How to avoid this
How to avoid this
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cico, cardio and lifting for the rest of your life.
Avoid HGH
Die at 35
Kill yourself before you get old, preferably now
How the fuck does this nigger still have that hairline at 70yo?
don't fit, be really fucking skinny
By not neglecting upper chest like this dyel
Put a shirt on
not having shitty genetics
He’s in a bulking cycle. Wait for it.
Still mogs this board.
But that's photoshopped
He looks ok here.
don't neglect incline bench
Absolutely btfo
stop aging
That's a bad picture
and he's probably off cycles as well as he clearly used to take some kind of roid/hgh
I wouldn't mind looking like that at 70 although I would hope to be a bit better
Stay thin. Muscles will succumb to gravity, the bigger they are the harder they fall
Stay lean. Whether it's obesity or being Arnie swole, being big and aging doesn't bode well for your skin when you get older.
No poo
He's 61
Always keep a workout routine. Plus as you get older go to an endocrinologist so they can prescribe you testosterone as your natural levels fall.
Or pic related.
This is my plan.
Start cutting in my 50s getting ready to retire.
>head full of hair but belly looks like alien gonna burst out anytime
>not shit genetics
Keep lifting... drago had no reason to lift because he probably doesn't care what he looks like anymore
Same here, I plan on going JK mode at the very least.
Take roids or HGH or whatever. Stop doing that. Stop working out.
He's actually quite lean for an old dude.
Ha, that's Gold's Gym in North Hollywood, where I go.
RIch Piana used to go there.
that's photoshop dumbass
how to achieve lindemann aesthetics in ur late 40s?
Is there anyone more chad than Dolph? Hes got a master in chemical engineering also.
>Still has that hairline at 61 years old
>I'm 30 and a NW3
>>Still have that hairline at 61 years old
>>I'm 30 and a NW3
>tfw I've been a NW3 since I was 17, I'm 21 now
top zoz
Newfag just googled this guy
>That jawline
Fuck he mogs everyone
Holy shit
a lot of swedes and other nords manage to have high hairlines into their older years. my dad is 50 and has hardly lost any hair. its still thick and dark. even though if you looked at him when he was 35 or 40 youd think he was going bald.
Looks fine for his age desu. Dont be so vain
Kill yourself before you hit 40.
more like 45 but yeah, don't get old.
He also used to illegally carry two handguns in NYC
been buzzing it since about 19 yo because Im on stage 3 vertex(picrelated)
this is some very special kind of feel only early bald bros can understand
Not having shitty WASP/Scottish/Irish genetics
everyone in the south has caps on, because they're balding really badly
how to avoid to be a actor, regisseur, master of martial arts, model, book autor, speaking 6 languages, being a chemical engineer and having sex with 10/10?
I am balding since 18. My 80y old grandpa has more hair than me
Jesus pls kill it with fire
My bruddah.
Why must this happen. Was it something I did?
It's probably just a beer gut imo
as a finn i can confirm this. balding begins with scandis typically after 60 yo. and even then. reeeally slowly.
god cursed you with balding.. but blessed you with sick gets!
be a chad and dont neglect yourself
>Mogging your Jow Forums grandson
Would there be any better feeling?
God is testing you. Prove yourself with lifts.
>tfw born as NW3
what is this from?
>tfw 29 and something like a norwood 2 and my hair at the front of my head is noticeably thinner than it used to be.
My hair was my only good feature and it seemed like it started diffusly thinning out of nowhere. Here's to hoping this finasteride helps. Im on month six.
If he diets... He dies.
This is complete garbage scandis have famously thin hair and premature balding
Let them dream for one more night.
>tfw you hit the wall
men who aren't married by 24 are worthless
Yeah but women are ready to settle down at 26-27 usually now.
Vegan diet, no alcohol or smoking, no roids
>Why must this happen. Was it something I did?
Yeah, but it's probably not a punishment from God. You just fucked up your internal organs, mainly kidney and heart iirc.
t. TCM pro
Don't use steroids, it's that simples, natural gains last more
I'm planning to go on TRT myself in my mid 40s
My best guess would be stomach vacuums for that old man gut.
He's in his late 50s.
NW3 doesn't mean shit.
I've been NW3 since 17. I'm 37 now and my hairline and hair thickness is still the exact same.
as a 38 year old who joked about similar things, you push that "suicide age" 10 years every 10 years you get older
Suicide at 50 tops
a) dont start using steroids or
b) never stop using steroids
Food until you die
trips of truth
thats daigo the god of fighting games