Is being a "hardgainer" actually a thing...

Is being a "hardgainer" actually a thing? There was much talk about it in men's health magazines that I bought as a teen, but it's bullshit, isn't it?

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It may be harder for some people to put on muscle because of their genetics but for most guys the problem is they don't eat or sleep enough

when you're a teen it isn't bullshit because of how fast your metabolism is

eva was fucking PERFECT before the titjob and plastic surgeries. its a goddamn tragedy what this retarded whore did to herself

I think it has a lot to do with natural appetitee, eating habits, being inactive as a teen. I was always skinny and looking back i ate very little

Maybe also test levels.

100% bullshit
Hardgainer = people who don't eat enough

Maybe but overwhelming odds are they're eating shit or training poorly.

eva lovia was one of the few pornstars that i thought were legit 10/10

It is real, some people genuinely do have faster metabolism than others though it's usually age related, it's very hard to gain weight if you're under 21. The issue is when people say they can't gain weight - everyone can. Our bodies all have different needs, some people can bulk with 3000 calories per day while some need 5000.

If you're a hardgainer you just need to experiment with calories and see how many your body needs to gain weight, because bulking isn't one size fits all and just because a particular diet works for one person it isn't guaranteed to work for another

>Is being a "hardgainer" actually a thing?

Its the same as fatasses who claim they cant lose weight due to genetics or hormones etc, weak willed retards who either lack the knowledge or the discipline to pull through like to blame external factors out of their control

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Post body

I was a hardgainer in my late teens/early 20s

I would no longer consider myself a hardgainer now that I am in my early 30s and my metabolism has slowed down significantly. I don't have to eat as much to bulk.

I miss porn brahs but no way in hell I'll fall again in that jews trap. Stop watching porn or you'll never gonna make it.

Hardgainer is a nice way of saying pussy ass bitch who’s only problem is being a weak willed GDE

never, ever use the word “metabolism” again

variances in TDEE due to “metabolism” are on the order of 100-200 calories. the rest is lifestyle and just BMR/FFMI.

op, you can be a legit hardgainer if you have low testosterone. that’s pretty much it.

why are women so enticing

my hart, my sole

Post body

thought he did

>las creaturas

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Me at my biggest suck my nuts twink

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Usually just means their body is very used to their current weight, and they will feel fuller than someone else at a given caloric intake. Beyond that, it's bs mostly. I'm having my first hardgainer phase right now, been loosely tracking calories and haven't put on any weight, but have managed a bit of a recomp. Also, when I have lots of calories all at once, my body will heat up and increase my NEAT. Having to eat about 400 more calories than what the oline calc says to be in a surplus.

twig arms and girl wrist

Yes for a few, but for 95% of "hardgainers" it's people who are bulking for the first time wondering why they aren't putting weight on at 2500 calories.

Cope harder

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>5 plates
>using a belt
Do you even lift?

More weight than you’ll ever hold in your life. I dunno why I’m even entertaining your bait lmfao

>Stop watching porn or you'll never gonna make it.
hard truth

Legit fully pretty... Until the lip fillers. Never get why beautiful people fuck up their faces for temporary 'gains' and long term fuckry. Day puss legit looked tasty af tok

> Under 21
What is testosterone

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>fat fuck with twig arms and girly wrists
how do you fail so hard at lifting lmao

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Wow you hurt me man. Gunna quit lifting now.
go do some rope hangs x failure you’re worthless

skinny people who say they eat so much yet wont gain weight dont actually eat that much they just think they do

This is what happens man. These women come into the scene fresh faced and beautiful. They get destroyed by the industry really quickly and it shows on screen. Then they get less popular and need to do something to get attention again. Get a boob job and try to get the big tit fans into your stuff, the people who loved you when you were fresh and new were drifting away anyway.

It’s an evil industry run by terrible Jews.

shit man i jsut feel so fucking full for so long after a small meal
i cant eat more


nope. hardgainer is not a thing. some people just dont have the dedication or expect fast results. to get noticeable gains over a short time (many months) you need to be consistent.

always sleep at least 7 hours.
always follow proper nutrition guidelines.
never miss a workout and even if you only work out two days a week, you still need to follow the rules every day. but who the fuck doesnt work out every day???

Far from it, I take pleasure into prodding your obvious cope replys lmao

>prodding your obvious cope replys lmao
>replies to obvious bait
at least one good thing still remains in Jow Forums: the retards like you who make an amazing laughingstock outta themselves
keep going you stupid shit

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Of course there is such a thing. It's called being low-test.

Women can't put on as much muscle mass as men. The same goes for feminine males.

>variances in TDEE due to “metabolism” are on the order of 100-200 calories

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Yeah whatever... lol go outside or something kid. It’s not that serious.

how short?

I'm missing it too but it's for the better good.

