>this guy is physically fitter (i.e. better stamina and endurance) than and would the knock the fuck out of Jow Forums heroes
This guy is physically fitter (i.e...
Wow you mean to say a professional fighter with years of real fighting experience would beat up some untrained lifter? This is shaking up my world man
Post body and stop spamming these threads to cope with you being fat
Most mma fighters are muscular and some do strength training. Look at Jon Jones
Train BJJ and you can learn the same thing. My fatass lasts leaps and bounds longer than all these body builders that start training.
that fat lardo couldn't run faster than me, so I'd just run away from him and throw rocks back at him
I win
not only that, he's inarguably one of the greatest MMA fighters in the history of the sport
what's the hard-on with emelianenko lately?
None of the MMA guys look like body builders. That's because being that muscular actually limits your mobility. They need to balance strength and agility. Ever watch Kali Muscle try to do antyhing athletic? Guy can barely move.
For Fedor, he has a layer of fat over his muscles. He's not fat at all, but quite strong. If he did a cut he'd get 6 pack abs.
That is a myth. There are many top level fighters who are buff
Heh, there's one Jow Forums hero you didn't take into account.
Jason Blaha can deadlift over 600 pounds. What do you think he would do to Fedor? He could kill him with his bare hands
Are you implying anyone would say otherwise? What's your point? Lifting and fighting are two different things.
I dont get guys like these.
Theyre 50 and still competing.
Fedor was the fucking GOAT and he is now getting ragdolled by nobodies.
Literally just retire already,
>That is a myth. There are many top level fighters who are buff
Define "buff". They're all muscular to some degree, but never bodybuilder huge. You'll never see a fighter the size of Kali Muscle or even Arnold Swartzenegger. In fact, Arnold had to drop significant weight to play Conan because he was too big to weild a sword properly.
Probably need money
B-but user. FE is my hero
My hero is George Forman and prime George would’ve destroyed that guy.
Fedor has only lost 6 matches out of 38, and only 2 from ko.
this thread is made by a coping fatty
post body
>the greatest mma fighter in history would ko fit dudes that don't even practice some martial art
you are a sack of shit op
Are you one of those fags who was also hounding brett favre about retiring? The dude is making hella bank, of course he is going to stay in it for as long as he can
Mirco Filipovic was pretty fucking aesthetic.
Fedor is the absolute GOAT of any weight class, but his day is done and it makes me sad to watch his fights now. A man like that deserves to go out the legend he is not fighting juiced up kids half his age. Nothing against Bader, but the grand prix was a fucking joke and the only surprise would be if he somehow managed not to win. As to why fedor is still in it I suspect that he is stuck in the mentality of being a fighter. Look how big submission grappling has gotten all of the sudden, especially in the states. It's all the old highschool wrestlers who had 4 years of it and can't give up the idea of being a wrestler. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to go from the best of all time to a name people speak about in reverence but no longer respect.
if you fight for 20 years and hasn't got enough money to start a businesss in something else then you done goof'd bro