It has been completely broken. I crave nothing more than death. He took everything away from me.
I have 17 bars of xanax and less than a half a bottle of vodka.
It has been completely broken. I crave nothing more than death. He took everything away from me
Other urls found in this thread:
you'll be fine user just drink some water and go for a walk trust me it works
Be my gf dumbhead
17 bars of xanax and a half a bottle of vodka?! Really? What are you - 14?
Real women pull themselves up by the ovaries and jump back on the cock carousel. Talk a half a bar and one swig of vodka and find the first swinging dick to cross your path and pretend it belongs to Chad.
Its not a girl user
Its a girl (male)
If it has XY chromosomes, it's a male. If the male dresses as a woman, he has poor taste in fashion. If he fucks men, he's gay. If he pretends to be a woman, he's delusional. If he's unhappy, the delusions aren't working.
Yall just fucking whine about wanting to get a gf, but when that girl wants to be with u and loves u, u just say "ah sorry, I have been fucking someone else"
Sounds like weak bait to me. Either that or you just went for a normalnigger. Either way, e-dating stupid
can i have your stuff pls?
What does any of that mean?
OP does not have two X chromosomes
End of story
I've been there. It can get harder but I promise you it does get better. Chin up user. I'll be looking for you.
You're fucking disgusting and I hope u die fucking cunt.
Yeah u both too
I have a vagina, if I had a fucking disgusting dick, I would gladly cut it of and put that fucking useless cutoff dick down your fucking throat
I spayed my cat and that's worked out pretty good for her. Maybe you should get spayed.
That won't kill you. If some of the combinations I've been on didn't kill me, that shit won't kill you.
get high, watch some movies, stuff your face, and have some fun
this pain is temporary, find a lesson to learn from it so you get something good out of it that will last longer than the shitty shit you're feeling now
Lmao, spay the thots. Why haven't we thought of this before?
I only have xanax because my mom is on it(legally of course, she isn't black)
Also I have a rope in the garage but idk if i have anywhere to hang
Don't hang yourself, user. And don't OD on xanax and vodka. Just, like, chill. Can you just do that for a little while? I was joking about the spaying thing. Hormones can be stressful when you're young.
I'm probably older than u fucking zoomer
What did OP mean by this
and you're a dumb fuck failed normie by wanting to kill yourself. go whore yourself out for cash until you get pregnant and drink the blood of your baby to revitalize yourself.
You sure don't seem like it if you wanna kill yourself over getting rejected by some guy online. Not even that, you wanna kill yourself with fucking xanax and alcohol. And to top this all off you are too stupid to google suicide methods and instead make a shitty thread on this garbage dump.
Now calm your tits and stop being so impulsive. Killing yourself over this is fucking dumb
I meant that I'm capable to have a real human grow inside of me
>roastie thread
why is this thread getting (You)s who cares this bitch is just gonna hop on the cock carousel by tomorrow
>some guy online
We met on r9k two years ago. After a year, we met, almost even moved in together
You said growing, indicating the present tense
Did your ex get you pregnant? How did you find out?
It means, I'm not fucking pregnant, I'm could get. Meaning,that Im a biological female.
I have only had anything intimate with guy I mentioned. Haven't even kissed anyone else
nice repeating nazi digits, mein fuhrer. so what did that dirtbag do to you m'lady? why are you so vexxed?
I was dude you replied to in >>I don't care how old you are. There's always something more interesting and fun to do than hang yourself or drink yourself to death. If you lived around me, I'd take you out to see Glass. It was pretty good and I saw it for a matinee alone. I'm not that ugly and a lot of people find me quite charming -- I just can't handle being around people for long stretches of time. It gets tiresome and when I'm forced to do it, I get stressed out.
Sure, that's worse but so what? What's the point in offing yourself now? What would that accomplish? Don't act on your impulses, distract yourself until you've got a clear head and then try to move on.
anons sure are dying like flies these days. just earlier today said goodbye to another user who committed not living. So, in accordance with my etiquette, I bid thee adieu.
