Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #505
What kind of person actually believes shit like this...
Who /crazyeyes/ here?
Depressed and enjoy nothing in life, even fapping
You like short hair, Jow Forums?
I realized that I'm attracted to men. I hate it
My oneitis and I were tripping off Quaaludes a few nights ago and in her stupor...
/r9gay/ - #594
Big NEET cocks are superior; Chad can take a hike
Comfy thread
Thanks for poisoning our family line, son!
Welcome home, darling! would you like dinner first? or maybe a bath? or would you prefer me?
Anyone wanna be my roommate?
So Jow Forums Ive never come here before but I had a great experience tonight that you autists might like...
How is it that most "incels" seem to be average or above-average-looking guys...
Should I learn Spanish or Japanese? I cannot decide...
Tfw thinking about a fembot being sad and lonely
Does having a girlfriend in the past make you a normie? I argue no
Why are niggers so damn gay?
I hate the internet
I like Gmod
What did you do today user?
Be white femanon
You guys like my new haircut
I just shit in a grocery bag to avoid leaving my room. What's rock bottom?
Tfw thinking about a fembot feeling depressed because she is alone
You're on the perfect day with any of the following:
Met girl in community college 1 year ago
Having a good ol' brookechat and mentioned in passing that she wants to share a little message with you guys to address...
If you were deserted on an island in the middle of nowhere with a 10/10, and she refused to have sex with you willingly...
Anyone else smoke weed but don't drink alcohol?
Would you date a girl with an unusual and likely somewhat suggestive fashion taste?
What do you imagine it's like to have passionate romantic sex with Crispy?
Anybody here fuck hookers?
/NHK/Shut in "hikikomori" thread
Look at this nigga' feet
Antinatalism is selfish! Life is a precious gift! It's your biological duty to reproduce!
This isn't how capitalism should work under ideal conditions
How will the SJW woke inclusivity bullshit implode?
Fembots, have you ever watched a man jack off? Did you enjoy it?
Would you let a girl bully you, r9k?
Miserable depressed and lonely
Tfw an atheist or a materialist have a near-death experience (NDE) and realize that they have been wrong about there...
Mom promised to find me a Muslim gf
Most recent text from a (biological) girl not a blood relative
I want to kill myself tonight. I've had enough. I've made 0 preparations. I want to die...
Fuck incels
I join the 30 year old doomer squad next week
Caucasian citizen...
Hunger games simulator thread? yup!
Waahh Brazil is so bad!!!
I'm on hella ambien and marijuana, mind is super malleable
Waifu General - /waifu/ #40
What was your favorite album of 2018?
Be me
How does one know if a wholesome girl you meet is not a carousal riding camwhore?
What is next in the CWC saga?
Are you a psychopath user?
Depression thread
According to Jow Forumstruerateme this girl is a 5/10. Do you agree?
This lying piece of shit
Give Up
Humanity is doomed
Mfw hairdresser gave me school shooter haircut
I'm pro-life!!!!
Why are traps so goddamn hot?
Tfw just sent a girl, that I met online, a text to desperately give me another chance
Globe MC: The Jow Forums Server
What is your excuse?
Girl hits ME up on snapchat
Who was your first ever waifu?
Where do you respawn once you die?
Hey dad can you take a picture of me and my boyfriend Tyrone together
Femanons is this the first thing you ever stuck up your vagina?
How do you make an A?
What is the best Wendy's 4 for $4?
Loli hentai is just legal animated child porn. When you think of it that way it makes almost all weebs pedophiles
Women's soles
Its a start smoking because youve already given up on the day episode
Yo user, tell me your latest significant experiences regarding
Big 5 thread
Why do you keep playing vidya when you're at a bad place in life...
I just found out that every fucking girl, even the ones below avarage...
Why did he kill his mom?
Do you agree with Reddit that she is /beautiful/ and /killingit/, robots?
Be femanon
Should I go buy some cigarettes?
Why are they showing me this nasty shit
Be me
Why don't you fight someone and feel alive? It's in a human's primal instinct to fight and prevail to be the victor...
Mom found the cauldron of brown
How do I cope with my seething hatred for women?
