>doctor prescribed 100mg of test a week to cure my depression
Doctor prescribed 100mg of test a week to cure my depression
Good for you
I don't believe it
Lucky bastard
Come to Australia
>go to Australia
>see doctor, doc I am good thank, depressed.
>>gives me some zinc in order to control emotion fluctuations within the (brain).
Talking to nurse on her own time and she talks to me that we are going home haha.
Did you take all the zinc at once? You sound like you have fucking brain damage. Christ
Supplementation of Zinc in pill form will give you cancer. Eat raw meat instead.
>brain damage. Christ
Yeah, nah.
Take 1 tablet now and then. Makes bigger dick during sex and it feels bigger. Make sure that the girl likes it and she orgasm.
Cure depression
You know 100mg won't give any gains right?
If pills are bad shoutouts I just crush them into powder?
I do that to aspirin anemia swallow it and it goes stronger to blood pressure make me safw
nice source
lmao yeah tell that to every 50yo dude on trt looking better than 20yo gymrats
Based stroke poster.
Not sure if poo/paki, goat fucker, or nog.
But posts like this are exactly why you aren't welcome here. Go swim in a rip at bondi please.
I thought Australia spoke English??
Drink 7Up -- it'll be much better, honey.
>thinking that pinnin testosterone will cure depression
prepare for rude awakening my friend
They speak the truth.
t. guy on 100mg test cyp/week for almost a year now
Based doc
Up it to at least 150mg
What were your experiences?
>100mg test
That's barely anything dude. Probably below natty average levels.
>100mg test cyp/week
There's your problem. TRT should be at least 200mg. Doctors have a tendency to underdose just to get you on the lower end of the natty scale.
200mg every 7 days is not a replacement dose, TRT works on 10 day systems
Australians have 85iq on average
God damn abos
absolutely 10000% false, sorry you aren't experiencing positives
>t. been pinning test cyp for 2.5 years now
OP, running test monotherapy will do great things for you, but take a look at my posts in this thread from the other day:
and talk to your doc about hCG or Clomid to keep your balls going.
100 mg/wk put me at 973 ng/dL faggots, it's been consistently this high for 2.5 years now. fuck off immediately and stop talking about shit you know zero about.
just say you're still depressed until he gives you the butt injection you desire, faggot
>10 days
no, that's just what's commonly prescribed. you can achieve more consistency in your levels (and therefore mood, etc) by doing a smaller amount bi-weekly, which is becoming a more and more common protocol. but it varies person-to-person depending on how fast they metabolize the test.
Who gives test injections for depression? Lies lmao
you will not get supermutant gains but you will find you feel far more vigorous
as for the depression it depends 1000% on what the source of it was. however doing test will make you feel a good more ambitious and aggressive, which are amazing feelings.
and by
i don't mean "roid rage", that shit is causs by your E2 (estradiol) levels going unchecked if your body aromatizes a ton of the excess test. Watch for nipple tenderness, as well as that type of moodiness, to indicate if you should reduce the test dosage or run an aromatase inhibitor, but that's almost certainly not going to be necessary at 100 mg/wk.
by aggressive, i mean a "sieze the day" feeling in your mind.
Are you taking any AI?
eat a harissa coated onion a day, no need for this faggot ass test needle
I'm seriously feeling just as bad if not worse since I started 100mg test cyp/week.
Blood test show me at the top of the natty range but still feel like shit.
Any tips for me?
Are you concerned about your liver enzymes being out of range? Just got my labs as well. My enzymes are in the high 200s. Was on 120mg a week (split 3.5 days). Dr. is cutting my dose to 96mg a week. Your enzymes are better than mine but you are still high. 120mg got me to 1200 test, 39 free test. Loved the dose but I want to have a healthy liver too.
As to OP, take the test. It changes your life for the better. You will not feel like superman or anything but I have yet to feel depressed since I started. I was previously considering whether it was good to be alive. I no longer feel that way. Life is worth living and I finally have the energy that I had in my teens return. Test, for those that actually need it, is a lifesaver. Do it user. You won't regret it, just stick with it to know you are dialed in.
Please tell us more about how you are more depressed than others and how no one is allowed to call themselves depressed except for you because you are super duper de scooper depressed and normies would never be able to know what that's like. God you're so such a hero. Do you by any chance also have PTSD? Let me kiss the ground for every step that you take because you're a snowflake like no other.
Lower your dose to get your E2 in check. The goal of TRT is to live without having to take an AI. Perhaps your dose is throwing your E2 out of whack. I felt fine with an E2 in the 60s but not everyone is the same. You might feel better with less E2.
Yep, just go to the doctor and say you are depressed and no sex drive, but say that you don't have ed otherwise you will get a prostate exam instead of testosterone.
hope you drew that up with a filter needle.
no, see those posts in the other thread i linked; I wasn't but I'm about to, for the HPT restart (since i'm stopping test for now)
desu this was the first time i've had those checked -- i assumed they were just elevated due to a really hard lifting session. Gonna keep an eye on them in the future.
what said.
your TOTAL test may be high, but what about free? combined with your SHBG level, the difference between those can indicate high aromatization (i.e. high estrogen)
false, didn't happen to me. they all did want to play with my balls though, just the regular turn your head and cough thing.
>doing test will make you feel a good more ambitious and aggressive
this is 100% bullshit that dyel faggots believe
"Depression" is caused only when you are literally suffering from low test. That's exactly the same as being "depressed" when you flu. It's fucking obvious that you will feel like shit when there is something wrong with your body. Only people who are suffering side effects of low test will feel better after hopping on but they will quickly go back feeling just normal. Injecting testosterone won't make you feel shit. If anything it will only make you feel bad compared to feeling normal. Not keeping your e2 in range can cause mood swings, but keeping everything in check won't give you any benefits.
Anything that (You) will feel quickly after you start pinning is just placebo and it will fade away as fast. Been there.
dumbest thing ive heard on this site to date. Any amount of test will increase gains.
>raw meat doesn't cause cancer
Could aromatization cause low libido?
I have no sex drive. Like I said before I'm still a depressive fuck so that definitely must play a role too.
i’m sorry that (you) had that experience but i did not. it 100% improved my mood and attitude.
yes, elevated e2 can crash your libido.
You absolutely are not getting any significant amount of aromatization on 100mg per week. The problem has a different cause.
Considering 1000mg is basically the amount of testosterone a teenage boy has, even just a 10% boost would yield huge results.
mg in syringe doesn't equate ng/dl in blood
>100mg of test a week
He is anything but lucky, I would say quite unlucky to have such an incompetent doctor.
Are you a literal retard? Being on test will most likely shut-down his natural production even on that low dose. Chances are he will end up with less test in his system unless it was crazy low to begin with.
You're an idiot