Nofap thread boys

nofap thread boys
how you holding up?

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Captain's Log, Day 4:

It's only been four days since my last relapse and already I feel the poison burning a hole through my head. My brain wants the hit of dopamine, and denying of it is making me cranky. I feel a sense of impatience, as if I want to be on Day 30 right now. But Day 30 must be earned.

A strong urge almost overcame me yesterday, but I quelled it through sheer willpower. Porn's reach is only a click away, and the thought of looking at it feels my mind with turmoil. Alas, I must remain strong, for my own sanity and my own need to break from my shell.

>nofap cultists are literally signing away their souls

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+1 point for the blood pact, adds great dramatic feel to this

Did this nigga just make a blood oath?


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This is not happening. I have seen so much fucking shit on this site, witnessed some of the most spergy autistismo things ever on this board alone. This is not real, no fucking way. This would absolutely blow everything else out the fucking water.

Considering the amount of fucked up dumb shit on this site, this is pretty mediocre to be honest.

OP's post originates from imgur, which means it was probably posted on reddit. OP is a faggot redditor

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we've had literal murderers and rapists here
some guy genuinely stole a skull from the paris catacombs and put his dick inside it and this is the worst thing you've seen?

based and signed-in-blood-pilled

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Day 10.
Goal is 30 days.

I’ve scanned the catacomb skull and seen some of the murder shit, but this is an autistic level man. That’s fucked up shit, this is pure autism. It’s just maturation and pornography. This nigga made a fucking blood oath. Like dude if you have an issue with chronic masturbation/porn addiction just wean off or cold turkey for a while. Don’t make a blood oath like you’re trying to summon the dark brotherhood or become a made man in the mafia. Holy shit this is too much autism

The first 2 weeks are the worst and then after that it's like a cakewalk.

The blood is obviously a joke regardless.

how is this more autistic than that guy who kept bottles of cum for years or /sci/ doing this
newfag fucking shit

I'm on year two of nofap.
I don't even think about it anymore.
I started No Weed this week, though, after being a daily weed user for almost ten years.
Life feels HD. So many emotions coming back. Mind so much more clear.

90 days today

I forgot about semenclause. I always wondered, what if someone broke into his house to rob him and found all those bottles lmao

You're telling you that you haven't cum in two years? How aren't you dead?

>ayush tiwari
up yours nigger

Because I'm not having sex, and ejaculation is important, I'm just going till the end of the month to prove to myself that I have control. A lotta women seem much more attractive now though...

The longer you retain the stronger and more aesthetically pleasing you become.
Once I realized that semen retention was making my face more chiseled and my hairline thicker and healthier I went cold turkey.

Don't tell me you've never done shit like this as a kid


Porn is inherently bad but masturbation is fine

>reabsorbing your seamen makes your jaw/face chiseled.

That can't be true or OP would have an extremely hansom face.

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after not wanking for like 6 hours? check the date

>nofap blood pact
Holy fucking BASED

Low libido and no erections after day 7
Is this normal

currently on day 224 and staying strong, I honestly dont even care about semen retention I am just happy about quitting porn and not masturbating every single day

thats nothing compared to the dude who needs a written script to order pizza because theres a rat living in his oven

I meant from consuming seamen.

>hear about nofap from Jow Forums
>never had much luck with girls except on random occasions
>30 days later girls in my class start staring at me often
>Hot girl I sit next to says "what are you doing different lately? You look 'radiant.'"
>Take a look in mirror when I get home
>No acne, cheeks are less puffy, hair looks thicker and my hairline has grown out more and stopped receding
I don't know if it's nofap exactly but for some reason my masturbation habits were making me look like Quasimodo.
Since then I went on a date with her and we hooked up. it was okay but I met my first gf shortly after and we've been together for a year now.
Last time I jacked off I felt like shit for 3 days. I felt anxious, less attractive, less confident. I can't believe I used to do it everyday, no wonder I always felt like shit.

yes. some days of nofap your dick will be microscopic.
This is normal. Your body is adjusting.
After practicing nofap for long enough, your erections double in size and your flaccid length is also increased and thicker.

yes, nofap kills your T levels

didn't a Jow Forumsizen come here a while ago and post his test results after practicing nofap?
from what I remember they doubled in a year.

He's not a fucking submarine user

Former Heavyweight Champion David Haye had to say this about NoFap:
>“Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got one dangerous cat. I don’t ejaculate for six weeks before the fight. No sex, no masturbation, no nothing. It releases too much tension. It releases a lot of minerals and nutrients that your body needs, and it releases them cheaply. Releasing weakens the knees and your legs. Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got a dangerous cat. So there won’t be a drip from me. Even in my sleep — if there are girls all over me in my dream, I say to them, ‘I’ve got a fight next week, I can’t do anything. I can’t do it.’ That’s control. I’ve been doing that since I was fifteen and its part and parcel of my preparation now. That’s why I am who I am today — it’s down to all those little sacrifices. Find me another boxer who makes that sacrifice, and you’ll find another champion.“

Wouldn't the rat die after a couple days? How did it get inside the oven in the first place?

>just turn the oven on
>I tried but it went berserk and started slamming into the door so I turned it off
gets me every time

Self harm is a serious problem, and if any of you consider doing this please tell someone and talk it over.

I punch my microwave because the metal case has more give and less likely to break my knucles than the wall.

Oh I'm not gonna kill myself over nofap, just other things

you tried way too hard

>today was day 4

god fucking dammit i have 0 self control

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based meme


I've never made it past day 4. Even on vacation staying at friends' houses. I've fapped in most of my friends' houses/apartments.

