God here.
Do you want to confess?
God here
yeah, here's my confession :
i have no gf
i saw god sucking satans dick and told no1.
> Depicts God the Father
Er, umm...
Just stop being yourself
Satan is a cute trap
no homo
If you were god you'd already know my sins
What can you do to remove this normallfags?
I pray to you every night that they will stop coming here but they are still here?
I do know.
A confession is the equivalent of asking forgiveness for your mistakes.
I hope you get raped faggot
I'll confess them all when i'm standing in front of the gates unless i go to hell for killing myself
I thought faggot larpers only existed on /x/.
Why dream almost every night with my ex or something related to her?
4 months with her was better than my entire life.
We broke up 2 weeks ago and these weeks looks like 2 decades.
Sorry for doing all of that bad stuff we both know about. I wish I could take all of it back, but I beg for forgiveness. I just want off of the ride fairly soon, is that okay?
You have to accept them in your heart.
Caus they don't know what they are doing.
Sorry i don't have any holes.
No such thing as hell, you just stop existing.
Thy will is His will.
>No such thing as hell, you just stop existing.
I find that more appealing than heaven to be honest
I confess that you're a huge faggot eat my ass god maybe make something good next time shitter
Whatever I've done, I'm sorry. I'll try not to be as much of a waste of life in the future. Also, could you please help me find a cute gf
Don't larp as me you worthless faggot
I just wanna let you know, we ARE going to kill you.
Just by principle, really.
I watched too much porn. I fapped to degenerate shit and couldn't get the thought of what I did out of my mind. I kept rethinking what I had seen and I was absolutely disgusted with myself but the thoughts wouldn't leave. Forgive me, Lord. I'm trying to never look at porn again but it's just so difficult.
If you're a god of infinite mercy then you've already forgiven the sins you already know exist.
Yeah, I hate you, Yahweh. Before I existed I experienced no suffering. Yet you saw fit to entrap me in this existence, and you expect me to believe that now I'm going to spend a conscious eternity in hell or as your little bitch? Why did you make salvation contingent on subservience? Better yet, why did you "create" the universe, you piece of shit? What has it done besides feed your useless ego?
I love him but I cant see a future with him and I dont know how to tell him.
I still love her but it's probably best for her that we drift apart. but I still feel the urge to drive to her house and beg her to take me back. even worse, I feel like I want to use manipulative language to get her back. I don't want to manipulate her, I don't want to hurt her any more than I may have already. I'm just so goddamn broken. I feel awful for this. I feel so guilty for wanting to just take her back when she should probably just go. but I'll never find a girl like her again, not to mention a girl that would actually find me attractive like she did. I want what's best for her but it's just so hard to carry on. every night I dream of her. every waking moment I'm thinking of her. I walk past the park where we had our first date, where we lost our virginities together, and I can't help but tear up and feel so lonely and abandoned. if you're reading this, you probably recognize who I am and that I'm talking about you. I'm sorry if reading this made you cry. writing it made me cry too.
just tell him, if you've thought about it entirely.
he'd like it more than being led on.
What would be the purpose? You already know what I've done.
thinking of suicide. pretty sure that means hell. oh well.
Stop having influence over humanity and let us live a libertarian reality.
My first boyfriend didn't respect me, never doing anything to keep the house clean or help out. Multiple times I would clean, going as far as to wipe the dust off of shelves and reorganize. Within one week everything was back to being messy, with dirty dishes everywhere and random messes. (I wasnt always around because of school) after a year and a half I couldn't take it anymore. I talked to one of my other Male friends about needing to break up with him. He told me it would be best if I did. We then got drunk and I cheated on my first bf with this new guy(who we both knew for a couple of years). Broke up with bf the next day.
I don't think it's very morally right for me to alter my personality towards every person I ever meet. God, I really liked this guy. I felt genuine feelings. And why, I pretended to be someone who I thought he wanted me to be. Turned out I had no idea. I've done it all wrong.
And now the punishment for me is the fact he doesn't think well of me, and it's not even real.
I didn't want him to think he's special, I though he'd get easily bored of me if that was the case. On the same hand, I wanted to him give what he wanted. Turns out he didn't want me.
This is the first time I've felt one sided love - he told me two days ago that he does not love me. I wanted to give myself to him and he did not accept that. I really don't know what else I could've done. I don't understand why he rejected me so much.
I really love him. I want him to be happy with or without me. So it's okay. I'll live on.
I don't want to find anyone else. I think I should be alone. My self esteem is really low. I know God. I should instead focus on helping others, right? Put all that energy and thoughtfulness into doing things that make other people's lives happy. Should also study more to take my mind off of things. Romantic love is not that important, right? I guess it rightly taught me to stop trying to be someone I'm really not.
i never checked the Privacy&Policy terms of this shitty life Why am i here? I didn't choose to exist, I didn't choose my shitty family and my shittier third world country. why?
Can reprobate be saved?
I once cummed profusely in my cousin's bed because I couldnt contain my necessity to fap at night. Hopefully aunt didnt find out and most of the mess just stayed in my pants, but perhaps you know better than me and you can satisfy this last doubt