How much alcohol do you drink?

How much alcohol do you drink?

I've reduced my intake to two mimosas at brunch and a glass of wine with dinner.

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>consuming alcohol

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Have no control when I drink so I quit coldturkey until I reach 1200lb total. Been 3 months now

4 years sober, baby. Thinking of starting to smoke though, the stress is starting to get to me.

Smoke cigs, that is.

>consuming alcohol 3 times a day on a regular day
never gonna make it

I drink a couple of liters of beer every couple of weeks. Don't even get drunk off of it obviously, do it more for chips or shrimp

>people still falling for this bait

None, alcohol is a drug for plebs.

I do smoke weed for 200 bucks a month tho

>200 bucks a month
That's like a bale of it.

zero booze
zero drinkable sugars

As soon as you see this pic, disregard the post, it's the most obvious bait on this entire website and you cunts keep falling for it.

Yeah, that first puff after workout is like crack my god I need a smoke

I drink heavy every weekend

25 grams a month? Nigga, the fuck are you doing?

None. I only drink 2-3 times a year at this point on big holidays like new year.

>alcohol is a drug for plebs.
>I do smoke weed for 200 bucks a month tho

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I went sober for 5 months but relapsed. I now drink around half a box of wine a day.

Don’t smoke cigs. I’ve seen the long term effects in several family members and older coworkers. It does some fucked up shit to your body. Basically turns you into a ghoul from fallout, except your life expectancy gets shorter instead.

I know. I've smoked on and off for years, mostly off. But I've never smoked more than one in a day. It's just at this point I need some destructive activity and my future gf smokes.

I usually keep it to three beers or less, if any. If it’s a special occasion though, I’ll get as fucked up as is socially allowable.

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I try to be high at all times, isn't it obvious?

Couple of whiskeys. Hate beer and wine.

At this point just microdose acid.

I feel you. I’m kinda the same way. If it’s not drugs or alcohol, it’s staying up until 4am, or wasting all my time watching low quality meme comps on YouTube, or binging junk food and energy drinks. Just find something other than cigs. Vape if you gotta, it might be gay but it’s still better than the little white cancer sticks.

acid is a pain in the arse to acquire but weed is easily available from multiple sources

Sober for 4 months now.
I was excited at first but now that initial glow weared off Im like meh. Had 2 beers last week after a hike with a friend and the idea of slamming shitton of beer in a nice sunny day slowly creeps on me. Gotta be careful with this shit.
Money management gains are unreal tho.

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I was thinking "how much do you have to drink for it to actually make a big difference money wise"... Then I remembered beer is still fuck cheap here in germany.

Blacked out drunk, and had the worst possible hangover from new year's, and I haven't been able to drink alcohol since. I've completely lost my taste for it, even to the point where I drained it down the sink. Has anyone else experienced the same thing? Not really much of a drinker, now even more so.

Its even cheaper in Bulgaria.
Beer by itself is not much but I buy some appetizers along with it, smoke more and make a really bad decisions when I buy food while hungover. It adds up.

First time drinking I had about 400ml of pure absinthe and 2 glasses of wine. Woke up hours later in my back yard with no recollection of what happened and no memory of the night. Literally crawled up the stairs and into the bathroom where I passed out again and woke up a few hours later covered in vomit. It took about 4 days to recover.

I still drink but I never want to black out like that again.

How bad could it get to gain drunk once a week.

By drunk I mean half a bottle of hard liquor (rum or vodka) in my case?

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I drink a glass of dark, dry wine with dinner every few nights. Beer on special occasions. I haven't touched liquor in about 6 months after drinking a bottle of vodka, puking everywhere and then slipping on said puke. Worst 24 hours of my life.

Huh. My regular dealer has everything up to and including DMT.

Just smoke dick, it’s about the same.

Dude, I haven't been laid in over a decade. I wish I could smoke dick. Or any human connection really.