I just wanted to be with him. Get married, have kids, live together. Make him happy, make him the happiest man alive. I love him I love him so much. He's all I ever wanted. I just wanna lie on his chest once more
Still reading the Dhammapada and basically, it seems like the buddhists say that whatever hang-ups you had in this life, you take with you into the next --- like a person going to sleep wakes up in the morning essentially the same person. And we're bound to repeat this cycle of life and death hundreds of thousands of times until we release all attachment to it. So, suicide doesn't really fix any of that. Which, to me, feels very wearisome to think about.
i had this one girl that really got me. i can't get over her, i've got the worst oneitis ever. nothing can help it, she always springs up into my mind. i don't think there's a day in my life as of yet, that i haven't thought about her.
then again, i don't even remember her that well anymore. i fell in love with the "image" of her, not the real her. i don't know shit about her. she didn't show that much interest regarding me, anyways. i played myself like some idiot.
what you're doing is basically the same. you don't love the person, you love the image of him you've made yourself. let go.
These feelings will pass and if you let yourself you'll find someone else. Realise that the chemistry in your brain is way out of line at the moment making you think irrationally. And if it helps just talk about it
First of all, are you sure you meant that for me? Not that I mind a little bit of philosophical/existential reflection now and then, but, in respect to my comment, it kind of seems out of place.
Secondly, I very much subscribe to the notion of reincarnation, although I don't respect Buddhists nor think that the idea of cosmic karma (taking your hang-ups with you into he next life) is a reasonable belief.
But in general, I agree with you. It doesn't actually fix anything.
I too saw probably the same post, then i saw one today and now this
I haven't fucked anybody else. Ever.
I just want someone to love and be there for and cuddle and take care of.
Its not like I'm a useless NEET or totally ugly.
You got cheated on by Chad, not a robot.
Regardless, suicide is the permenant answer to a temporary problem. You shouldn't do it, user.
Even though I feel like I'm always going to be alone and no one will ever love me and I'll never be able to do all of those things, finding someone nice who accepts me for who I am, its never the answer. People care about you.
Go to church. You deserve to be someone that doesn't need to use another person as a crutch in life.
Yeah, probably. You can still see it in the catalog. Anyway, it seemed like the last year in overall was a busy season in the seppuku business. Wonder if the trend is gonna accelerate this year.
>I have 17 bars of xanax and less than half a bottle of vodka
Let me guess, you're going to drink the bottle and take 2, maybe 3 xanax and then tell a friend what you're doing, they'll come and rescue you and you'll be okay, because you're not actually going to have enough xanax to OD, just enough to get the attention you crave after having lost someone you love.
I've lost someone I thought would stay with me much longer, someone who made me truly happy and complete. I tied a bath towel around my neck and pulled 'er tight because I didn't want to breathe or exist, but I obviously wasn't trying to kill myself. Closing my eyes for 5 seconds while driving 150kph at night was, however, a more serious attempt. I just wanted to imagine someone seeing me dead and crying.
Eventually you get over them. Then you'll stop missing *them*, you'll just think that you'll never find someone you can love like that again. You'll wonder if anyone will ever love you the same way. Then you find someone that does, but you can't love them back, and you realise you're completely broken, and now I don't know what to do.
Robots I would appreciate your love and support, please send me your most esoteric cat images.
faggot op does not even want to die via train what a faggot
here you go ! you can have a video too !
wtf is xanax it reminds me of xananax though which just sounds fucking delicious fuck you op you made me hungry
I can be your bf original
You sound exacly like the dude who broke me.
meow, it's a cat
Why shit up a good suicide thread with a gay ass sigil?
its elebant! :DDD
and you will kys with a baby inside? you dumb cunt gtfo this board forever
Guy asked for esoteric cats
"Bael... appeareth in divers shapes, sometimes like a Catt"