So what are you diagnosed with user? I just got my most recent diagnosed list. I'll start

So what are you diagnosed with user? I just got my most recent diagnosed list. I'll start

>complex PTSD
>Anorexia Nervosa
>avoidant personality
>adjustment disorder
>Schizoid with dependent traits

I'm so fucked.

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You doing okay user? Must be hard to hear that

Right now I just say I have asperger's but the last time I was diagnosed with anything they gave me this

>Bipolar Disorder II
>Borderline Personality Disorder
>Anorexia Nervosa
>Abandonment Anxiety
>Social Anxiety
>Autism Spectrum Disorder

I'm doing a lot better. For me it was finding the right environment and detoxing from harmful parts of my life. Everyone is different though. Have they thrown you in a ward yet?

I'm not doing well. Not at all. I just want to lay down and give up. No wonder my life has been so difficult up until now.

I don't think I'll ever be able to come back from all this. Hell just trying to get my anorexia managable, not cured manageable, took me over 3 years and two hospital stays. I don't know what I'm going to do. Especially with PTSD. that's a can of worms that feels frightening to even think about let alone process.

I wanted better from life. But if feels like my wings have already be clipped.

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Only ever diagnosed with psychosis once.
lizard brain keeps me away from health services.

I am not diagnosed however if I was I feel like I'd have all these things that you just listed...kms origg

I got diagnosed when I was a kid
got autism and PPD, i feel fine(must be the meds)

meant persistent depressive disorder

Bilateral Hyperacusis
Bilateral Tinnitus

Hearing was perfectly fine from both audiologist test and ent examanation i cant take this pain anymore its been 7 months i cant even use headphones on low volume because it feels like its destoring my ears at 40-60 db hell everything feels liek its destorying my hearing

There is no cure and no cause for what I have. I cant even get medication for my pain my parents cant understand how delibating hyperacusis is. I want to cry I want to die more than ever and im only 25

social anxiety disorder
major depressive disorder
avoidant personality disorder

also /psych/fag here if anyone has questions related to clinical psych / neuropsych

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over the years been diagnosed with bpd, bipolar 1&2 (by different drs), depression, anxiety and some psychosis

Well let's see
>Mild Depression
>Avoidant Personality Disorder
>Acute Agoraphobia
>Acute Paranoia
and >Dependent Personality Disorder tendencies

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>bipolar disorder
>probably have social anxiety too

lol fucking loser. go cry yourself to sleep

If the problem with lobotomies are that they cause depersonalization but cure anxiety and depression then what's the harm in using them on someone with anxiety, depression, and depersonalization disorder?

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when people hear you have any undiagnosed disorder or mental illness they tell you that you'd be better off getting a diagnosis.
the public school wanted me to get diagnosed with OCD for years but now I'm in my 20s and everyone on Jow Forums says I should just act normal and live my life.
great advice. I've been doing that since I was 8

The effect of frontal lobotomies were unpredictable and basically different every time, but they kept people from talking and moving around. They were more of a solution of overcrowding of institutions than a treatment - they didn't cure anxiety and depression, they caused most patients to get much worse. Modern Deep Brain Stimulation is kind of on the same trajectory, but instead of just sticking an icepick up into your brain and scrambling the front part indiscriminately they target specific subcortical structures and zap them. Nobody really knows how it works yet but the effects are consistent across patients.

>specific subcortical structures
and which brain areas are you frying with your dr. frankenstein experimental medicine?

Different structures for different disorders. For depression it's usually stuff like nucleus accumbens or ventral striatum. The thing about DBS is you can turn it off, it's kind of like a pacemaker in your brain. It's defs experimental tho.

>it's kind of like a pacemaker in your brain
don't try to sell it like that man. you have to keep it real with people.
I know they have that for OCD and that's why I'll never go in for a diagnosis because one day they'll make those mandatory.
I'd rather die a wagie than get that diagnosis for the SSDI

Would you say it effects you on a day to day basis or does it come and go?

I can't imagine how you must feel going through all that but I really do hope you the best.

It literally works like a pacemaker.

i'm not a pussy so i've never gone and gotten diagnosed for anything and i really dislike all the snowflakes who list off their mental illnesses like they're some kind of accolade.

your heart is just a pump. this is electrodes into the brain.
I guess I got really lucky with mild OCD and I won't have to have my brain fried. mild OCD still means I am mildly retarded

Severe Anxiety
Severe Vitamin D deficiency

I'm doing my best to correct these but it feels like every step forward I take 2 back. Recently I've started manifesting physical symptoms of anxiety (chest pains, limb numbness) and in constant physical discomfort. I can't fucking sleep, and it seems so pointless to keep going on when my future is already bleak. The only thing keeping me going is my family.

