How fit do I need to be to score fit white MILFs? What's the fastest way from skinny fat to ottermode?
How fit do I need to be to score fit white MILFs? What's the fastest way from skinny fat to ottermode?
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not autism mode
Face, money, status, confidence x fail
Tfw girls my age don't like me because I look like a prettyboy.
Tfw milfs way older than me love me because I look like a prettyboy.
I don't know how to feel bros.
>Tfw 24
>Tfw only women well into their 30s and teenagers like me
>Can't date/get along with my peers in my age group at all
This is unironically me but i'm 21 ottermode with really good facial aesthetics
This is not an issue
> fit white milfs
> not fit Asian milfs
OP I....
is this male or female?, this board has left me confused
>specifying fit white milfs
shitskin detected
Like there's something wrong with being fit or white
It's a woman, and you're gay.
T. Recessed chin weeb who has genuinely convinced himself that asian women are better because every white woman he ever approached was disgusted by his pressence and didn’t give a fuck about his Chinese cartoons
Asian pussy is tighter. Fucked many Asian women and can confirm.
Too specific to not be projection
Any suggestions on where to find MILFs?
So far only got one from a dating site, but she is a butterface and fat.
Only fuck her because I want the sexual experience. And at least she doesnt have any STD.
That doesn't change until you start getting into your 30s and you build your career up some. (unless you're chad)
Petite latinas are tighter than asians breh. Not that asians aren't tight but they're not the tightest
post face and body
Thinly veiled request for a fap session
He's saying your a negroid for thinking anything but a fit European lady could be a milf
>not a hefty inheritance where you dont even need to work anything except part time if you just want something to do
Keep climbing that ladder wagie, sorry your parents weren't smart before they died
>sorry your parents weren't smart
Too real and it stings. My parents weren't smart even before I was fucking conceived. I should kill them
If you're young and can't get laid by some desperate over the hill crossfit cunt, then weight isn't the problem.
Why do you have such low standards?
am i crazy or isnt that the actress from true detective s2?
24-year-old MILF hunter here, I think I have developed a good strategy. I like to camp out at a karaoke bar in a wealthy city. Freshly divorced MILFs in their late 30s-mid 40s like coming there with their girl friends to re-live their wild youth. I pick duet songs that involve a female vocalist and invite women to come up and sing the female part with me, usually songs from the 90s and before that remind them of being young and crazy. During the song I smile, joke, and make as much eye contact as possible with them. When the song is over I hug them and ask them their name, maybe chat them up at their table (and talk to their friends if they are hotter or more available) or invite them over to mine. It works like 80% of the time.
This song is an absolute killer. It's old enough that age 40+ milfs directly associate it with being a wild teen but classic enough that younger (mid 30s) milfs still recognize it immediately and can sing along. It's fun, light hearted, sexual enough to be naughty but not enough to be filthy, and has a great male/female duet. I've slayed untold MILF pussy by breaking the ice with this as a karaoke duet.
I'm not OP but I actively seek out MILF pussy and I love it. I look for cougars in a rich city not far from mine, where lots of women who have sunk a lot of money into health, fitness, anti-aging care and sometimes even plastic surgery live and they are much hotter and more mentally stable than your average millenial/zoomer woman. Reasons to choose MILFs:
>they just want to fuck, and won't end up with attachment issues because they think you're too young to be their next husband
>lots of them are sexually repressed after getting divorced from limp-dicked old betabux men who can't fuck without viagra and go absolutely wild when they can fuck an energetic young man with a stiff cock
>anyone can be fuckable when young, the ones that endure and remain attractive when they're 35+ are usually special and superior to rotten women who are ragged from the self-destructive millennial lifestyle by 25
>most younger women who are under 25 are annoying blue-pilled idiots with no personality other than being quirky pizza sloths, older women tend to be more mentally mature and less blue-pilled
>more experience, dirtier, less hangups about being slutty or kinky
>won't financially leech off you, actually treat you to drinks and shit
>the ones who are still hot at 40 are usually into fitness which is cool
Honestly blasting MILFs is great and you should try hooking up with at least one cougar if you can.
