I think I am physically addicted to the internet...

I think I am physically addicted to the internet. Left to my own devices (pun intended) I can completely lose 12 hours on Jow Forums and Youtube. What can I do?

>inb4 kill yourself

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I'm the same way; I don't know how to stop . Throwing away my computer may be the only option at this point.

I too have this problem, to the point that it negatively effects the rest of my life

just go for a walk or something. weather is great.
find a book and read it. learn an instrument

I used to be a creative dude im really not anymore all i do i spend my free time on my screens consuming media

Set a schedule, build a routine, take on responsibilities.
Seriously, watch some Jordan Peterson, he has some good ideas he talks about

care to share any specific videos? I don't know where to start with him

stop entering chat rooms and forums. Just stop socializing on the internet and you will see how boring it is

You're not "addicted." You just literally have nothing better to do.

That's the thing: I barely post on Jow Forums and I never comment on YouTube. It is immensely boring but it's infinitely alluring. I know I will never run out of material to waste hours on.

well, honestly if you dont have anything important to do then i dont really see the problem. It would be equivalent to just watching tv all day on your free day and going to bed. If you really really want to do something else, get a job. Then you will wish you could watch youtube for 12 hours

I think this is very relevant to the topic of this thread.
If you find this relatable then check other videos of his lecture like disagreeable and agreeable people and more. He has a lot to say and there is a reason so many men find him to be a father figure in these odd times. pol seems to hate because he refuses to attack jews, but pol people are a dead end anyway

job, hobby, social life
get at least one and work from there (one can sometimes help build another), internet addiction is more a symptom of not having enough shit to do than it is a problem itself

Spoken like someone who has no clue. I have all three of these and my internet addiction is having a negative impact on all of them because I waste time that I don't have.

everyone has this. Everyone is addicted.

Nobody wants to be alone with their own thoughts. Everyone wants to be distracted

On a serious note, I purposefully neglected to get internet when I moved into my first apartment

I sat on the couch, used every ounce of my 3g data, fapped, wasted hours even still

but wanna know what? It was the best year of my life, by far

Fast forward a year. Move in with my girlfriend. Get internet. Here I am. Playing oldschool runescape in the background, the only difference between now and my adolescence, is I roamed around dicking around for 2 hours before I got on my PC, but I will still fall asleep with a movie playing or something.

Some things never change OP.

Is it something you can accept? Do you like the internet and your phone?

Because if you truly don't, if you really want to make real change, existential change, the sort of change you literally don't even possess the willpower to do, something that can only happen through your environment dictating you can't have something happen, taking so much action you overwhelm the thinking mind

burn you computer and your phone. Go get a nokia flip phone that can only send text messages and calls.

100% serious

3 months on my lease, then I'm going to thailand to literally run from city to city and try to fuck every girl at the hostel. If I don't run, I'll be homeless for the night.

Only way it can happen, the honest truth. There isn't ever a reality where you will yourself to stop being a lazy fuck when you're capable of being a lazy fuck and you have the momentum of being a lazy fuck. You have to bring in evolutionary pressures, and tougher environments that don't allow for that behavior.

You do this motherfucker


start namefagging and i pledge to harass you as much as i can whenever i see you post until you cant take it anymore and leave

then you are just fucking weak. when im with my gf and people from work, i never look at my phone. Why? because why the fuck would i? Its Bottomless,the things on internet are expanding everytime. You can learn sport techniques ,cooking, jewish tricks,buisness tricks,sex tips, date tips, relationship tips, politics ,politics from 15th century,etc. It doesnt stop. Fuckbook and twatter? Most of it is shit and bottomless, filled with ads.

You work on your social skills

I will say that internet makes it hard to concentrate while studying/alone/at home.atleast in my case

>no clue
Well no shit. You should have started off with that to begin with to show how much of a problem it really is. What is described in the OP is basically what everyone else does but not the extent of what you said just now.

This is one of the reasons why it's so hard for me to quit the internet. You really need it sometimes and even though I wasted most of my time I also learned a couple of things that I otherwise wouldn't.

>Reason why its so hard for me to quit
No, that is not the reason. Otherwise it would be a good thing you are spending a lot of time learning stuff on the internet (not talking about learning weird conspiracies). The fact you tried to use this as an excuse.... I don't even know what it means. You need to get into something competitive at this point.

If you say you are getting smart, then get certified. Will help with employment prospects. Quit fucking around. Time is ticking. Tick tock, look, its Christmas and 2020 soon.

Accept your fate user. Become one with the void.

I improved my english quite a bit, learned a lot about nutrition, working out, politics and guns. Not exactly useful for my career (english might be helpful I guess).