Ramadan Edition

How are you preparing/maintaining gains for this upcoming Ramadan?

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/fat/ here
I am going to fast to lose weight

Cant wait for ramadan. All my coworkers will be fasting while i *sip* infront of them all day. It feels good man

Preparing to lose, I just need a good factory reset

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That’s fucked up

And I'll wipe my ass with a pic of jesus. Show some fucking respect.

Tfw you go after muslims because that's exactly what the jews wanted. Don't fall for (((their))) tricks dumbass.

I bet you're not even muslim, just a soicuck, since muslims have Jesus as a prophet too

So you're telling me I should go hide in a corner while drinking water so i dont offend these jihadists?

Really shows how mature you are

>worshipping a gay jew
I really shiggy diggy

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Whats going on big guy? You just killed 290 people in Sri Lanka

I was just proving a point. I respect christians and am aware that Jesus is a prophet in our religion. You should do the same thing with muslims.

Based. Fuck the slims

No, just don't rub it in their faces.

Lmao just look at all these triggered mudslimes

To all my Muslim brothers: may you find peace in the arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

>worshiping an idiot from the desert
What is it with you clowns and fucking little kids anyways?

Reminder Allah is a false prophet

It is tea time already?

Jesus is a respected prophet in islam. Christians and muslims share similar values. You should concentrate more on atheists and (((them))) if you want to make a real difference.

Allah means god. How fucking retarded can you be?

Why are kebabs allow to spam their shit religion here?
Did I fucking make dozens of threads and annoy everyone with the Paschal fasting?

>Dry IF + OMAD
Ramadan sounds kind of based

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Imagine being a lost faggot who hasn't found enlightenment and thinks he's better than god himself. Lmao.

No man can find salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church one can have everything except salvation. One can have honor, one can have the sacraments, one can sing alleluia, one can answer amen, one can have faith in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and preach it too, but never can one find salvation except in the Catholic Church. - St. Augustine

>yes, surrender your free will to g-d my brothers
I choose to be free cucks. The only thing I exalt is nature.

We should indeed concentrate on (((them))), but we also need to recognize the damage that Islam and non-western societies are doing to the civilized world.
I don't want it to come to blows either, but with each passing day, another conflict seems more likely. It's not unavoidable, though.
The love of Jesus is for all, and no one is beyond salvation; all that is required is you accept the free gift of salvation by admitting your sins and putting your faith in Jesus to save you.

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Christianity is an anti-human death club. As bad if not worse than islam.

OK but seriously how can I maintain my gains I'm thinking working out after the fast breaks should be good enough

Just eat

God gave us free will for a reason.
The lord gave us instructions to follow and it is our choice to follow them or not.
It is not god's fault that there is war and suffering and degeneracy. It is our own fault.

What exactly did god say was wrong?
>Be a good person
>Love your family
>honor the good, punish the bad, help the ones who need it
>Don't be a degenerate
>Don't be evil

You don't need to be religious to be good but it fucking helps.

>t. someone who is willfully ignorant of the lack of Christian terror attacks

I have the keys to my local gym (it's pretty small). On the off hours I'll be rubbing bacon on the most popular machines and on the barbells. The five muslims who work out there will be in for a surprise.

Terrorists are not muslims since they go against everything that Allah stands for. They kill innocents. They kill women, children and the elderly. Allah and the prophet would never allow that.

Based extra Ecclesiam nulla salus poster

Embrace the weight-loss belt of Islam. Don it, use it, and your weight problems and virginity will be a thing of the past.

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stop pushing that myth

The Jesus of the Quran is the same character, but not the same person. He doesn't say the same things, nor does he do much except refute Christian beliefs and affirm Muhammad's claims about himself. He is a character of convenience.

The Quran agrees with the Bible about the virgin birth of Jesus (and his return), but not his resurrection. In fact, it even denies that he was crucified, which runs counter to all historical evidence. In the Islamic version, Jesus was taken to heaven and will return to "destroy the cross" and all religions other than Islam.

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Similar guidelines apply heavily to Christians. So how exactly is Christianity a death cult?

While Jesus of the New Testament says things like "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" the Quran's Jesus says "blessed was I on the day I was born" (supposedly saying this from the crib as an infant). It is an unrealistic portrait devoid of human depth.
The Quran was narrated by Muhammad, and conveniently asserts his role as a prophet of Allah with mind-numbing redundancy. Any mention of previous Biblical figures, such as Moses and Jesus, is almost always within the context of association with Muhammad. These 'fellow prophets' speak superficially, making the same claim that Muhammad makes about himself and castigating anyone who doesn't believe.
By contrast, the New Testament provides rich historical and biographical detail about Jesus, detailing episodes that relate kindness, compassion and profound moral character. The Quran's version of Jesus says little more than that he was Muhammad's predecessor. He offers no great life lessons and speaks in only about six places:
Quran 61:6 - Jesus said, "O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad."
Quran 5:116 - Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah'?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart."
See (3:49-50, 5:112, 5:114, 19:30-33, 43:63) for the rest.