Anyone know the brotherhood of being in a sports team? even as a benchwarmer fuck that was some beautiful shit
I'm a sociopath (ASPD)
Do you think we're gonna make it somehow?
Everything else has failed me
25+ Thread
Eire Bots
Ask a girl with daddy issues anything
Would you take care of a cute blind girl? She recently lost her sight and will depend on you for everything...
That kid thread
You know, I never realized it until now but Ciara is actually pretty cute. Not that I'm desperate or anything...
New waifu thread "lewd edition"
"why dont you work out more, user?"
Anything you gotta share??
According to feminists the guy on the left is a sensitive confident man with a great personality and the guy on the...
Why would any sane non-cuck father send his daughter to uni
Why do norimes look down on antisocial virgin men? don't we have it hard enough?
Anyone else think all psychiatrists and psychologists are idiots?
Should the government provide access to vagina to those who are denied it due to some financial...
So after all, we robots have no chance
I have a predator
Be me
Is it possivle to redpill my libtard mum?
What would your friends and/or family think if you brought home a girl that looked like this?
/r9gay/ - #593
Ever been hugged by a girl, Jow Forums?
You're addicted to dopamine my dudes...
Why are you not helping earth?
How are you coping with winter so far?
Can't be considered a femcel because had sex 3 times
Dad has made some new friends
Crispy is ruined. The Youtube channel didn't bother me, I still found her incredibly cute...
You see this? You see this slit between a woman's legs? Stop obsessing over it. It's overrated...
be in college
Consciousness comes from the brain... according to the brain
Any Spanish fembot lurking?
Random girl from what was she thinking in this pic, Jow Forums?
So what happens after you guys get a gf then ?
/r9futa/ Volume Three
Are nonwhite passing hapa males the most cucked?
Why is this allowed bongs?
How do you know if a shy or autistc girl likes you? Do they smuggle dead animals into your bag like cats?
I like anime pussy
Should an IQ of at least 90 be a requirement for breeding?
All true robots should support Communism...
What's your favorite eye color? What color are your eyes?
Write a cathartic letter to feel better...
I'm so jealous of Staceys. They can pound a bottle of vodka...
Why do beta males prefer having daughters?
Opiate gurlz
Why don't black men need magnesium, vitamin d, ZMA, probiotics, multivitamins, apple cider vinegar, perfect diet...
Posting nofap counter every day untill I get a gf
Women live life on tutorial mode
Convince me to completely give up on my masculinity
Help me Jow Forums
Premature puberty in girls explained
2019 is gonna be pretty exciting
Alcoholism general
Tfw you will never be anything but a human (and a low-tier one at that)
Were any of you molested as kids?
Life is not fair when you're living in an Arabic retarded country...
How the fuck could she do this me? I'm in ruin. I'm in fucking ruin. I just want to hurt her...
Fembots should kill themselves
Would you an Anzu girlfriend?
Paintbucket europe thread
Give me one good reason why you don't have a job
What's the worst astrological sign to be born as. I say it's Pisces. (I'm a Pisces)
What is your opinion in pedophobia?
Delete this board already gookmoot
I don't think I'm fit for any job, I literally can't get along with people...
Jow Forums is actually incredibly dumb. Show up with a little bit of sanity and they spill their spaghetti
Daily reminder that femcels don't exist
What a very funny and creative thread. Reddit always makes the best content
My sister's 13 year old friend sent me a pic of herself in her underwear...
Do femanons Iike being choked?
If I can pass then you can too
How are people satisfied with living such a shitty existence
No you can't sit next to me, user. Go away!
Tell me the most depressing thing that happened to you in your life
Name's Olivia, I'm autistic as fuck
What is a quick and relatively painless suicide method for under $350?
When did you realize Will Ferrell was never funny?
Does anyone else here think that the whites are the devil?
What's it like living in here?
I lost my virginity to a tranny
It might be considered beta...
Ask a guy who knows everything anything
Guys I need Vday gifts for my sister, mother, girlfriend, aunt, and my girlfriends mother what do I get?
Psst, hey you!
As a guy who knows how to push a girls buttons in a way that makes them practically absolutely insane with sexual...
What happened to the good AAA games?
*blocks your path*
Tfw thinking about a fembot crying because she is alone
I've been NEET for 11 years. Can anyone else even come close to that?
