Do i become female?

Do i become female?
I shaved my legs completly for a bet (dont ask), and it is really comfortable i must sey.
I run 4-5 days per week, lift weights 3-4 days per week so i sweat a lot.
Shover take a few seconds.
Putting on a gym clothes like compression pants, knee braces or thermal underwear is faster, easier and there are any pulling or sticking out hairs that dont look very pleasing.
I think that overall look better also, i have very white skin, and one ich long hairs on my thighs is not so great looking.
And what's your opinion about this topic?
Do you think that's gay or too femine for guys?
I was thinking same but now i'm probably chaning my mind

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I'm thinking you'd look sexy as fuck with smooth legs tbqh.

the rule is

>smooth is fine for muscly legs
>never go hairless with chicken legs

work on your calves and never skip leg day and you'll be fine

iam in same conflicted boat as you OP

i have majestic leonidas class beard which i love but i feel fucking awesome with a completely hairless body for all the reasons you stated...

also most women i talked about this topic claim they love hairy men.

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might aswell take the pink pill while you're at it, OP

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Imagine the reaction you would get in the 1940's if you would tell something like that.

Imagine the reaction you would get in the 1240's if you would tell something like that.

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The only acceptable reasons for shaving legs is for slipping tackles in AMERICANCHAD football and rugby, or for bodybuilding comp.
Any other reason is faggotry.

I just put on some hair removal cream and then jack off.
Take a shower afterwards and it all comes off

If you think shaved legs makes life easier, wait til you experience having a waxed asshole. Three words: One-wipe shits.

Why would you shave your body? Haha sorry but when I see a guy do that I honestly think he's a closet tranny.

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I do this with a depilatory creme. Feels good man.

I shaved both legs when i was at my Workshop course During the hottest days last summer with long trousers and safety shoes. Best decision and i will do it again this year even for my average summer days

Better take up competitive road cycling

You're supposed to use watered wipes, you inbreds.

You could always eat a diet rich in fiber and shitout nice solid poops that require no wipes

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You can use these, but I myself just roll a few paper wipes and then soak them in water before wiping. This has gotten to a point where dry wiping is just plain nasty to me.

shaving legs is the gayest thing ever

If you do this your ass is covered in toilet paper
Wet wipes aren’t flushable either, despite what they say

>your ass is covered in toilet paper
Get some better paper that doesn't tear and don't oversoak it. After a while you will see what works and what doesn't. I don't have problems with this.
>Wet wipes aren’t flushable either, despite what they say
I have no idea what they are composed of, but normal toilet paper easily goes through and I never heard of cries to not flush it where I'm at.

I shave my legs because I like to feel them and think about statues
I like their aesthetic and hairy legs don't match it so I just shave em

Leonidas didnt have a “majestic beard“ .

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post pics

> not quickly jumping in shower for a thirty second rinse

I have beard too so im male i guess...

Cream is not working for me, tried before on diffrend parts of my body

Like i said, it make easier maitain hygene, wearing gym clothes and gear, make shovers much quicker and my white like a milk skin dont look so good witch inch long black hair.