Get in here you faegs
>post body
lose weight fatty
I fell for the bulking meme hard, in the process of recomp now
>Those legs
SS gets another?
Pic related is after cutting for a year and a half, looking human again for the first time in years.
Going to do maintenance soon, and keep lifting, once I'm 5 pounds lower.
what weight did you start at? Jesus christ, what are your lifts?
post glutes
90 lb bench, 135 squat and 155 dl
all 1rm
> those lifts
might be the most pathetic thing I've seen on Jow Forums. You're a biological man right?
are you really bullying a former fatty whos trying to fix himself? On a health and fitness board? Is your life that bad?
Am I supposed to be impressed by his lack of performance in the gym? Work out harder buddy.
> what I've done in the same time
nobody asked anything of you. congrats on your own transformation, but this dude was clearly much fatter than you.
The man has a 90 lb bench press 1rm. You can take any lazy slob from your college class and he would be benching that day 1, there is something not right with what he's doing.
not trying to bully but he can definitely work out harder
based. i don't care that some fatty lost a buncha weight that he never shoulda gained in the first place. this user's transformation is 10x more impressive. that other guy just looks grotesque.
Fucking lmao that’s not OP
Hello humans and manlets.
6’0 74kg, rate body
> takes selfies of himself--with his shirt lifted--in public areas of the gym
what the fuck is wrong with you user
what the fuck are you thinking when you do this shit
not 6ft/10
not bad at all. your torso would look a lot better with larger pecs though imo
based. keep on trucking user lift big and get huge, you will fill up that empty skin with beeg muscles and get hella babes in no time
There is no way you're 183 cm and only weighs 74 kg.
A fat fuck rooting for another fat fuck, what else is new?
>6 ft
>163 lb
the lowest of low quality b8.
>being unable to comprehend men supporting other men simply because
how does it feel to be a woman?
great logic, now go shove down your big mac fat boy. We're not women, your praise means nothing
> men supporting other men
gayest thing I've read on Jow Forums, fag
> men supporting other men
> 'How does it feel to be a woman?'
idk you tell me
Nobody there Sunday night except me you fucking obvious manlet.
Is being 6'0 that much of a miracle on Jow Forums?
5'10 160
dude you look incredibly average, and that is under perfect down lighting
Post body
keep thinking your hot shit though lmao
Nice body, maybe work pecs and get some sun though.
When did i say i was hot shit exactly? I just said i was 6'0
>the virgin downlighter vs the candid chad
Also 6’4(?) vs 5’11” kek
looking aesathetic bro, can you post some strength stats pls?
Not mirin
Plz no bully
Halfway through December
Just now
Have you replied to yourself 3 times?
i too am 6 ft
Why are they so autistic about towels?
Good progress m8 keep it up
173 cm
70 kg
6'2, 86kgs. Trying to cut but have stalled. Still a bit thicker than I was this time last year though.
You're gonna make it
Great progress!
Very solid. You gonna cut?
Obviously nobody on here is 6'0, looking good though man, those lats look juicy!
>gets nothing but negative replies on his shitty body despite thinking you're all that
>someone else gets compliments on their body
>hurrdurr samefag
Just stop lifting if you can't deal with the fact that others look way better than you
i never said i looked better than you nor that i looked good, your insecurity reeks samefag.
Lifts,time lifting?
How do i get there.
6 feet 210 freedom units.
405 s 475 d 355 b 225 p
repostin from last thread
190 6'3
90kg 198lbs
what i am the same height and weight as you but look a lot smaller. Don't have any real fat on me
Go back to rœddit, you fucking FAGGOT.
Why don't you reply to more than one post when you accuse 3 posts + OP of samefagging, so your moronic bullshit can be disproven with a screenshot
Recomp will take forever since you seem to have surpassed the noob gains. Just cut and leanbulk after.
How am I doing brehs?
Just got done taking a fat shit
I think my back looks better though
6’0 180lbs asymmetric af dyel reporting
Do I have enough visible muscle that a cut would make sense?
Posting lifts as a reply next.
182 cm 79 kg
Doing gslp. Need to figure out how to optimize. Obviously natty, obviously unbalanced, in need of advice
>pic is the last 3 months progress
Overall I am down from my heaviest of 285. I dont ever max out anymore or do a normal lifting routine so I cant post stats. Most of my lifts are all dumbell and kettle bell lifts anyway.
Prometheus? Did you stop roiding?
No, just eat decent food and get stronk. Cut when you have something to cut to. Don't dreamer bulk tho.
Normie fit, looks good, no real complaints but pls obtain bigger traps.
Nice work, what's your goal weight?
1.79m 91.5kg, u mirin my post-squat ass sweat? I don't understand why the back shot came out orange.
Kill me
Don’t really have any good pics on this phone
>Started skinnyfat dyel back when i was in full depression mode. Clocking in at 22% bodyfat, 92.5 kilo's at 6'1.
>Got into lifting again, (i had been lifting back when i was 17 for two years)
>Now at 11,5% bodyfat, 77 kilo's (still dyel, but I feel much better)
I hope this is a good starting point. Basically i've been doing an eternal cut and body recomp because I got a lot stronger in the process. I know I could have done it in way less time, but I'm glad I eased into it, because it's now a more permanent lifestyle change. I feel like i'm back on track. (I was never fat to begin with, I just let myself go. Neck deep into drugs, alcohol and binge-eating)
>Inb4 "why do you look like a nigger in the after pic?"
I'm a hapa, and i'm actually getting outside these days like a normal human being.
Hows the cut going boys?
>No, just eat decent food and get strong.
Thanks man, Merlin
Dropped 7kg in a month to meet military bmi requirements. Never again.
Not even that fat and would have passed the waistline measurement without dropping weight but thought it was a good idea.
Back shot
Inb4 bacne = roids
Are you natty?
It's beena while Jow Forums
>Far left, started at about 170lbs
>In the middle pic i basically lifted heavy compounds only for a year with some isolation work while doing a cut
>Far right is current, I suffered a herniated disc in my lower back. So my legs/core/glutes are weak and have no mass. Currently going to physical therapy to strengthen the muscles surrounding my disc and posterior chain. Will post back after this.
How did you do your back in?
6' 163 lbs
I was squatting that day. I can't remember how heavy but it was probably 225ish..
Probably for about 3 working sets or so after warming up with the bar and 1pl8 I felt my entire lower back flame up and tighten.
>It sucks knowing you'll never be able to squat or DL again, the most glorious lifts.
5'11" 185 lbs
i'd succ, nice ropy forearms
How do I stop looking like a boy? (No I'm not transgender or trap)
your wide, flat crotch already makes you look like a girl.
Smitty get back on riot, I know you're lurking this thread
What do I do? I feel like my hips and ribs are too wide so if I cut it will look terrible, so I need to strengthen my core to look good
Not a doctor but from what I've read, herniated disk doesn't preclude training the squat and dl. I am an SS fag though so make of that what you will.
well, i think you have established why you are not a doctor
sexy smurf
I haven't been on Jow Forums for over a year but you two have made no gains
You’re a fucking woman. I don’t root for weak ass tubbys who stuffed their faces until they ballooned to the size of a whale and then finally lost weight but permanently fucked their hormones and skin into oblivion
I dont workout
Builtfat dad strength mode
post more
Sick obliques if you cut
Am I out of skinnyfat territory?
Trying way too hard to look good with the angle and pose. It would be a good pic if you actually had some muscle mass and weren’t just high off noob gains lmao.