just listened to my roomate fuck my oneitis... i am traumatized. i feel like my heart was just raped. they didn't know i was in my bed sleeping. i can't stop thinking about it. i can't sleep.
Just listened to my roomate fuck my oneitis... i am traumatized. i feel like my heart was just raped...
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Your first mistake was having a oneitis, but not having the courage to ask her out before your roomie did.
this is why you dont have roommates, move back home to mommy
also stop being obsessed about women, the more you care ,the more it hurts, accept your fate and chemically castrate yourself
lmao OP is a cuck, everybody point and laugh!
I can't think of anything that would be more demoralizing than that. Call off work for a couple days and get fucking plastered, I think you might need it
you should've gone in there and stopped them.
don't worry OP, here's some cool science to help you think about something else
You can vent in the company of frens in this Discord server:
ouch. it kinda was
damn just imagine this if it were your oneitis
Mate if this shit really happened she was never worth it
It happens to the best of us. You're better off learning to not give a shit about any women because most of them will cuck losers us like at the drop of a hat. Unless some chick is your main bitch and you're living with her at the moment, you shouldn't care if someone is fucking her. Thots gonna thot, and if you had a chance to hit it you would already have done so.
Schoolboy Q will tell you the right the way to look at this : youtube.com
Nigga are you gay ?
You should have gotten a gun, killed him, fuck the shit out of her and kill her too. And then eat the corpses.
Of course you'll need a silencer.
You know nothing of pain OP. I had to listen to my YOUNGER Chad brother fuck my oneitis. I can barely think of anything more humiliating and emasculating. I don't think I'll ever recover.
youll get over it, and youll learn not to idolise women in the future, you are now pro tipped.
i feel like oneitis is too foreign a concept for me to ever believe they exist. most girls i see are super bland or roastie tier
Yea, just take your roommates penis out of oneitis and insert your penis. Problem solved. Ez
This is what makes oneitis cases exceptionally difficult to deal with. They say the cure to oneitis is getting with another girl, but all girls other than the oneitis will seem bland and boring.
I know that feeling. Especially hurts when your so called friends fuck and pass around her like its nothing. Sometimes I feel like I have high standards for wanting connect and fuck a woman that have similar interests and aspirations as I do.
>Especially hurts when your so called friends fuck and pass around her like its nothing.
Because it is nothing. You shouldn't want to wife a chick who lets herself get fucked and passed around like that. I used to have an oneitis, multiple ones in fact. A good relationship is based on mutual feelings. If a girl isn't open to dating/fucking you early on, you might as well not bother with her. When you develop more you'll realize that most bitches really ain't shit, and are almost all equally vain and obnoxious.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to connect with a girl before fucking her. You just have to find a girl who wants to do the same with you. If you're getting attached to bitches who only want no strings attached dick, you're fucking the game up.
it's like you're user's mommy come to tell him to return to her
You think that's bad? I lived with my oneitis and her fuckbuddy. Don't know what I was thinking.
The same thing happened to me and now I have and school shooting fantasies eight years later
Lmao cuuck
God I hate this term. At least call her a crush, no? I guess they are different things. I've had many crushes but I've never obsessed over a girl without eventually getting her or giving up for someone else.
Anyway, my question for you OP is, does your roommate know how you feel about this girl? If so he's a snake and he is not your friend. Can't really fault him tho he's only a man. Still you should fight him.
If you have anywhere else to go, you should leave.
Pepe from behind reminds me of Garfield.
It's ogre
The virgin frogposter vs the CHAD roomie
As if they didn't have him drive his pink wagon into a tree or off a bridge
>If you have anywhere else to go, you should leave.
That's fucking retarded. OP should absolutely not move out of his apartment because his roommate fucked a girl he had no chance with. He needs to learn that women aren't worth getting that emotionally invested in. His weird obsession with her wasn't romantic love, he just needs to get over her and realize that there are literally millions of other women in the country and billions on the planet he could fuck instead.
The real question is did you fap? Hehe