I think my mom hates me now
Anyone else like driving around for fun? It's really relaxing and isolated...
What is your opinion on cute skinny Hispanic women with long, silky, black hair?
33 year old virgin
Waifu General - /waifu/ #39
Has a girl ever wanted you before robots? or are you really that fucked genetically?
Femanon here
Ohmygod, user! I didn't know you needed Trojan magnum XL!
Are we living in a simulation, anons?
What is your sincere opinion on philosophy?
I'm not saying getting fit will get you a GF,I am saying that by the time you are you won't need one
Does anyone else casually talk about sex with their female friends?
Be me, 9 years old
Why are incels so triggered by transgirls?
Sex survey
Ever wish you were a woman?
Do men dislike short flat-chested girls?
Canada Gen #5
Ideall gf thread?
NEET Holiday Adventures Greentexts
Hey black fembots, what things do you find attractive in black men?
I'm going to post about this on as many boards as possible because I think that you all will find this very interesting
What are your hobbies Jow Forums?
Apparently making sensible and coherent observations makes you a racist now
Remember the days when atheists seemed so formidable? This raged on for like a decade and then it all just fell apart
Climate change WILL destroy the planet in your lifetime
Hello once again anons! My goodness, it's been a while
Why are /v/ and /a/ so shit, I just want to talk about the things I like but everyone insults and shits on everything...
Hey robots, how do you like your eggs?
Currently on day two of opiod withdraws. Waking up sweating and shaking...
Tfw i DO have a male best friend whom i can cuddle and be gay with
Why do whites tend to be cucks and feminized ?
How to seal the deal?
Well Jow Forums? Do you even have feelings?
She rejected me because she thought she could do better.. be honest, is she pretty?
How to handle this situation
Why are all incels white?
Tfw no turkish bf to tell me that its going to be okay
So, this normaI?
Did the stacies make fun of you femanons?
Lets talk
Robots who spend the whole day at the computer, did you guys ever considered programming?
What is this look called and why does it make my peepee hard
MAGA hats really are the new fedora
Sleepy Time
Mgtow won't exempt you from getting false rape accusations aimed towards you so you may as well go after females...
Tfw thinking about a fembot hurting alone
It's after 5 pm
Cheer up, Robot
How do you feel about your sexuality?
Good morning. Good morning. I talked the whole night through. Good morning. Good morning to you. Good morning...
Why couldn't he get a girlfriend? He had a really good personality
This was the top viewed video in the USA today. What does this mean, robots?
Why do I have to get my boobs and vagina checked on a monthly basis but men only have to see a doctor once every few...
This is the face a girl will make if you ever manage to finally have sex
Come home from playing Warhammer all morning
How bad would it really be if no one of any race reproduced?
Somehow I have been brainwashed into wanting to fuck black women for the past month instead of asian women
Waifu Creator Thread #3
"Hey dad, this is my boyfriend Tyrone."
Free (You)'s
MBTI Thread
All i want is a bf is that so much to ask for
*ting ting ting*
As we all know looks do indeed matter but surely you don't have to be 10/10 to get a woman to love you can be decent or...
Hi robots. I just scooped this blood clot out of my pussy. What do you think...
6 months ago my gf of 5 years left me. She claims that I wasn't being supportive, that I was taking her for granted...
How's the job hunt going, fellow bots?
What would you do if your mum told you you were trans?
/r9gay/ - #592
Whats the best dating app to find an unironically altright bf
Apparently being blunt works wonders
How old were you when you first discovered Jow Forums? i was probably around 10 or 11 when i read my first greentext...
My mom calls the cops on me pretty much any time I attempt to move out. I'm 19, a legal adult...
Any anons here from Cuba?
Why arent you on Tinder yet?
Yes hello. It's me Titus. You probably don't even know who I am but that's okay. Lets assume I'm your friend...
/shut in hikikomori/
Be depressed
How much did you score?
Jow Forums is the perfect communist society
Names of Jow Forums
Fembots are real
What is the ideal woman?
Hbomberguy had Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling in on his stream while playing Donkey Kong. What have you done today?
Do you guys dab your dick after a piss with tissue?
Canada Gen. #4
Has r9k spoken to their e-gf today?
