One chance at Iife

How is that pronounced? "Es pen" or do you say each letter at a time like the actual channel?

>gorillions of subhumans on planet
>most countries are absolute dogshit hell-on-earth
>born as a tall green-eyed white male
>named Alexander
>ps: drowning in pusy
thanks mom and dad ;)

hahahaha that's a fuckin joke mate I swear imagine being names Espn your parents have a cruel sense of humor

>have one shot in life
>parents name you and your twin brother Yuri and Valery
Since I last moaned about this in a name thread, 1 more fujoshi has said to me, "Yuri? Like Yuri On Ice?". I invited a few of my new friends over last Saturday, and one of them was unaware that Valery is my brother, not my sister.

I truly, sincerely hope that anime does not get a second season.

It usually goes like this
>"What's your name?"
>"How is it spelled?"
It's annoying but at least it isn't roll call whenever there was a substitute.
>squints at attendance sheet
>entire class laughs
>I feel like shit because I'm already the quiet kid everyone thinks is autistic
Also, I honestly think my name affected my personality in some way.

Well at least you found Jow Forums, that's something right?

I got Mason which isn't bad but they sent me to an all mexican all black school and I'm half mexican and I look white unless I sit in the sun for three hours and I don't speak spanish so when I told them I was mexican they all made fun of me

I can't even laugh at your name because I'm too busy laughing at how American passports look like a parody

Not even Ricky-Booby? Wow.

There was this coach we had in high school who named his kid ESPN. There's somebody out there in the world who shares your feels, don't worry.