We're gonna make it brah


I know a "hardgainer" always complaining how he feels too skinny (lanklet that actually looks quite OK) and sure he doesn't get fat from eating easily but he also doesn't put any work in the gym to gain anything. (1 or 2 half assed session a week doesn't count)

They literally are though you coping twink

stop posting, soccer mom

over 90% of humans fall within 10% of the average for their weight, dyel newbrainlet

I'm 6'3", went from 155 to 185 in around 6 months., doing SL5x5 and GZCLP. Mostly fat, as observed after a cut down to 170.
9 months after, up to 190, again, mostly fat after another cut down to 175.
I'm doing a LP version of 5/3/1 at the moment with some assistance work, 4x/week and 2 cardio days (HIIT and LISS).

I count calories, macros, weight my food and myself, watched the scale increasing a pound/week. Had some cheat meals but compensated over the next days, most of the time eating home made, real food.

Don't usually drink, never smoked, don't really have stress but do have anxiety/depression (not medicated). Enforce sleep schedule, but i wake up many times.
Hormonal panel showed test, estradiol and progesterone within range but at the bottom.

So yea, it is a thing that probably has some explanation somewhere, as looks and lifts are shit after almost 2 years of things that i can control.

Sorry I can't shovel down 3500-4000 cals a day.

Meanwhile Johnny Fatso just eats 2500 and still gains.

This is idiotic.

People Do have a variance of 100 or so calories. People are well documented that they have no idea how much they eat.

And kids can gain weight all the same just watch my 600lb life for dozens of disgusting people.

johnny fatso is eating significantly more than that. did you count his cals for him?

Metabolism metabolism metabolism metabolism metabolism metabolism metabolism.
Did I mention the word metabolism nigger? cuz I'm not sure if I got around to talking about metabolism yet.

it is easier for some people to put on muscle, why wouldn't it be everyone is different? i know for a fact that it is stupidly easy for me to gain muscle (and fat) compared to most but there is certainly an element of diet and routine to it cos most people are dishonest about calories and don't know shit about diet and nutrition, luckily i grew up doing plenty of sport with parents who understood the basics so i learned by secondary school how much food, water and rest my body needed. o ly just starting to realise how abnormal that kind of upbringing really is

have sex


The more testosterone you have in your system, the easier it is to gain muscle. Studies have been done that compared men who lifted 3 times a week versus men who simply received test injections, and the two groups had roughly the same muscle mass increase over a 2 month period.

If you're low-T, it's going to take longer and you will have to work harder to gain muscle. That shouldn't stop you though.

post study

Yeah. That threesome with her and Haley Reed. Delicious.

Unfortunately I never saved it, but I found it on here so some other user can post it.

If you want the full breakdown, they took 3 groups of men and had one group lift 3 times a week, 1 group do nothing for control, and 1 group take ~200mg Test injections (like twice a week I believe), over a period of 2 months. At the end of the study, the lifting group gained an average of something like 1.24lbs of muscle mass, the control had nothing, and the steroid group had ~1.4lbs gained, slightly more than the exercise group.

This of course lines up perfectly with why anybody uses steroids in the first place, but it also reveals something quite interesting about muscle growth. If muscles can grow simply from being exposed to higher levels of testosterone, then it's entirely possible that lifestyle choices and behaviors which increase your T-levels could actually make you stronger without even lifting.

Wrong. Some guys are just naturally big and put on weight easily. I have to constantly track my food and force feed myself and constantly cook and spend money just so I can gain a few pounds a month.

>She bought?
>Dump it

>sumo 5pl8
holy shit the powerfat cope lmao

>T-levels could actually make you stronger without even lifting.
i think we all know that one old dude who did no "lifting" but slight labour that would outstrength most lifters. its the high t brod. good food. healthy air. good sleep and less polution than nowadays

sorry bro

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I'm a hard gainer, and it's a good thing. My muscles are dense and somehow I weigh ton.

I look like a bigger version of Michaelangelos David at 85 kg 190 cm

there are a million of factors that play into how much energy you spend just existing and working out and more importantly, how much energy you get from the food you eat, depending on your basal metabolic rate, hormonal levels including stress, rates and amounts of secreted enzymes, pH, food composition (fiber for example) and one of the most important, your gut microbiome

candy bar might contain 400 kcal but someone can get only half the calories from that than someone else who gets the "full" 400

everyone can lose weight if they eat less and gain weight if they eat enough but there are plenty of retards that think that because they had it easy, everyone does and then spout memes and feel all superior while doing half the work

I weighed 180. Bigger and leaner than you pussyboy

yes. some people cannot put on a lot of muscle mass at all, which is a mostly genetic that's exacerbated by poor diet and sleep

I used your be like you, I ate ~700 Cal per day, now I eat 3500 like it's nothing, just gotta push yourself, also if you're not 20000 percent stuffed you should he snacking

>~700 Cal per day
Were you anorexic? Even people in Somalia have over 1500 calories a day.


No there isnt. Just start fucking eat

Short answer.
But the actual chances that somone is a real Hardgainer are 0,1%. That somone not simply eat or lift enaugh are 99,9%

She is a disgusting whore man who cares

Based. Day 4 nofap/porn because everytime I was with my gf and about to put on a condom I'd go limp lol.

Let me guess. You are a 500 lb woman?

you "miss" porn? thats just as bad as watching it

A bunch of memes that as a grand total contribute to a marginal +-100 kcal daily variation

Do you think her brother watched her Blacked scenes?

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