Why do you think anyone cares enough to let you (let alone force you) undergo an ultra expensive and high risk surgery? The money is in meds.

>Social anxiety

Psychedelics really help.

major depression,
borderline personality disorder
social anxiety
avoidant personality

idk if there's any disorders concerning apathy but im positive i have one

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As far as I know, the only mental, psychiatric or neurological conditions I've been professionally diagnosed with are migraine and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified. I think I have more than that, though.

i got diagnosed with severe penis envy so i'm opting for surgery (FAP procedure) and on hormone therapy (MR.T) after NFN i couldn't bring myself to climax and now i'm all backed up and its overflowing i need someone to help me get the poison out of my brain via the main vein plz help me i'm in severe pain

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I've been avoiding the psycholojew out of fear so nothing so far

they're just drug dealers who can take away all your rights with their signature what are you afraid of?

had this happen to me last year in september. Never felt so angry before but i was able to keep calm and convince them that i wasnt a danger to myself. completely killed my already abysmally low motivation to go to therapy

Not diagnosed with avoidant, but exhibit pretty much every symptom.

>Schizoid and avoidant
loool quack doctor

I'm diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder, social anxiety and depression.
I wish I was a girl or had female privilege so I could still find a romantic partner.

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AKA all modern psychologists

Panic disorder
Severe anxiety
Social anxiety
Severe depression
Avoidant personality disorder

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Heavy borderline personality disorder, apparently. I choose not to take meds though, I don't think mental disorders are something that can't be solved with mental perseverance

>not lying to "doctors"

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So why are you here you normie shit

this loI.

How do you get diagnosed with something? I've been to two therapists and after a couple months of session they refused to diagnose me with anything saying I "don't need to worry about labels". Does this mean there's really nothing wrong with me and I'm just a whiny faggot?

just went to the doctor and he told me I have sociopathic behaviors, catch me in the news Jow Forums

There were ICD codes on my prescriptions.

>Tourette syndrome
>Obsessive-compulsive disorder

I rapidly shook my head, clacked my teeth and made high pitched squeaking noises all throughout elementary school, and for high school I was an obsessive semi-recluse spending hours each day on compulsions while trapped inside my mind by own crazy thoughts.

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>Simple type schizophrenia
>Panic disorder

I only agree with the panic disorder diagnosis though. I believe I would be fairly normal if I wasn't anxious all the fucking time for no reason.

I've never been diagnosed either even though I've been the mental health system for 20 years.

According to questionnaires I've been filling out for a few months I'm always in the top percentile of my country for feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. I thought my answers were conservative. I don't believe in mental illness though so all good. What the fuck is a chemical imbalance anyway? I'm not taking any fucking pills.

I've heard of h getting better after time on a tinnitus forum.May i ask how you damaged your ears?
My t is not bad

>major depressive disorder, age 11
>paranoid schizophrenia, age 25

I have lingering PTSD symptoms too but I had therapy for that one. I'm turning 29 this year.

>Dignosed with frequent breathing and constant heart beat
Its just not fair lads why me?

Yea I wish I didn't breathe or have a heartbeat.

>Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder
>Social anxiety
>History of depression

Feelsbad.jpg , be me, be 18, probably never be able to do drugs :(

im too much of an actual retard to consider asking a doctor if i can get mentally checked up

Diagnosed with PTSD and early onset dementia. I'm currently in stage two of dementia. I can't really do math anymore and often struggle to form coherent sentences. I was shot in the head, the bullet destroyed the internal parts of my left ear and damaged part of my central auditory cortex which causes me to have frequent auditory hallucinations.

My short term and long term memory is dying along with the rest of my brain cells. I can watch the same movie over and over and not remember parts. I've written a diary explaining the situation to myself, once I reach stage 4-5 I'm going to kill myself by sitting in the corner of my house and putting plastic bags over my head. It will be peaceful. I turn 27 this year and will die a virgin.

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What happened to you? My mom has complex PTSD and it has really ruined her life, it's very serious.

Damn user I hope you enjoy the time you have left, you're still grand at typing so that's a good sign.

>literally nothing
i feel bad for you guys

ouch user, wanna talk about it?