"I love you too"

>"I love you too"

How many plates do you need to be able to bench to expierence this just once?

2 1/4 plates arent enough...

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Bench is good. Are you flossing?

2 1/4 is barely enough to get them to make eye contact with you

Attached: looks at you.webm (1280x720, 625K)

You’ll never hear this you faggot incel
Post body and sage

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I heard that before I hit 1 plate.

Imagine waking up to a girl like this?

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When did this board become r9k? Jesus fucking Christ
Post body

lifting will never make up for lack of social skills, confidence, faceframeheight combo, hygeine

I had a girl tell me that before i started lifting now I’m benching 2 plates but no one loves me

>same old retarded meme every newfag thinks is funny

look it's babbys first retarded post

how about you drop 2 1/4 plates on your head faggot? or better yet, drop a few plates on your parents, brothers sisters and cousins before killing yourself?

>tfw you will never have a terminal ill gf to take care off and make her last moments on earth as good as you possible can

its over.

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People like you need to be killed for ruining this board and every one you infest

>People like you need to be killed

Whats the point? 50% of all people will get cancer anyway in their life time, 25% will die of a heart attack and 10% Alzheimers disease. Why waste a bullet?

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Go back to your containment board you robot faggot
You don’t even lift


Stop caring about it. You're alone, just deal with it like a man. Happiness is for women and faggots, it has penis right there in the name.

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You're mental

Jesus Christ I hate this place and you dyel incel faggots
None of you even lift

>Happiness is for women and faggots, it has penis right there in the name.
Why am i motivated by this

We'll make it one day bro, I still belive it

idk, I came up with that all by myself tho. Didn't even steal it from a movie

Post body