>one chance at Iife
>parents named me booby
One chance at Iife
its ok my friend is named humphrey
>parents named me booby
this is why I lurk this board
seriously though OP I know that feel I have a dumb ethnic religious name that I'm going to change, just change it to something that sounds similar like Benjamin Bobby Bryan etc., at least that's what I'm going to do
that's a normal name
Tell people your nick names trap
Oh look it's little bobby bitchboy.
>one chance at life
>parents named me dongus
booby or bobby?
Imao why haven't you killed yourself yet
You know you can change your name right?
Looks like they should have named you retard instead.
>Looks like they should have named you retard instead.
>parents named me Espn
>hate sports
post birth certificate with timestamp or youre a lying cuck
I think that would sound kinda cool actually since I'm sure it's pronounced s-pen
I'll do it later if I can find it.
It's pronounced like that. Like how it sounds, hate how it looks.
>I'll do it later if I can find it.
sure buddy
I'll probably name a character in a video game that now. Probably spell it like Esspen or something.
Oh really? If you're making a video game, I'm interested even if you're procrastinating the shit out of it like I am with mine. Also, Espen is an actual name, I'm comes from the same thing as Osborne if I remember correctly.
>tfw parents named be Ringo after Ringo Starr
>tfw really fucking hate The Beatles
Does an old passport work?
Kek, is that what US passports look like?
>parents named me Humbert Humbert
are you mongolian or some shit?
You can legally change your name for free asshat
Holy fuck, it's real. Your parents are cruel.
>The Beatles
I cant pay the court fees that go along with it
I like your name Epsn
You can always change your name if you want.
>posting on a chink lewd child cartoon board and not knowing the name Humbert Humbert
>one chance at Iife
>parents named me Joey JoJo Jr Shabadoo
did kids ever touch you and then say "hey everyone i touched a booby"
hee hee ha ho
I know a Richard Paine. Like a lot of Richards, he goes by the nickname Dick. So he is "Dick Paine."
I also know a woman named Sue Shebar, pronounced exactly like "Sushi bar."
I used to know a girl named Janus Janus. Her first name and last name were the same.
Finally, I know an Indian guy named Horshit, pronounced "whore shit."
Isn't that the guy from Lolita?
Holy shit only in America does this shit happen.
stop picking on america desu
aww : 3 i love little kid signatures when they just write their names in cursive. also your parents are retarded faggets.
Looks like they made a boob (blunder)
Booby is a cute name if you're a slow but charismatic strong southern Chad.
>one chance at life
>get your genitals mutilated
I feel this could be a new "thing", I've been laughing throughout this thread.
Man FUCK your life, what are peoples reactions when you introduce yourself as ESPN?
How is that pronounced? "Es pen" or do you say each letter at a time like the actual channel?
>gorillions of subhumans on planet
>most countries are absolute dogshit hell-on-earth
>born as a tall green-eyed white male
>named Alexander
>ps: drowning in pusy
thanks mom and dad ;)
hahahaha that's a fuckin joke mate I swear imagine being names Espn your parents have a cruel sense of humor
>have one shot in life
>parents name you and your twin brother Yuri and Valery
Since I last moaned about this in a name thread, 1 more fujoshi has said to me, "Yuri? Like Yuri On Ice?". I invited a few of my new friends over last Saturday, and one of them was unaware that Valery is my brother, not my sister.
I truly, sincerely hope that anime does not get a second season.
It usually goes like this
>"What's your name?"
>"How is it spelled?"
It's annoying but at least it isn't roll call whenever there was a substitute.
>squints at attendance sheet
>entire class laughs
>I feel like shit because I'm already the quiet kid everyone thinks is autistic
Also, I honestly think my name affected my personality in some way.
Well at least you found Jow Forums, that's something right?
I got Mason which isn't bad but they sent me to an all mexican all black school and I'm half mexican and I look white unless I sit in the sun for three hours and I don't speak spanish so when I told them I was mexican they all made fun of me
I can't even laugh at your name because I'm too busy laughing at how American passports look like a parody
Not even Ricky-Booby? Wow.
There was this coach we had in high school who named his kid ESPN. There's somebody out there in the world who shares your feels, don't worry.