I'm the same age as you and I honestly can't stand millenial women. None of them know how to live their post-college life, they're all either fat retards who's whole personality is "Netflix and Pizza" or borderline alcoholics who are speeding toward the wall at an unbelievable pace with their fucked up lifestyle. Younger (18-21) girls will admire you and defer to you, and are tight and youthful. Older (30+) women have their shit in order and wont overly depend on you, are typically more interesting, and you can easily pick the attractive fit ones that have aged well out from the ones that turn into hags once they're 30 because they've stood the test of time. 22-29 year old women are 90% either lost causes or already taken.
>milf hunters
I want a TV show about your guys experiences. Would be kino.
If I was single again I would only bang milfs. While all my friends lust after 20 year Olds I like 40-50 fit milfs. Julia Ann type.
You're crazy. That's not McAdams
As fit as the guy in pic OP
You give me hope
grocery stores during the day. Bars before 11pm
I'm the guy from and , ask me anything you want about my extensive experience with MILFs.
Whoops I meant to reply to this post when I posted
How aggressive can I be if I saw a milf mirin and/or if she brushed agains me?
What's the easiest way to get one? I don't wanna be a goyimcel anymore
If she initiates physical contact you're in a very good position to start flirting. A lot of the times I half-seriously joke that they were trying to cop a feel of my muscles and start chatting.
See for my specific strategy, but more generally speaking flirting with MILFs a little easier. They usually see you as being young and full of future potential, so conversation-wise they care less about what you do right now and more about what you want to do. Anyway, quick tips:
>Avoid memes or any other 2010s pop culture references when talking to them. Ask them about their life and what they like.
>Mention things like marriage and divorce to probe them for how available they are. If they are recently divorced this will prompt them to start talking about it, and even tell you about their kids and custody (or lack their of).
>Ask them about their careers and hobbies sound interested (they are usually genuinely more interesting than young women).
>Make eye contact like your life depended on it.
>If you're incel don't fucking talk about it. Make them think you're a young energetic stud who smashes pussy and does it well.
>Be loud, hang out with other bros and never go hunting alone. When the time comes split off from the group to chat them up. Looking young and socially vibrant is key, looking lonely and desperate will end your game before it starts.
>Smile, laugh, joke, be lively
>Don't get too drunk around them
Oh yeah one more thing, make her feel lucky that you chose her. Remember, she knows that she's competing against girls in their 20s, and you are in control. Give her the impression that she's getting a chance at the kind of guy she used to fuck when she was young and wild. A lot of the best cougars are wealthy women who married older men for the financial stability, who change their mind later when their career-focused husbands age into dickless husks leaving them craving, and I mean CRAVING the forceful, stiff, energetic Chad cock they used to have the privilege of fucking when they were young and hadn't settled for aging Betabux. Make them feel like queens who beat out all the younger THOTs and they will pursue you with extreme lust and fuck you like animals who have been starving for years and finally have a chance to feast.
More tips:
>represent everything they miss about youth, eg: having free time, being carefree, being pursued by men, lust, drinking, and mild rebelliousness
>Laugh and smile. Tell jokes. Listen to her jokes. Be jovial and fun. Make large gestures when you talk. Their lives are full of men who are tired and worn from their demanding careers and seeing that kind of life invigorates and attracts them
You can literally have a dad body and get a milf. Just grow a nice beard
All of you have to leave 4channel sweethearts and go back to posting Monster trucks on facebook
A cougar looking for young cock, yes, a real honest-to-god MILF? No. A milf is a woman who endures the wall and remains sexy into middle age. The kind that will fuck fat, bearded 20-something dadbods aren't worth it.
i would go with something by hall & oates, like rich girl
Fuck I unironically like that song
>go back to posting Monster trucks on facebook
While I've never actually seen this I know EXACTLY what you're talking about
Okay but the image you chose strikes me as extremely gay. What gives ?
Welcome to fit
fit asian milfs are not bad. 40s with the body of an 18 year old
I've been seeing the same stuff but the worst of it all is that I want to start a family, preferably a lot of kids, and the girls around my age are messed up, taken, or not interested and the women who are interested are mid to late 30's and already have kids or are too old to safely have them.
Holy mother of projection