy with 0 humidity in winter.
It is hot, calm and humid in summer.
You never get quite enough time to adjust.

I signed up recently for PF since its closer to my house.

Here are the negatives...
- dumbbells only max to 75lb
- preset barbells max to 60lb
- no squat racks
- there are smith machines but your shins will hurt like shit when going past parallel
- they tailor to more machines then free weights
- a majority of the machines are the ones that /fit will probably never use

Great place for cardio though

Depends on what part of the Midwest. River valleys get pretty damn humid in summer.

"Great place for cardio"
Imagine if that was the highlight of your gym
Imagine if that was your selling point
Imagine if that was all you could offer your patrons

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no im not showing you where i live

I travel 10 months out of the year and they are everywhere, where else would I go?

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Do you live at the planet fitness

I go to PF and we dont have one of these majestic creatures at my lication. Wonder if that location offers a hoof trimming station.


PF is open 24/7 and the cheapest gym in town. I think I'll take it. I use the gym in my UNI anyway, only using PF for when I get off work late

Planet fitness is shit. You should work out at the YMCA

Non-American here.
How do they do it for $10 a month? I get the equipment is lacking (squat racks..), but it still seems good enough for casuals.

Also what's with the "judgment free zone" and "no critics" and all that?

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> I'm from MI

i bet your dick's mutilated

>gym centaurs got spooked by a dumbbell dropping and crushed the cardio bunny i've been chatting up to death in their stampede

i can't go on, brothers

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>deadlifting on a smith machine
And I leave the thread here


I thought that alarm thing was just a joke

Holy shit these people are weird.

lmao look at this massive faggot wearing gloves at a planet fitness, hes probably got a belt and kneewraps on too

>gym centaur is using all the cables again

But aren't they judging Ricky, so in effect they are the lunks??

You don't need a barbell to get big. Machines and dumbbells are enough if you know what you're doing.
Fight me

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Run I. The morning at daybreak
>T. Virginia runner, 95 degrees in 90% humidity.
It's like stepping out if your house and falling into warm pudding.

That guy looks like he's running for mayor of Snap City.

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Your pic basically got it backwards. GJ telling lies of the big companies.

What if the true jihad was the lunks we made along the way?

>Doing the holiest of lifts on a smith machine
I have never been so disgusted in my life.

Just /nightrun/ user

>electricity is free

Blow your back out when you are heavy lifting and the lunk alarm goes off startling you. Then sue the company into the ground

The endgame of SS

are you buying your electricity from planet fitness?


Damn my pee color is 9