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I never said that. It was some other dickhead.

>rule one:
>worship me (invented god) above all else
Put your worship of god before respect for nature, ancestors or your family. Pathetic.

This thread has rustled my fitness related jimmies.

Notice that in 5:116, Muhammad conjures up a future conversation in which Allah will ask Jesus if he told people to worship him (and his mother, Mary) as gods, and Jesus denies that he could ever say such a thing. This is sophomoric - sort of like playing with sock-puppets. It is also significant that Muhammad confuses Mary as a member of the Trinity (he also mistakenly thought she was the sister of Aaron).

Muslims who say that Islam is respectful of Jesus and Christianity are taking the 40,000 foot view. What they really mean is that the character of Jesus is mentioned in the Quran as a prophet... which isn't all that meaningful. In truth, Islam does not respect the Jesus of the Bible, the Christian faith or even Christians. It is hostile to all three.

What Muslim apologists won't tell you is that the Quran specifically labels Christians as blasphemers (5:17 , 5:72) who invent a lie about Allah (10:68-69) - the worst of crimes - and will thus suffer in Hell. While they are in Hell, good Muslims, presumably including Jesus, will mock them while they are being tortured and ask where "their Lord" is (22:19-22).

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>a muslim prophet that utterly failed to spread islam

You completely disregarded my other points. God would never want you to kill or harm innocents and that includes your own family.

Christianity is a death cult because it denies the reality of death and looks forward to the destruction of the world.

Except that's all muhammed did when he was alive you retarded sandnigger

That's pretty fuckin metal

By not being a sandnigger

Yes, the Quran never says to kill innocent people. Unfortunately, it does say that people who don't follow Allah's Law are not innocent - even if they are outwardly Muslim... and it does say to kill them.

So, if a Muslim apologist asks where the Quran says to kill "innocent people," ask where the Quran states that non-believers are innocent - and, if so, why they are sent to Hell.

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The Quran plainly teaches that it is not only proper to kill in the name of Allah in certain circumstances, but that it is required. Muslims who don't believe in killing over religion either do not know of Muhammad's example or tacitly prefer a moral law that is independent of it. Those who put Islam first or know Islam best will think and act differently, even if they are in the minority.

Few Muslims have ever read the Quran to any extent, much less pursued an honest investigation of the actual words and deeds of Muhammad (which were more in line with hedonism, deception, power and violence than moral restraint). The harsh rules that Muslim countries impose on free speech to protect Islam from examination also prevent it from being fully understood.

As Taslima Nasreen succinctly puts it, "Islam is a violent ideology. Most Muslims are not violent - because they believe Islam is not violent."

In the West, many Muslims, devout or otherwise, simply prefer to believe that Islam is aligned with the Judeo-Christian principles of peace and tolerance, even if it requires filtering evidence to the contrary. They read into the Quran what they want to see.

But, while most Muslims are peaceful in spite of Islam, others are dangerous because of it. It is what some of us comfortably refer to as "radicalization" - an 'affliction' that is conspicuously endemic to Islam.

Purists who take Islam to heart are more likely to become terrorists than humanitarians. Those most prone to abandoning themselves to Muhammad's message without a moral filter are always the more dangerous and supremacist-minded. They may be called ‘extremists’ or ‘fundamentalists,’ but, at the end of the day, they are dedicated to the Quran and the path of Jihad as mandated by Muhammad.

This explains why Islam is a constant challange that becomes harder to deal with as the number of Muslims increases.

I can give you a lot of quotes from the Quran and hadith if you want.

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The idea that you're surrendering your free will to God is foolish. If there is no God, then you have free will, and to worship this false god would be nothing. But if there is a God, which there is, and it is Jesus, then you don't have free will at all to surrender, or not surrender. You believe that your ability to have a will hinges on whether, or not you worship God. But it does not. It hinges on whether, or not there is a God. And there is. However, there's even an argument to be made for there being no free will even if there is no god. Because every decision you make is out of the predisposition in which you exist, dictated by your biological wiring, and genetics. And if not that, then by your neurotices. You are not a free man. You are a slave at least to electrical signals in your brain. You are no more than a consciousness inside of a shell that moves, and acts, and makes you think you're in control. Good luck coping. Wait until you realize you don't exist anymore than the characters you create in your own head.

Praise be to Jesus, and Yahweh. Fuck Allah, and Muhammad. Truthfully, I hope you all see the light. The quran does point out that Jesus is the word. And that Jesus gives life. And the God created everything through the word. The word being Jesus. May God open your eyes, lost brothers. Then we can all destroy the Jews once and for all.

Tl;dr- you're a cuck, and you have no free will to begin with no matter how you look at it.

Muhammad was a goat fucker, a faggot, (literally had a nice year old wife who washed cum out of his clothing), and a pedophile (see nine year old wife). Allah is Satan. You are being misled in order to bring about the end. End times prophecy is exactly inverse for Christians, and Muslims.

