Do you work out your ass Jow Forums? Do you think it's necessary? Or do you just stop at Squats?

Do you work out your ass Jow Forums? Do you think it's necessary? Or do you just stop at Squats?

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Weak glutes = inferior squat/deadlift
Glutes for sloots.

absolutely, it transfers over to your squat and deadlift, plus it avids some nagging back pains
always train your glutes man

I don't even workout my lats I'm sure as hell not going to train my lower body lmfao

A great ass is a key portion of top tier aesthetics

What do you train user?

>Do you think it's necessary?
Do you want to be joocy? If so it's necessary.

I like RDLs and glute ham raises.

Are people who do lower body isolations the same people who use squat plugs?

shoulders (mostly rear delts), chest and biceps
In order of importance, just looking to maintain the brad pitt look

>Do you think it's necessary?
Nope she don't need more

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It's important for good posture.

mirin dat lordosis

Abs and arms. Not delts, not lats, not even pecs (gyno humps). JUST abs and arms.

Repeat after me,


I've restricted myself to a wheelchair to stop those two gangly gains goblins flanking my dick from sucking up any excess gains that could be going to my ABS and ARMS. I'm not 100% sure what a "squat" is but Athlean-x said leg extensions cause aids and they both work legs so they're probably the same thing. Working your back is stupid, you can't even see it in the mirror lmao why bother. And I intentionally keep my delts small so my arms look bigger and functionally they're just shoulder glutes anyways.

Some people say my torso has been folding in on itself, which I see, but it puts my arms way closer together so i get alot more resistance on preacher curls.

You laugh at me today, but by 100% training only my abs and arms they have achieved stength levels equal to your entire body. It doesn't even matter if I can't see my dick under my massive abs because I ripped it off trying to masturbate years ago. On an unrelated note 3 years nofap don't be too jelly.

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Stiff legged sumo deadlifts, RDLs, good mornings, hyperextensions.


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i just want to put my 2 inch cock in her ass so bad


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i go use that vagina stretcher thing after squats. my ass looks miles better than it did before i used it.


>I work out you’re moms ass user

>IF you know what I mean ;)

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Just squats and deads.

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Is this achievable natty?

With fat injections all is possible

yea but it feels like theres only really like 2 workouts for it I want to switch it up more but not sure how

Glutelet with bad knees here.
I can't go heavy on squats because of me knees.
Finding it tricky to get ass gains.

God I wish my gf went to the gym

donkey raises

Hip thrusts
Glute bridges
Cable pull through

come to papa

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I just squat and deadlift heavy my guy

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I think it's important to prevent an anterior pelvic tilt

I do barbell glute bridges and hypers. Gotta train that posterior chain for big squats bois

Beautiful, user.

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I read this in his voice


can a 5 inch dick be able to reach her poo hole?
asking for a friend

>135lb dumbbell hip thrusts 40x5
>glute bridges
>back squats
>snatch DLs
Reminder that glutes are the main movers and stabilizers of literally every single impressive lift and I spend at least half an hour every gym day targeting my ass for this reason and not any other reason at all haha don't get the wrong idea.

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>shoulder glutes
Holy shit

Yo, what is the point of this exercise? Squatting with less than no weight?