How do i train my eyes to be more of the right ?

how do i train my eyes to be more of the right ?

Attached: 1554977465040.webm (1280x720, 1.99M)

i just want to pump and dump -_-

stare at the sun

This board has gone to shit, who the fuck watches these type of videos


What do if left


Squinching helps. The guy on the right is squinching in that very photo. But mainly the solution is to choose the right parents next time. That way you're born with the genes that are responsible for being physically attractive.

Evidently you, asshole. You're sitting here pretending to be above all of this folly but meanwhile you're still here rolling in the mud with the pigs you purport to be above.


Attached: 1488951819296.jpg (460x276, 25K)

Feels good only checking off half of these boxes while also having sex with a new girl on average once a month. Long face with eyes so close they basically morph into one eye, still slammin.
Just be yourself bro

Attached: 1165170-3x4-700x933.jpg (700x933, 57K)

blackpilled, just stop lifting


just because you add the word "train" to your post it wont make it fitness related

fuck off back to the blackpillretard board

So you cant train them what is the point then?


Fucking over for me

what is the point either way?
just kill yourself retard

Make it without me bros...

Solid plan


how to avoid this

be born with good genes.
reroll until you have them

damn epic blackpill bro
gonna stop lifting now upvote

Remember OP. Z-axis = pussy access