Can facial exercises give you better cheekbones?

Can facial exercises give you better cheekbones?

Attached: dom blan1.jpg (1024x1210, 115K)

Please bros, I want to be aesthetic like him

Attached: Dom Blan.jpg (1080x1350, 85K)

>Can I change my skeleton?
no you fucking retard, i doubt you're skinny enough to have a defined face anyway

Reconstructive surgery may help

do 3x12 of this exercise

Attached: blobloblo.png (218x251, 135K)


Who is this semen demon? Miring.

Absolutely a good looking friend of mine got his face by doing 500 face sit-ups a day

Explain how?

with all due respect, OP, take a look at your post. You just asked if it was possible to augment your bones through exercises. If you have to ask Jow Forums if bone augmentation is possible through workouts, it's time for re-evaluation of your priorities

Yes. Google mewing, it's real.

However the gains you can make from this as a fully grown adult are definitely limited, kids get mad face gains from it though.

this, clench your jaw and thats the result from mewing all the time somewhat.

You can't change your skeleton like that. Just lose weight and you'll drop your face fat, making your cheekbones and jaw more defined.

Sure, best thing to do is get the ‘cock sucker look’
(Sorry, English is bad)
And you have the narrowest of cheeks.
I like to take a cucumber and practice sucking it daily. I kind s looks like pic yes.


Google how to do it properly though. Most people seem to think it's just clenching your jaw together. It's a lot more complex

It's not that complex, pretty straightforward even

FUCK how am I supposed to compete with THAT?

well bones thicken after pressure is applied to them for a while, so maybe just put some weights on your face for a couple hours a week.

>clench your jaw
enjoy tmj, dumb idiot

So much bad advice on this board. You are not supposed to clench your jaw, retards. Hold your teeth in slightly apart or in LIGHT contact. Does light contact = hard squeezing? Are you Lennie from Of Mice and Men?
Mew has literally never told people to clench their jaws at rest, in fact he actually advises against that because of the tmj problems it causes.

do face pulls


back to r/incels

fitness related thread


OP pics are good motivation for fitness

go jerk off to male models and talk about cheekbones somewhere else

The only exercise is surgery.

but user, Jow Forums is the best place for that

Is mewing advisable if you already have tmj?

Better than stupid muh no gf stories with a stupid justed or sad wojak or that faggot from blade runner in the op


>faggot from blade runner
Harrison Ford is no faggot

>be skeleton, currently underweight
>even being underweight makes my face look fat as fuck let alone while bulking
unless i do the biggest cut of all time which i don't want to do i look chubby from face alone

looks like a fag to me.

Attached: heh.jpg (164x307, 9K)

No but surgery can


Imagine being born w this aesthetic.. Do you think he has any problems? I mean he is still human and must be vigilant and work hard to maintain

I had a laff, reminded me of my dead father.

Here you go.

Attached: file.png (355x291, 54K)

No but I think heroin can. I've been/was (stopped for 4 days now) addicted off and on for 2 years now, the latest being a 8 month bender, and my cheekbones are definitely more prominent. And not in a crackhead way. People are shocked to find out I'm on it because I really dont look or act the type. Like the EMT who came to my great grandparents house when I overdosed in the bathroom. Or the EMT who came to the parking lot outside of my work. Or the EMT who came to the VA. Glad there are so many emts


More than likely has an eating disorder or mental shit like bipolar or depression. Not uncommon among models.