Was he wrong though?

Was he wrong though?
Also apologize right now Jow Forums you misogynistic pigs!

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Other urls found in this thread:


I just want to marry a sweet virgin girl

bye felicia
waving hand emoji waving hand eomji waving hand emoji

how dare he have preferences!

>Thank you charlie :)

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>doesnt want a bitch with a kid
>doesnt want a coalburner
>doesnt want a gold digger

>trash queen
sounds like that dude dodged a bullet

How can one man be so based?

>be thot on tinder
>find hot guy
>read bio
>guy wont date me because im a thot
>thot logic then states that its not me whose wrong, but him
>try and justify my thot logic because thot
>post it to the world for fake acceptance

an incel's thoughts are a chad's words

Lol my profile looks similar, I hope someone screenshots it and whines to their friends bahahah

Absolutely based

those days are over bud. Kids are fucking off apps and doing meth before they hit grade school

The only takeaway is I am sick of not being ripped and this guy reminded me. Gonna train more now

I know he works out so we're supposed to be on his side but he sounds like an insufferable tard

Christ, girls are usually the same with number 3, especially when more are trying to push women are more educated

Why would you want to be with someone who fucks niggers or has kids? lol

In my profile I say I'm looking for a European who rejects the new world order... Always have hundreds of likes.

>no single moms
>no coal burners
>no gold diggers
>broke single mom with at least one nignog baby daddy gets booty blasted
news at 11

This man is a walking stereotype
Even down to the poopoo jokes you couldn't make him seem queerer if you tried

This but unironically.

based manlet

he looks like he's 5'7 or 5'8

Never shame women for being sluts, otherwise they just lie. The trick is to act sex positive and open and they'll literally tell you everything. Then you can dump her if she's a whore.

based, fit and redpilled

you sound like you're coping

>otherwise they just lie
how is the bitch gonna lie when her fatherless son, jayquannne, is living proof of her sluttery?

>where he learnt to write in the third person
this is the most retarded thing i've ever heard isn't this grade school material


You could always become Amish.

white dudes are truly obsessed with black penis

fuckin weird m8

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just a quick question, do you people care if she's dated asian? like a lemon burner? and if not, why is that? thx :-)

Did you miss the part where he is trying to stay away from anywhere one has been? If girls regularly fucked donkeys people would have to vigilant about that, too. It's called disgust

Asians don't have barnyard genetics


and black boys are obsessed with white women yet always claim blacks are better. they don't even give a fuck about their own women lmao
which is it, groid?

dicklet cope.
keep laying awake at night wondering about the dingus size of that black guy from work/school/college

user, this snow nigger trash has to stoop to using tinder and doing fucktons of gear to pull bitches.

Why in gods name do you fucking care what he thinks?

I just don't understand rule 1. He states he doesn't want to be a stepdad but says one kid is okay. Am I missing something here?

Ah, the muh dick argument. Sorry bud, I'm more than endowed, but I'd sooner trade 3 inches off my cock instead of it being black and smelling like feces.

There's literally nothing wrong with this, I mean how in the fuck is this any different from women saying "black guys only" on their profile? Also it's completely within reason for people with no kids to want to date other people with no kids. Nobody wants to willingly take on that kind of responsibility unless they're actual pedos.

i'm not black. not utterly OBSESSED with blacks eithers which seems to be rare on this board.
just give me one good reason why you'd care that she's slept with a blackcel. i mean i understand being bothered by the fact that she's not a virgin. but the only explanation for being so specific is that you're a dicklet and you're intimidated by those bbc rumors. prove me wrong protip you can't. it's so fucking obvious t b h. i'm not sure why you people would think you'd be able to convince anyone it's not that

I seriously hope this is bait

Dating black men means she makes bad decisions user. I don't understand how this is "utterly OBSESSED". I wouldn't date a girl who got a useless liberal major, know one would respond to that with "wow you are utterly OBSESSED with liberalism aren't you?"

coalburning is a major red flag. The women I know who have had kids with black guys end up having more kids with different black guys none of whom they end up marrying or even involving in the childs life. It might be different if it was some upper class, non-ghetto black who actually had a proper relationship. Also im mr racist asshole and am against racemixing in any form, so if some woman has been with blacks chances are pretty good her personality isnt going to exactly click with mine.