Tfw no artsy gf to visit the art muesum with
Women are better than men becuz they just listen to you more when you feel shit and are depressed and they help you...
How come theres no drugs forum on here?
Matched with a girl who I thought was familiar and had talked to before
Depressing Memes
Most women would rather be beaten up and raped by this guy than have sex with you
If you're a virgin, why not just become a cute girl? Everybody does it these days
Women HATE Thread
No art hoe gf
No one is entitled to sex
What was the incident at your school Jow Forums?
I read a lot of comments about robot wanting a female friend. I can be your friend
Describe your special ability/super power that would would have based on your personality/life philosophy/etc...
INTJ IQ138 thread
Mom found the poop bowls
Whh dont yoy just move to japan and become a neet like me?
Hey fembots, how cute would you say your feet are on a scale of 1-10?
Japan: Rental sisters help Hikikomori leave their rooms & get jobs
Always tired
Who here /high standards/?
I want to be dominated and plowed by a bigger and stronger male
Did he browse this board?
O-one of these I guess
Anyone else noticed that a certain googly-eyed...
Should I even start trying if I'm already 20? When I think about all the people who've studied code since they were 13...
Elves are behind all of your misfortunes, robot
Tfw have to choose between aiming for a comfy but low paying job...
Become a streamer = get a gf
Would you watch an e-girl anime?
Be me
Fembots, would you be interested in a free use relationship? If you don't know what that is...
Games dont fill the void anymore
I just found out my gf of 5 years cheated on me.She doesn't yet know that I know. I'm not sad, I'm not depressed...
How small is considered too small? Will you ever be considered Chad if your dick is less than 5 inches?
Halt Citizen!
What happened to me
Who else fell for the everything gets better after high school meme?
Never forget what YOU caused
Would you accept her as your girlfriend?
Who here /gynosaur/? Have you reached the point of needing a bra?
GF of 4 years broke up with me. Do I respond?
What is the best way to make money online?
Hey anonkin
I never asked to see this abomination
People were never meant to stay together for years on end
See cute skinny boys with wavy hair
Canada Gen. #3
Fuck Women
How do I deal with the fact that I'm probably going to wageslave until I'm at least 60?
Hooker that I fuck every 2-3 days said she is dating some guy...
Reminder that Valium/xanax is the cure to robothood
If IQ is so important why doesn't it stop Chad from enjoying life?
User comes in for depression
Type of male are you?
I convinced gf to let me use some butt plugs on her once...
Good morning from Luxembourg
Is the price of pussy overvalued? Is there a roastie bubble?
Tfw no gf is a first world problem. The real problem is tfw no Jordans. Why don't you get a pair of Jordans user...
Why are Incels right wing????
Pam or Karen?
Women don't want equality
Get DNA ancestry thing for Christmas from sister
Any fembots here whose boyfriends uses r9k?
What is more important to you in girls robots, "Hotness" or "Cuteness"
If women were placed in all the positions of power of a modern society, what would happen?
Its still not any good
Anyone else here legitimately enjoy the consequences of the antivax movements (i.e...
Got to see a girls breasts today
Reminder if you're a female and on r9k get the fuck out of here you attention seeking whore, and go to crystal...
25+ general no degenerates
Fembot Feels Thread
Lonely Fembot here
What's with all the incest in this place lately? i mean, some of the stories of failed attempts are hilarious...
Moving Soon
What's the longest you've ever gone without brushing your teeth?
Have you told anyone irl that you hate yourself?
Most annoying shit on R9K you see?
Excuse my intolerance for I'm afraid I dont know where to post his urgent matter
Tell me about "her"
Sup virgin Incel faggots of Jow Forums
Are you a fan of skinny Latinas with long, silky, black hair?
I want to create a world ruled by an transgender ethnostate
Used a photo of myself as a thread pic
What's keeping you from acquiring a qt3.14 gf, r9k?
Eyes of Jow Forums
>Jow Forums will die in your lifetime
What's your ultimate motivation in life?
This is floor 1320, i repeat this is floor 1320, can anybody hear me? I have found a window...
Does Jow Forums like simulators?
How do l know l can trust you guys?
