>men don't hit the wal-
Men don't hit the wal-
Other urls found in this thread:
>drugs, tattoos, everyone telling you to not listen to people who don't agree with you.
What could possibly go wrong
This is you on coke
>drugs, tattoos, abusing, being abused, LSD, money without toil, fame before 30, steroids.
He never stood a chance.
>tfw still looks better than you
He's rich so it doesn't actually matter for him.
Remember Corey Hart who sung youtube.com
That was in 1984, he was a teen heartthrob who chose the righteous path by settling down in the 90s, not doing drugs and creating a family. Earlier this year he was inducted into the Canadian Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (lol?) and announced a comeback tour, because, from being satisfied as a caring fatherly man, he realized that many people still enjoyed his style back from the mid 80s
pic related, its Corey Hart at age 56. Retard.
seething roastie
>men hit a wa-
just like basically everyone who hits "the wall," he would be fine after a few months of diet and exercise
Lmfao, whites age like shit
It's so weird how he was just a kid when i was in highschool and now he looks older and more mature than me.
Looks like your typical Southern Ontarian hick hanging out outside a Timmy’s with his fucking hockey decals on his pick up smoking a dart.
>blacks don’t crac-
> pop star at 16
> sex with models since 2008
> millionare
> nothing left to do anymore
justin beiber doesnt have to shower to get paid or laid, bieber just doesnt care
You're only proving my point...
really went downhill
Fuck offf, bud. You’re a fucking goof
Tbh he still looks better than most people on this board
Look like a normal Candian to me. They all eventual go dad mood.
wow he looks like shit
so he didn't do drugs for no reason
Whites might look like shit when we get older but blacks never look good.
christ, my hairline is doing the same shit
He looks terrible in both OP wtf
Left looks twinkish as hell and not even in a good cute twink way, boy better shave that stubble porcupine headass
Whoopi goldberg shaved her hed ?!
From cute to hot
I don't see the issue here
I'm Justin beiber and that's not a before and after pic, that's an after and before pic
Eternal youth from drinking female spic blood.
Dubs confirms
He preformed at my highschool (Ridley Highschool) for some radio contest. Really weird seeing him like this considering he was a child then.
>just grow your bangs out to cover the hairline brah
he's white. And germanic/anglo white. They're known to age like milk. Other races don't age as bad as them. Even Italians and southern europeans age more gracefully
his balding genetics kicked in
Hes funny as fuck, but eric andre is a goddamn retard.
>leathery old fucks with dry ass hair
Wrong way around
Nah, Eric is a mook to get attention
That's because he's not a man
He's the typical modern day onions boy
His high estrogen levels are sinking faster than the Titanic
Leaving him looking like a beat up old hag
puffy face from alcoholism and drug use. GG Justin. going bald and bloating from liquor
Eric Andre is genuinely clever
Man I think that other drugs such as coke did damage more than LSD of all drugs
Wtf how is this happening I'm a celebrity?
don't bring lsd into this he abused coke and cigs
>Even Italians and southern europeans age more gracefully
southern euros age like shit due to sun exposure. most of them are also fairly light-skinned too, so don't meme at me about their "tan" skin protecting them. I'm Greek and pale as shit and I sunburn without protection.
>t. Nigger
He looks like an dying earthworm
>feminine men age like women
nevermind that one pictures from some Hollywood event and the others candid after him gaining some weight
He's Canadian. We all look like this.
>no makeup to cover his drug sores
>bloated from his psychiatric medication
>balding due to Canadian hick genetics
>still marries hailee baldwin
money and fame is literally all you need to make it
>still marries hailee baldwin
what do you expect? she's doing drugs with him, she will look like trash in 5 years and he will be probably dead even sooner
He looks fucking depressed, many rich guys are fucking depressed, not sure why, but money can probably get you women, but will never really get you happiness unless you know how to be happy with yourself
Come on, he's like 30
>lower bf percentage
>take care of his skin
>eat healthy and no drinking or drugs
>take care of his hair again
He could literally get his looks back if he did this. There's no reason why anyone, including women, have to age like shit. Whenever someone ages terribly it's their own doing 99% of the time
We all have the power to age gracefully bros
He looks fine. Needs to shave and take care of that hair. And his skin.
The guy is several hundred million to the good and has A-list name recognition across the world.
I don't think he cares. He won life long ago.
>t. skin cancer white boi
>hurr durr all that matters is fame and money xD
be more 14 years old
>does drugs
>has tats
if you treat your body like a trashbin it will look like one
fucking hell he looks like shite
Bahaha not better than me. He looks like a 40 year old dad from Florida.
nice laugh you got there
>us men age like fine wine. enjoy the cats, slut!
only dudes i can think of desu
>jared leto
>tom cruise
>burger psycho but hes 45.
thats fucking it lads
and that murican football guy
I love how angry the truth makes you roasty
and mads desu
Mads has always looked weird
thats why he pulls this shit off even at his age. hes one sinister looking motherfucker no homo
You're an MtF tranny, you bypassed the wall and drove off a cliff.
Yea he looks weird, but fuck me does he pull it off so damn well.
DAMN. Justin Bieber looks like THAT?
>posting shopped/filtered pics to prove a point
now post someone who doesn't have top 0,01% hair genetics
>Greek and pale as shit
aka not actually Greek and probably some Balkan diaspora.
My grandmother was mediterranean, had olive skin and could tan perfectly with no issues. She also looked 50 in her 70's even with the constant exposure to the sun.
Look at Hailey Bieber's new instagram post. Bieber is back
You've never actually lived in Greece if you're pale or you're a fullblown NEET who never leaves his house
t. Greek
Damn, Leo was beautiful.
>getting tattooed on your arm makes your facial skin worse
How do I know you're retarded?
Literally being so naive you believe his celebrity photos aren’t shopped
>tfw a few months older than Justin Bieber but don’t look as washed up
It’s an abstract kind of feel
He posted a photoshopped picture to prove that men age well. I called him his example is bed because his picture is photoshopped, which means men do indeed age badly. So what are you trying to say?
>comparing a retouched picture with makeup to a overexposed spontaneous picture with bad care
The beard is stupid but the comparison is unfari
honestly this. genetics play a huge role of course but most people put no effort into taking care of their body
>injecting foreign substance under you skin that gets constantly fought against by your body wont totally burden your immune system and liver
Go to a therapist for your tough guy delusions.
Toasty roastie
nah, he looks fine actually. Top tier sleaze-core
I hope I look that good at 65
Look at Jamie from GoT dude is 50
Benedict cucumberpatch is 68 and doesn't look a day over 62
>Money and fame is literally all you need to make it
Being rich and famous IS making it
he handsome
Men hit the wall whenever they go bald.
Also the whole "men age like wine" thing only holds true if you're SUCCESSFUL. If you reach middle age and you don't have anything to your name and you're still low-status, you're still fucked. Those old guys that are still attractive are in spite of their age, not because of it per se.
all he has to do is cut to 10% to look like that again. But why would he? He has millions and 18 year old models sucking his dick everyday
Hotel? Trivago.
>it's the same cope from white incels everytime
At least be original Cletus
then what do you need to win at life?
>tattoos on most anons list of reasons he looks like this in the face
Imagine being this autistic about tattoos.
That's a girl
blacks don't crack but they do crack
Looks 30.
This, all my relatives are German/Norwegian/Anglo, we look 16 until age 24-26, then we have until 35 ish before our hairlines go to shit and we get old and fat.