Take a look around, think about how everything came to be. The chances of anything with order coming from entropy are almost impossibly slim, to have a near-perfect order, enough to create and sustain life, inconceivable. The evidence, in my opinion, points to intelligent design. If there was, or is, a creator of this world, why would he create something that would simply pass into nothing?

Mankind was cursed by sin, after Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. For their sins, the perfect, eternal lives they were given were stripped form them; "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned." (Romans 5:12).

God, in his infinite mercy and love, gave a plan for redemption of sin, through Jesus Christ, fully God, and fully man, a perfect being, to pay the price for the sins of all mankind. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16).

Jesus died to redeem us from our sins, past, present and future. All that is necessary is we have faith in him to save us, and to accept his free gift of salvation. But he also gave a promise: "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." (1 Thessalonians 4:17). All who believe in him will be taken to heaven, once again to live perfect and eternal lives, in fellowship with our Creator.

Christianity isn't a death cult, but a relationship with Jesus, the bringer and creator of all life.

>tfw exmuslim and doing a dirty bulk
enjoy your nogains

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Christians dont care. Whereas insecure muslims kill innocent people if their prophet is even depicted.

Yes goy, rabbi yeshua bin Miriam Al nazarathi has the best middle Eastern desert cult, praise be to his holy foreskin that performed miracles (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Prepuce)

Very interesting read, thanks.

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But wait if God exists and I have no free will does that mean I was created to be a non-believer?

Your first passage makes a bit of sense. Nothing afterwards follows logically though. You have to be an idiot to think that god sacrificed himself to himself to save creatures he designed from violating the laws of his nature. If Jesus was created by god in the womb of Mary how can he be the creator of all life. It is a religion for weak minds who need a master.

Lol that won't trigger anyone but the Russkies and Greeks.
There are no more Christians in the world.

Yeah. Because true believers convert and follow god's path by choice.

Do you also happen to live in Western Europe?

Yes. And you think nothing of it, and have no remorse, and don't care. For those with ears to hear, let them hear. Yo do not have ears to hear if you do not hear.

I hope God does save you though.

Inb4 "sAveS Me fROm wHAt? HImSelF?" Does the pot say to the potter, what have you made? And again, for those with ears to hear, let them hear.

If you had a choice, sure. Look into it deeply. We exist within God. Do the characters you create in your head, and that exist within you have wills that they can enact against yours?

Ramadan Mubarak Op, I hope you and your family have a great month.

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Nah I mean I know the whole "God is a nonhuman intelligence and therefore doesn't follow human logic" thing but what sense does it make to create nonbelievers when you could (presumably) just as easily create everyone to be believers?

>american education

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Catholicism commits the same heresy as Islam: universalism.
God reveals himself to different people in different ways at different times.
There will never be a final prophet, nor a universal prophet.

Don't talk about ramadan you stupid shit cunt. It's Easter and Passover season and muzzies just committed acts of terror upon my people

>If there is no God, then you have free will,
Without God's grace, we would live in the deterministic universe as preached by atheists.
It is only by God's grace, that we--as breathing emanations of the divine Source--can possess free will.

>Do the characters you create in your head, and that exist within you have wills that they can enact against yours?

OY VEEEEYYY MUH 138 gorillion shitskin cuckstain brethern

oh yeah, I am almost ready.

Remember Notre Dame.

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I'm pretty sure that by "my people" he's referring to Christians.
We just had the Notre Dame arson and the bombing attacks in Sri Lanka.

get a load on this commie

don't forget to offer the nice shitskins food just in case they get hungry

Imagine your culture denying a dope religion like hinduism for a boring pilgrimage based meteor worshipping shitpile


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I hope there's another mosque shooting soon.

You know they are strictly agianst worshipping anything BUT God right? Mohammed is just a prophet

>another thread of sand niggers and christ cucks arguing

You're both retards worshipping a jewish god.

I agree with most of this, but you do know Allah litterally just means "The God" In Arabic right? It refers to the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish God.

t. Prod.


I thought Ramadan was hardcore shit, like water fast for month. Turns out you can gorge yourself as much as you want, as long as the sun is down. How pointlessly easy; self control my ass.

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The same way every year
I pretend to fast when visiting family and get the benefit of big dinners

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Protestants aren't any better.
They make an idol of scripture.

Time for free food at the mosque bAHAH

You realise that's a fast from like 3AM till 9:30-10 right? That's pretty long. Oh yeah, and also no wager

You love that muslim dick in your mouth huh?

Kafirs cant even give arguments that havent already been disproven by arabs hundreds of years ago.

implying I don't already do OMAD

By not being a Ramadan worshiper

I'll be fasting too but why is it a problem if people eating/drinking in front of you?
Don't bother fasting if you expect other people who don't to not eat/drink around you.

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I agree with you, but I think the reason they were mad was because he very heavily implied hes doing it specifically to mess with them.

Even if he does it shouldn't be a problem.