My mom told me that the reason that I don't have a dad is because my grandfather raped her and I'm the result of that...
On nights when you feel like ending it all, how do you keep yourself from pulling the trigger?
Tfw no money because of the government shutdown
Take Philosophy because I think I'm special
ITT: Some illegal shit that you have gotten away with
Fuck, guys. I really fucked up
What did you do today user?
/depression general/
Diagnosed with colon and ovarian cancers
WHERE do you find a girl who
Age difference thread
Is Jow Forums a good ally to the trans community?
What are the most normie boards? I think /mu/ and /fa/
Omegle Bots
Have you ever seen a girl pee in real life?
The incels are right: give up
Why do girls always sit down when they pee? Why can't they just pee standing like normal people?
All the books I have are absolute fucking shit. There's nothing worth reading. Recommend me something to read already
Zoomers are nostalgic for what was once widely considered the downfall shit era (Late 00s-Early 10s)
Fembots are real
Drinking thread
MBTI thread
What's even the point of going to college if some chick will just falsely accuse you and get you kicked out...
/r9kuck/ Cuckold feels thread
Does anyone else here have existential terror every night?
Waifu General - /waifu/ #38
Why do girls always want to see guys jizz? does it turn them on? what?
Yfw femanons will never cuddle on a couch and watch a movie with you
Anyone else miss this nigger?
/mommy general/
What's the best way to cope with a 1/10 face?
They are back. the demons. the screaming. the stratching. the horror. help me. i am scared to sleep. scared to live
Tfw need a job but hate every single job
I just fingered my sister
Get in here faggots
Hot girl I barely know messages me on facebook
Hi I'm your new gf, what should I say to cheer you up user?
Dear Youngfags:
/r9gay/ - #591
Why not just become a magical girl already?
Alright gents, I'm gonna ask a girl out tomorrow
Can a brain tumor cause laziness?
Finally going to get NEETbux and live in a van, traveling the country
Um i'm on omegle playing rn
I want to go to seminary to become a priest. I like the holy lifestyle and think that it might be a good idea
The final redpill
How do i become a qt instagram girl like all the other egirls
New anime waifus thread
If you werent born poor in a rural area and black you have literally no excuse for being a failure
Is this what peak female beauty looks like?
AMA lets talk bros...
Doomer in Myanmar
Is the UK really as depressing as it seems...
Free (you)'s
Yes baby I love you ima stick my urine stick that's now engorged with blood into your acidic stink box that also...
Today I will help r9k get a job (to the minority who need one). What are my qualifications...
Confess. 0
Solution to 25+ yr old virgin incels
Who here Jow Forumsthousand-yard stare?
Americans think a 3 week vacation from work is a lot
Kelly thread
Is she right? Why aren't men "men" anymore
A thread for ex-traps, those who took the pink pill and regretted it. How are you holding up now user...
Be me
30+ Thread
I don't want him to leave
Semi-weekly censored beta porn/humiliation thread
Femanon anus awareness thread
Be me
Women only want Cha-
Did a nurse ever touch your penis?
What would you name your boat if you had one?
What would you even talk about with a hot girl?
Should be doing important, overdue assignments
Who should pay on a first date?
NEET here...
Fembots, would you date a guy with pectus and rib flare like the pic on the left...
"I'm so glad I could help with your cellphone issue, user. Is there anything else I could help you with?...
Fembot Feels Thread
How to attract women?
How are my fellow fatbots holding up? I'm on day 2 of my fast and it feels like my body is shutting down
I had a bad dream. I dreamed of awful things. The last thread was at the image limit so I am starting a new one...
TFW no gf to hold me and Pat my head while she tells me that everything thing will be ok and how much she loves me
Yay! My wig just arrived, now I can get fucked while dressed as a girl
You have been found guilty of smirking while white how do you plead?
I am 22 and I have the maturity level of a 14-15 year old. I am also a very bad person
Times you turend heal IRL
You're learning a second language, right?
White teens exist and smile
How to get a gf? I'm 25 and I push carts for a living, soon to be a stocker though
Daily reminder that Jow Forums is no less toxic than the rest of the shitty social media that exist...
"ready for our hiking trip, user?"
How do female specimens feel about being sexually molested by other female specimens?