Absolutely NOT based. He's a male thot.
Seeking Tinder hookups is a beta move but he made it even worse

You just know there's a bunch of morbidly obese black KWEENS in the comments saying "UMMM WHAT A PROBLEMATIC MISOGYNIST PIG" but deep inside they're drooling over that photo and imagining having his babies

hahaha good joke user

>the joke
>your head

But user you dont have a personality

He probably meant that the "one kid" has to be his own

Not expressed very well but that's what I got

Why would I want to be with someone who has poor enough taste to be attracted to a nigger? Dude can have a ten inch dick, why would I care? So do horses.. next you're going to tell me every animal at the zoo intimidates me? Give me a break

ur pretty much right though. ive got my chickens and my truck and beyond that I really dont care for much

This is a good post. My own opinion is that acting like a raging paranoid about black is counterproductive in that it turns them into a taboo, and then a fetish. But I would say that equal to if not greater than dick size insecurity is generic "sleeping with the enemy" anger that is not specific to black vs white at all

stop getting so assblasted lol

>"if i pretend they're that far removed from me i don't have to compete with them anymore"
fucking gold medalist in mental gymnastics right there

What have you accomplished in life that makes you better than anyone let alone a black person?

people that work out think that being in good shape justifies their feelings of self-importance even though going to the gym isn't really an accomplishment ex. Guy in OPs pic

Thats the trash queen for you. Setting the bar for thots errwhere

You need to find christian, evangelical or mormon girls

lol i'm not a stinky nigger you faggot

I'm white.

I've notice an up tick of women putting guys profiles and DMs on social media.
Sometimes they blast these guys for shit that isn't really offensive or rude but just to be mean and mock a guy trying to do the same thing they are.
I don't see how some guys deal with the online dating shit.

>acting like a raging paranoid about black is counterproductive in that it turns them into a taboo, and then a fetish
this. if only the deranged cucks who whine about BLACKED all day (all the while jerking off to it) knew they were the ones who actually started it with their weird fucking OBSESSION
why do americans do this. why are they so obsessed with the fact that there is a subspecies of homo sapiens with a lower iq, higher calf insertions and more fast twitch muscle? why do they have to bring everything back to that one fact?

set high targets lads

Guys who wear that type of underwear do so to make their penis appear larger if you’re really proud of your penis you’ll wear some spandex and let it hang to the left or the right

Pic related

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so are threads like this just to bait out the niggers and other less thans?

I am an american huwhite so I can tell you that it is a multifaceted issue but it all revolves around paranoia about their supposed physical superiority. The idea that THE BLACK BULL can achieve a position of equality with whites through his dance moves, sports success, and sexual prowess (real or imagined for all) enrages racists and titillates cucks, though there is significant overlap between these two groups.

yet another ''people hate blacks because they have big penis lol''
yup its totally not because of the ungodly ammount of crime they commit and how they destroy the community

I don't break down in tears when I look in the mirror.

Sounds like you're the assblasted one here, what's attractive about a stinking gorilla dick? Yum

Or yknow, not wanting tainted goods... Durr

Go back to school, kid. Enough larping for you tonight.

How long have you been gay and are you in London?

yeah "not wanting tainted goods" is a fine position to hold. me and the other guy were talking about people that obsess over this sentiment to a pathological degree, and how this very obsession causes white people to fetishize interracial shit

You can literally smell the onions from reading this article

yeah that's pretty much the way i see it. like this whole "they're animals" americans pushed (which didn't come out of thin air either kek) sort of backfired and now everyone has fallen for it and is actually OBSESSED in one way or another for pretty much no reason other than mythos at this point.
it should also be pointed out that the whole "BBC" thing is pretty much a myth apparently, hopefully this'll help some of you poor bastards finally get some sleep at night lmao

Most black dudes fuck around with white women. They are play things. You don't fucking do that with a queen.

Guys, I really like this woman, but she has two kids. I know she is interested in me and to be honest she is so fucking fine that the kids do not bother me. But at the same time you're all making me second guess this shit.

Put another bun in her oven and disappear.

asians have tiny dicks lol

>marrying a burger

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But I'm latin and she's latin and I don't wanna be living up to the stereotypes.

they certainly do

Idk senpai would you rather she burn coal instead?

>having "rules"
>writing a paragraph in your tinder profile
>"I body build"
>that picture

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>his own financial insecurity

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here is the definitive 2019 dating guide for white men:
>exclusively pursue asian women
>only have anal sex
>when you grow tired of this become a mormon
>take 3 wives and move to farm
>have 10 or more kids

As a black guy, I see nothing wrong with his preferences. Second one is mildly messed up but I wouldn’t take it to heart.

First and third rules though, I am right there with him. It’s a tall, never-ending order to take in a woman AND her spawn of another man (especially if he’s still alive) in considering the possibilities of her choosing the kid over you which is fine and to be expected, OR her all but abandoning the kid just to cater to your every whim.

And as far as him being a no-nonsense guy with financials, I agree with that. I have roommates now and I’m thinking next year I’ll get my own place going forward cause it’s time and I make enough money to warrant it. I have a gf who I’m leaving soon because all she wants to do is barely work, smoke weed and annoy me with “problems”. To top it off, she doesn’t even have an entry level credit card. I’m sick of all the alleged wage gap whining and the no ambition and/or side hustle.
More power to this guy and all that verbalize what he did shamelessly.

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