Is it worth 10 bucks?
Is it worth 10 bucks?
Only if you hammer or screw it really good, I saw people fall off with it too many times.
They come with screws
Use longer screws than what they come with
>being such a manlet you can do pullups in a doorway
Put a towel over your door
If youre in usa then yes. I had no issues with them falling off or anything (didnt even use screws) but they were very narrow I couldnt do regular pull ups. Usa has wide doors so should be no problem.
Now I have pic related, its better but I had it fall off once or twice.
what is folding your knees
I already managed to break my nose with one of those, never again. So I printed this part to hold it which works wonderfully
>He doesn't have a pit beneath every door to practice functional strength for himself and to foil would-be thieves
>doorway pull up bar
>theres a fucking door in my doorway
Whos the fucking autist that invented this shit? People have doorways but no doors now?
I did once. Thought I broke my back.
>get shithouse drunk
>try to do a muscle up on pic related to mog wife
>bars slips off and i land directly on my back
>can't move
>begin to panic
>wife calls 911 and pukes in the toilet
>recover mobility during the 911 call
>they send an ambulance anyway
>put me on an IV at hospital
>so drunk i was having trouble with the battery of asking my name and whatnot
>in military so they tell me to get my CoC to pick me up after sitting with IV for hours
>fake the phone call and get released
>wife and I get an uber home
Absolutely based night honestly
Oh I got the bill in the mail later, just under $8000 (tricare sends you a letter letting you know what they paid for basically)
Are you aware that doors can in fact be opened?
Yes I use a bar like that and it holds my 85 kg easily
>I had it fall off once or twice
Literally how? I used mine for two years without any problems so far.
This image has it backwards, but this style is far better than the one in OP. Far less likely to fall down, unless you're a cheating bitch using momentum, and doesn't damage the doorframe (essential for a perma-renting millennial).
I did several times.
>Usa has wide doors
where am I supposed to go?
>Far less likely to fall down
Nope. The one in the OP uses screws to keep it up
What? You can have a pull up bar and a door at the same time
If you buy one of these, make sure your door frame is also strong enough. My door frame got all fucked up.
OP, ive had mine since 14 yrs old. If it a pullup bar had been 2000$ i would still have bought it knowing the gains it brings.
And how do I close it now that there is a bar fixed in the way ?
From what I hear you gotta nail it/fix it to the doorway or else itll fall down. That makes the door unable to be closed.
You're gonna fall. My pull-up bar goes Over the door frame. It's never damaged a door and you can set it up in 2 seconds anywhere in the house, then remove it and put it away. No moving parts.
dunno how most fall
ive a really old one without screws and its p steady
maybe they make the mistake of flailing or holding it in a way that unscrews it from the wall
>This image has it backwards
what the fuck did he mean by this
Only a manlet would be able to exercise with one of these in a doorway.
Bullshit, I’m 6foot 1 inch and can use it just fine
Do you still get full gainz if you fold your knees?
no because usually the seller and manufacturer take their profit margin so the real value might be anything really
No it doesnt brainlet if bar is like the one in the op pic
No, you get folded gainz
You're just furthering my point.
What the fuck is going on in America? Is this really how much an Ambulance ride costs? You have to pay around 20€ for an ambulance ride, treatment included.
Hospitals literally make up whatever shit they want and put it on the bills because "insurance companies are paying for it anyway" and it's insanely hard to prove that they aren't making it up. Insurance companies are fine with it because it also forces people to buy insurance.
Smart friend
I giggled at your post, thanks.
Like this one?
fuck that not risking a back injury
The absolute state of Americans. Anywhere else in the civilised world, you'd never even think of having to pay for something like that.
How to damage your hinges.
Hospitals also over charge to cover the costs of all the people who come into the ER to be treated for whatever and then never pay.
>Is this really how much an Ambulance ride costs?
ambofag here
most rides are gonna run $800ish dollars, more depending on what they do for you en route.
Since ambulances are mostly private companies they have to overcharge on everything since only about 50% of the calls will result in a paying customer
This is bait right? This has to be bait.
Used one for a few months before I got a gym membership. Never had a problem, it was 15€ but well spent
yeah, worked for me
yes! Best investment I made in my life so far, aside from the 1 time it was a bit loose and I fell down hitting myself on the head
the next generation of home gym rats is looking good
Not that one, but in general yes
Got one of these and it's nice. But it's dug into my walls and doorframe pretty seriously.
Only an idiot pays those fees, they are literally unenforceable, from what I gather.
Hi, I don't want to open a thread just for this question.
I'm trying to get to 3x3 pull-ups and 3x3 chin ups. and I can't do it.
I go to dym regularly and I'm not overweight. is it normal? am I doing something wrong?