Whats the hate of robots to tattoos? i cant get it
Why is exsprising his want for love and affection seen as unmanly
Post pet friends
Play games with a few friends and this new girl joins our group
Four fucking years I lifted for her. Blood, sweat, and tears, all to see her choose a fucking spic over me...
Sister found the rape twink
Be me
Would you rather have a fat, trashy zoomer gf or still fuckable and slim boomer...
User here, I'm wondering why you all thot begone every girl on this board but worship mega thot ewhores and shit?
Pick a color, anons
Submitting to superior muslim feet is the final redpill
Sick of robots calling me a fat whore
Does anyone else like to go "people-spotting" at the mall? It's a hobby of mine
I want a good vidya
Fuck. Ok its been killing me. You know what meme I don't fucking get?
I can't do this anymore
Ywn be a house husband for your breadwinner wife
Make an anime girl
What emotion does this image evoke from you?
I want a long-term parter that is committed to our relationship, and at the same time I'm sex addicted...
Download tinder
All I want is a qt bf I can make delicious club sandwiches for. Is that too much to ask?
R9k Music
Has the big tiddie virgin European fembot left us?
Have you guys ever been approached by a girl? I have not, is that weird? Is it just because I'm really ugly?
Try to kill myself
Gib practice bf plz
How the fuck do I get over a girl extremely far away?
You are jailed for 5 years
I made some veggies and tendies for you, user
Tranny faggots of b, is this what you really want to be?
Wtf is this reality thing ? Everything seems so absurd and *unreal*. I'm losing it guys
Posting nofap counter every day untill I get a gf
To all bots fantasizing about combat, join the PKK...
Be lonely visiting here since I was 14, kissless handholdless hugless virgin
Is he right, fembots? Have you had group sex?
Tfw used goods male
Its getting hard hating on transsexuals, while being jealous that they have happy lives
What are some red flags for men?
A roastie would rather fuck an old man than you
Army robot thread
FUCK infatilism and manchildren
I must not break my waterfast. I have to keep going!
For 1 million dollars would you be permanently turned into a turbo manlet (under 5ft 6)?
Explain why these guys never get cucked despite not being Chad
Can we have a faces of r9k thread?
How many of you have turned down a girl for sex?
Creative general
Do you have any attachment to your virginity?
How do I hit on a girl?
Anime girl maker
Never fall for the "fembot" meme
BPD thread
Lost libido from meds
I have literally no friends anyone else
Growing up I was homeless a few times and used to sleep with men to have a roof over my head and some food...
How do I buy weed when I'm a shut in neet with no connections and it's not legal where I live?
I need advice
Did I fucking make it?
/r9gay/ - #590
Why do you stupids cry "tfw no gf" and not "tfw no Jordans" instead? Why don't you have cool kicks yet user?
Do you ever wish you could lower your IQ?
How does this make you feel, Jow Forums?
Dating and interaction with girls is a fundamental step in the development of humans...
Happen to run across one of my high school bullies while at a grocery store
Do you think turning virgins into girls is a good solution to the incel problem?
Could you help me clean up over here, user? I've made quite the mess of myself
White men with Asian women
Why are some people attracted to fat chicks?
Allah grants you one (1) wish
Don't have a boyfriend
What is your favourite egirl?
How do you plan to avoid being enslaved by blacks and Hispanics...
For me, it's Indian mommies
Find girl I ACTUALLY like (legitmately funny, not a sjw or Jow Forums type, but not a total normalfag, cute, etc)
Fembots, have you ever had a threesome or at least made out with a few different guys in the same day?
If you don't write your X's like #5 then you are NOT a robot and should get off Jow Forums immediately
Been on Jow Forums for 11 years
Robots, if you had the chance to be reborn and have complete control over your circumstances, which would you choose...
Is/Was your father a loser?
Waifu General - /waifu/ #37
I'm gonna Redpill you all on black women:
Look at your life, look at your choices. a whole house in one month's worth of income
Ugly Fembots
Can someone give me some suggestions for music
Depression isn't re
Did anybody else sign up for pic related ?
Sentence using thread
Free (you)'s
Why do you believe you deserve a girIfriend?
