Is it possible to restore sun damaged skin?

Is it possible to restore sun damaged skin?

Attached: feetkino2.webm (1200x675, 1.75M)

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Laser resurfacing surgery, anything else is a meme.

Just sew some untainted pure skin over yours. Where you source it is your problem.

need a saace on that webm, also, more like it.

Anyways, the answer is that skin cells regenerate, use some goddamn moisturizers, retinoids and lots of spf 30 or higher sunblock. Depending on the type of dame (long term vs short term), it may be possible to restore skin to its normal appearance, but only with diligence.

im not even a foot fag and this is kino

It’s from a porno, the girl is legit a fairy. Don’t remember the name tho.

Somebody has to know

why are her feet so wrinkley?

that's gross

That how the bottom of feet are when the toes arent bent upward

Give it a couple years without another burns and they will go away naturally(in most cases, except for the extremally severe ones, and sometimes even then), but trust me, you will stop giving a fuck long before that happens.

Attached: 1554820119288.webm (640x640, 908K)

feet are the niggers of body parts

Proper diet with enough animal fats and none of that processed or pasteurized crap
Sunscreen is toxic, malnourished people need it because they have vitamin deficiencies making their skin weak
Probably why you got sun damaged skin in the first place user

which vitamins do you need for sun resistance gains?

In short, no. However you can prevent further damage.

I'm guessing you're white. Have you noticed how in the western world black/asian people don't seem to get wrinkles until their 50s if at all but whites start developing lines around their eyes from their 20s? This is part of the aging process accelerated by sun. Whites do not have the same natural protection against the sun as other races. Even if you live somewhere like the UK or Scandinavia where the weather is fairly mild if you go out without protecting your skin you will get damage.

My advice: always, always buy moisturiser with SPF protection of at least 30 and wear it every day on your face whether it's summer or winter. Sun damage can takes decades to show but it's easy to avoid by adding moisturising to your daily routine.


is this from hegre art?

6 hours and still no source

Because she’s 18. Have you seen a baby’s foot?

But feet are working and serve a purpose



2 is a streamer, she's pure and would NEVER do porn!

Attached: ve3.webm (640x900, 1.82M)


Oh no what is this feeling!?!?!

Attached: 1493762697725.png (691x597, 17K)

sweet jesus

Attached: 1537638539245.gif (354x276, 197K)

Attached: sole.png (825x1593, 479K)


>asian people don't seem to get wrinkles until their 50s

Good Asians also have a history of avoiding the sun, even using umbrellas to block the sun on sunny days, big hats, sunscreen etc

>black/asian people don't seem to
they do

>if you go out without protecting your skin you will get damage.
You will get damaged indoors as well as glass easily lets UV-A waves through. That bastard even goes through curtains.
It's even worse in cars as usually only the windshield has a UV filter while the rest the windows don't. Pic related is a driver who's left side of the face has been exposed to way more sun than his right simply due to not having UV filters in the rest of his windows. This is real long term sun damage.
It should be apparent after reading these that sun is not a friend to your skin and that there's no safe way to tan without damaging something in return. The only way ahead is to embrace paleness.

Attached: pHS6K6f[1].jpg (570x844, 150K)