Any non meme way to train abs? my goal is to fix my posture so i can deadlift

Any non meme way to train abs? my goal is to fix my posture so i can deadlift.

Attached: rowing-machine-abs-benefits.jpg (480x320, 29K)

Just watch all Jeff Calavgriere videos on youtoobs

Attached: ishygddt.jpg (488x455, 18K)

bumpy bump
probably planks/crunches idk

Why does the male have bigger bobs than the vagene with legs


Do 100 straight leg situps WITHOUT putting your feet under something. Every day if you can.

Thank me later.

Abs get sore but not stronger with planks and crunches, already tried it.

what are you gonna do If I thank you right now, bitch?

Download papa Jeff app OP. Also clean your diet.

>my goal is to fix my posture
For this, planks helped me quite a lot.
>wake up
>fall out of bed
>plank on the floor for a bit
>get up and have breakfast
also, pullups feel quite good for me.

Oh no no no

Can confirm you can get abs through pure planking. But you gotta mix it up and keep adding time. Mix elbow planks with full planks and side planks. My PR is at 4 minutes 30 seconds but I think I got abs around 3 minutes

Leg raises and cable crunches

Leg raises.
Hanging is preferred, use the captain's chair if you can't control your swing yet. Eventually you should move to hanging, though.
Can add weight by holding a dumbbell between your feet.

Leg raises, ab roller, plants with glutes flexed and elbows under your eyes to make them more effective, spiderman crunches

N-nothing, sir. E-enjoy your abs.

learn how to human flag

If your posture allows you to sprint that can really help your abs

clean eating, lift weights, do sprints or hiit cardio to have low enough bodyfat for visible abs, for the actual ab workout, leg raises, weighted sit ups, planks(several variation, not just elbow planks like a dumbass) and wheel roll outs daily or atleast every workout if you only go to them gym 3 times or something, also back arches-extensions


weighted incline crunches
dragon flags

>I think I got abs around 3 minutes
That's intredasting. I'm on the ab hunt and while I'm starting to get some lines I only managed 2 minutes last time I tried a plank. Admittedly my biggest hurdle is that my arms actually really fucking hurt when I plank and I don't know why, and I probably could've gone a little longer.

Cool to have a rough ballpark figure though. Thanks friend.


Seconding this, running or walking long distance with good posture is kind of what your abs are for, great way to train them

What if you just held a barbell behind you for a period of time? Wouldn't your abs have to work to stop you falling backwards?

Hanging leg raises, V-Ups and variations with an angle.