Fembots don't exist
Femanons give me one reason why you're a failure and belong here
I seen about 4 gay discords shilled
It takes effort to put the peen in the veen
Who is your favorite Bionicle?
/mommy general/
Boyfriend talks about a new friend at work
Hey guys. I am the guy who made brown yesterday and I have an idea
I don't have the ability to love people
About to eat 9 cans of ravioli ask me anything
Toronto Thread
Why are Amerimutts making a big deal about this?
A genie grants you the following wish:
Why do Asians worship whites? It's embarrassing
I'm a Priest (soon)
Why don't you have any friends, user? Is it your personality or do you just like being alone?
You just need to lower your standards bro
Hey R9K, I'm confused about what happened with this story
Fembot Feels
How do I tell my friend that I've lost respect for him for having a fat whore girlfriend without making him not want to...
What's your excuse?
Why is anything real?
For the first time in my life, I'm going to meet a girl tomorrow. Here's the story
"And if a double-decker bus
Chad 10/10 Stacy vs. Virgin 6/10 Becky
Have you ever seen another guy's penis in person before?
Incels and attractiveness
How does it feel knowing that none of you loser will ever afford expensive things like me?
He still keeps pining after generic white roast whores when there are MILLIONS of top qt black grills just waiting out...
Why do people take acid?
Mom comes to my room and gives me "the talk" again
Would it be a bad idea to date my trans sister? She is 16 and I'm 19...
Hug someone in your family and tell them you love them. Post results. /hyf/ tripfriends welcome
Sister fucking
/bloodmoon/ chill
Daily reminder that women are not the same as they are displayed online since they photoshop
Tfw so cold it's unironically painful to go outside even if I'm wearing fucking snowpants
Mom utilized the urethra utensils
What do the rooms of Jow Forums look like?
I-i lost my virginity last night
How many gfs have you had in your life
/drugfeel/ Cheshire Ket Edition
You are REQUIRED to post ITT if you have never seen a vagina IRL before
Lesbian Gf greentext
21 years old
Mc thread
My ex gf is now a cam gril
8/10 easy in mirror
/r9futa/ Second Edition
How many of you are schizoid?
Wake up in the middle of the night
Am I the only one who gets depressed because he realizes how worthless male attention is to women...
Feel like shit and want to kill myself
So how much of a normie are you?
Why not take the nazipill? Its not like youd have anything to lose
/r9gay/ - #589
Why are you beta males offended by a commercial criticizing alpha males? Am I missing something here?
Boobs look hotter in a bra than when theyre naked. Do you agree?
Just join the military
You find pic related on your boyfriends phone or computer
Does fit really think that girls don't care about any guy beyond ottermode?
Tfw no dark temptress gf
Why did I have to be a hapa of all things?
What is your opinion on cute Latina girls? Skinny ones with long silky black hair, in particular?
Feelings thread
Shill me on Bumble, is it based and redpilled or cringe and bluepilled?
You put in years of work in the gym to get a chad body and you went to a therapist to tame your autism
In on sentence, why are you a virgin?
What Simpsons character characterizes you the most?
Wtf am I supposed to say robots? I've never approached a woman before let alone talked to one intimately, any advice?
When an ewhore makes more in a month than you do all year
Phone vibrates
This is your gf for today, have fun user!
You can only pick one, anons
Femanon here
People were very likely happier hundreds of years ago when religion gave meaning to the lives of 99...
How do this originally make you feel?
Texting someone
Apu thread, share your apu's
Post pics of objective 10/10s
Cry out to your inner child
Anyone going for a walk at night?
The last known photo of Titanic
Ask the 8-ball about your future robots
Tall (6'3)
I lost my virginity to an escort
Help Me Finish my story
Why is going to the cinema alone such a big deal for normalfags? It's no like you can talk while watching the movie...
Short (5ft)
Self-improvement thread
Brown bricks
People who piss and moan about degeneracy are the most degenerate of all
Wow! You have big mussels user-kun! Can I touch your biceps? ^_^
This is why you're all incel losers
Finally accepted i'm trans
NEETlife general
Why did god and the world lie to me?
I have loli body
Lolicon is for pedos and closet pedos
If you died right now, what would be your legacy?
How do I find a girl to have sex with?
