>"I love you too"
How many plates do you need to be able to bench to expierence this just once?
2 1/4 plates arent enough...
>"I love you too"
How many plates do you need to be able to bench to expierence this just once?
2 1/4 plates arent enough...
Bench is good. Are you flossing?
2 1/4 is barely enough to get them to make eye contact with you
You’ll never hear this you faggot incel
Post body and sage
I heard that before I hit 1 plate.
Imagine waking up to a girl like this?
When did this board become r9k? Jesus fucking Christ
Post body
lifting will never make up for lack of social skills, confidence, faceframeheight combo, hygeine
I had a girl tell me that before i started lifting now I’m benching 2 plates but no one loves me
>same old retarded meme every newfag thinks is funny
look it's babbys first retarded post
how about you drop 2 1/4 plates on your head faggot? or better yet, drop a few plates on your parents, brothers sisters and cousins before killing yourself?
>tfw you will never have a terminal ill gf to take care off and make her last moments on earth as good as you possible can
its over.
People like you need to be killed for ruining this board and every one you infest
>People like you need to be killed
Whats the point? 50% of all people will get cancer anyway in their life time, 25% will die of a heart attack and 10% Alzheimers disease. Why waste a bullet?
Go back to your containment board you robot faggot
You don’t even lift
Stop caring about it. You're alone, just deal with it like a man. Happiness is for women and faggots, it has penis right there in the name.
You're mental
Jesus Christ I hate this place and you dyel incel faggots
None of you even lift
>Happiness is for women and faggots, it has penis right there in the name.
Why am i motivated by this
We'll make it one day bro, I still belive it
idk, I came up with that all by myself tho. Didn't even steal it from a movie
Post body