If I don't have a girlfriend I do it up to four times a day everyday, if I have a girlfriend I'm fucking about that much and sometimes fapping to get rid of morning wood if she's not up yet.

I have no idea why shooting out a little zinc and protein does that to anyone. I can only assume it's all mental.

Bout to send this to your parents, your wife, post this all over 9gag reddit and Imgur and sending it to your future employer on linked in
good luck user

Day 16.
I always seemed to relapse when I focused on it hard too hard.
When I didn't let my mind wander to porn, or when it did, did not judge myself, the days are just passing by.
Longest I lasted was a week prior, and felt significantly better, but now I kinda just feel half way better.
I've been getting some urges, but not judging my thoughts or executing the action.
Just suffer through bros, you can break this addiction, and so can I. We all can .


day 4, i usually relapse around this time but i didn't feel any urge to fap/watch porn so far, so its going decent

What else can I do for dopamine hit to ease tapering off the withdrawal?


Bro this is Jow Forums obviously I'm not gonna do that. Give me a real answer.

i fap once a week and my workouts feels so much better

smash your head against the wall

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imagine being so pathetic that not beating your dick makes you feel like a better person

when you ejaculate, your hormones change drastically and yes you do lose some vital nutrients. It's also mental like you said, since our purpose is to reproduce, you end up suppressing that drive.

I think its really funny that there are men in this world who think not jacking off when they want will magically turn their lifes around.
>if i wont fap i will finally be able to speak with her
>i will finally get motivation to do what i want

No you wont. Because youre only a lazy piece of shit whos pushing his responsibilities away and this is your true problem. Admit it.

The reception to Star Trek: The Next Generation's unexpected eight season was generally negative.1 Fans felt alienated by the the new direction the show was taken in, considering it "not in line with the source material".2 3 However, Entertainment Weekly praised Patrick Stewart's acting as "spot on".4

Nofap is literally impossible for me. The longest I've gone is 2 weeks, then one morning I woke up with my pants creamed. I naturally have to fap at least once a week.

Dont want to make a separate thread but has anyone tried those sensitivity sleeves that mimic foreskin?

Fasting, watch movies, play music, listen to music, go for hikes, go on dates, play vidya, cook and eat your own food, transcendental meditation for at least 20 minutes a day, cardio, take 50 mg zinc supplements daily (HUGE dopamine boost.)

>50 mg zinc supplements
The upper limit is 40.

Orgasm releases prolactin and lowers dopamine. It's been scientifically proven that after an orgasm, a man is relaxed and satisfied.
This satisfaction is dangerous to mess with if your life is not in order.
Unless you have accomplished all of your goals, you're a retard if you bust a nut. You don't deserve it until you make it.
Even then, ejaculations in your old age are a bad idea. There's a reason men die younger on average than women, and how often old men die immediately after sex.
An ejaculation is similar to blood loss. You wouldn't cut yourself to "circulate new blood" like people argue you have to do by fapping.
So why would you have to replace old sperm? It just gets reabsorbed into your body, and it's powerful. It's filled with protein, zinc, vitamins, and stem cells.
That semen that gets reabsorbed aids in hair growth, skin quality, energy levels. Not to mention since your body isn't focused on restoring lost seed, it can focus on more important things.

That's what (((they))) want you to think.
You know that the true daily dose of b12 is 30x the recommended daily value? 100% of b12 DV does nothing, but 3000% is actually effective.

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Link pls I need to see this

>when you nut its bad for you
>but not when its in a (((female human)))

Why would you have a wet dream and cum while sleeping when your bodys reabsorbing it?

welp guess I'm restarting kek. from 12 days back to 0.


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Holy shit those handwritings are like one of my friend, he also does stupid shit like this.
Where you from bro?

wet dreams don't count as a relapse because it's mostly just excess prostate fluid.
that's why you don't feel diminished after a wet dream like you do after fapping. You're not actually losing anything important.

>stole a skull from the paris catacombs and put his dick inside it
Ah, thanks for the reminder. What a laugh that was.

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thanks for the (you) kind friends!!!!

Fappin rn

OP go back


You're probably right but imgur is the most convenient image host these days. Photobucket has been kill for a long time.

>wet dream semen or sex semen is not the same as wanking semen

What are you even talking about

He literally tells you what he's talking about can you not read

I technically do nofap when I'm with my gf cause she fucks my dick to death. Does that count?

Counts as nofap but not nocum.

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How many levels are we on? No porn, no fap, no cum/retention. Is there a fourth level?

The fucking Italian does it again, this time with genuine and actually good advice for these retards

We're working on it.

Hard mode is pure abstinence and purifying yourself of lust.
It takes years to master but it usually results in you inventing something nobody has ever thought of or turning into some sort of cult leader because semen retention gives you massive charisma and introspection.
Tesla is probably the best example of this.

Find a girl, it'll be easy

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BASED vocaroo poster strikes again

good thread

I did nofap for 2 years, but I was fucking my ex at least twice a day. Test was high yet at the same time I slowly turned into a pussy and ended the relationship as it had become clear she no longer respected me.
>Nofap works, but get laid

holy shit that's gay
imagine writing this and sharing it online to try and impress people
imagine engaging in such blatantly feminine behavior
what a fag

Why do I get less matches on tinder when I jerk off and more after days of semen retention. I'm not schizo but wtf is up with this global energy grid of synchronicities?

>doing a blood pact on something it's guaranteed to fail
Lmao, fuck my shit up senpai.
I practice no fap but complete celibacy from it is fucking stupid. Specially after practicing it for 3 months and not having sex, your balls will start to hurt like a motherfucker.

Gods speed captain ;_;7

it's not a comedy. it's a tragedy.

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