Self-pity and using video games, Anime, and Jow Forums as escapism tools won't get you anywhere in life...
Grandma just called me to tell me my mouth looks weird and i dont look normal
What are normies
Show me depressing anime pics/comics. The darker the better
One chance to live
God here
When did you finally realize you made it?
Have you ever asked out a woman face to face before?
Post your age and list all your intimate experiences with other people, no matter how small
Let's play a game
Alright, user. What will you be singing for us tonight, then?
Fembot Feels Thread
Why are Arabic women the best? And why are they not talked about enough?
Tell crush you love them
What's it like living in London or New York City?
Wake up
Girl is nice to me
It has been completely broken. I crave nothing more than death. He took everything away from me
I'm putting together a team, one last mission. You in?
Go back in time
Robots, In your opinion, what shoes should females wear?
What are you reaching for, user?
Fucking a girl makes your life magically better and all your problems go away the second your sausage gets wrapped by...
What's the point of staying a virgin until marriage if my ''man'' is just going to fuck some internet whore who has a...
As an INTP, this could be good but
Ever killed anyone?
Are any of you working towards your goals/dreams currently? Please share :)
How do normies find Jow Forums
Just listened to my roomate fuck my oneitis... i am traumatized. i feel like my heart was just raped...
Name 5 living women, any 5 women, who in your opinion are worthy of respect
You guys say average looking white guys can get asian girls really easily...
This show has fucked with my emotions on so many levels
Which is the loners (robots) restaurant of choice?
You will never be born Chad
Tfw you didn't fuck her good the first time and now she won't give you another shot
I'm a doomer zoomer, born 2000, I discovered Jow Forums when I was still 10 years old...
What do you do for a living? I do contract work for a private business. It's a bit underground
Hey am i incel? can someone please rate me and my jaw line...
Why do manlets always have the personality of a chihuahua?
Why the hell are the only longlasting happy relationships between ugly people?
ITT: favorite $uicideboy$ song
You wake up as pic related. what do you do?
Redpill me on Kevintime#8698
See thread on r9k called "minimum requirements for gf"
Have any of you successfully became emotionally numb, or at least severely dulled your emotions? If so, how'd you do it?
I lifted my hardest for 4 fucking years, gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears. All for her...
/hikikomori diet/
Goodbye robots
So today is my 19th birthday and I have never felt more lonely and depressed in my life...
So what are you diagnosed with user? I just got my most recent diagnosed list. I'll start
Greasy hair
This thread
Who's coming on omegle?
Personality Compass Thread
I can't stop watching this Tik Tok girl (The What's New Scooby Doo chick)
Does anybody think porn destroys your mental health?
Hey um user, it's my birthday today (I got this yummy cake for the occasion today!)...
I know you robots are all insecure about your dicks
Why does 80% of Jow Forums seem to be atheist?
All the shitcords are full of traps and trannys and roasties so I decided to make one
What was the specific date that thing happened that completely ruined your life?
Bullshit Catholic School 4 Grills
I saw a mega qt 3.14 asian girl jogging with a shirt from a semi obscure anime that I really like...
Weirdest shit youve been caught doing as a kid/teen
Tfw all i want is clingy and obsessive gf i can be loyal to
Whiskey is one of the easiest liquors to drink. I just realized this after going back to whiskey...
What sort of unholy black magic do I have to do to get a girlfriend that looks like this as a 6/10 white male?
What was the biggest age gap of someone you had sex with?
I want to ride into battle with my friends and dearest comrades close behind...
Went to a therapist for the first time today, mentioned how much time I spend laying in bed looking at this shithole...
/drugfeel/ Weekend Edition
God I want to be Mercy
Ladies and gentlemen I present to you
Would you?
Why can't guys grasp this simple concept? Women mentally cannot cope with rejection the way you can...
Death and suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to death and suicide go here
Why do girls hate bisexual men?
Waifu General - /waifu/ #36
Why did she delete her youtube videos?
I miss my mom
I can cook myself dinner. I couldn't do this a year ago. I'm gonna grow up, guys. One step at a time
Why do you believe you deserve a girlfriend?
Is it true asians, and specially their women, are all white worshippers?
She's my endless sunset
How long until someone shoots the Commie?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship