I'm putting together a team, one last mission. You in?
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One last mission you say?
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You'll need some muscle...
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I'm ready, boss man. Just tell me who I can shoot
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lets just say, ill bring the weapons...
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I've prepared only my strongest potions
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where we dropping boys? im ready
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>You in?
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lets do this boys.
i am ready
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don't worry, uncle ricky will take care of this mission
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You need Ancient Chinese Secret
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I'm in, but I sure hope this doesn't spiral out of control.
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It's beein about time, I's in mon.
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You fuckin wat m8? Not without us you isn't
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I promised never to transform again... Looks like I'm gonna have to break that promise.
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I'm ready to use my skills.
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Alright,i'll be there...
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This is Strategic HQ. Do you read me?
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I got the tools. Let's go.
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What's the objective boss?
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it's time for "that"
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we gon dab on some nias?
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Just point and we'll shoot.
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im in user
where should i go?
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oh god yes yes d-daddy i'm ready to c-cum on your mission
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I killed 16 men for my country... what's a few more?
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Field rations: prepared
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I've been waiting for this for a long time, chief.
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Gruppenfurher, das ist Oberfuhrer. Identity confirmed.
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Only if I'm finally getting paid this time
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I'll be operating from the underworld
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Kept you waiting?
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This is commander reporting in. The mission is a go, all units please report confirmed kills.
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Confucius once say... "Feck off, cup!"
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You will need someone to hack their system. You can count on me
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I will destroy them with SEX
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I will handicap myself to make it more interesting and so I don't steal the spotlight once again.
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Its go time gentlemen
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