Self-pity and using video games, Anime, and Jow Forums as escapism tools won't get you anywhere in life. Turn off the computer and experience life instead of refreshing Jow Forums all day like an NPC on auto-pilot.
Self-pity and using video games, Anime, and Jow Forums as escapism tools won't get you anywhere in life...
The only way I'll avoid Jow Forums is if I went on a boat without internet or somewhere deep in the mountains where there is no cell reception.
thx normieposter.
just get away from the screen nigga, turn off your internet router n shieet
OP is right, but there is literally nothing else I can do.
I don't have any money, I don't have any friends or family, I have absolutely 0 love interests, I have no opportunities in life, my life is literally going nowhere. I can't afford to do the things I want to do, and I also wasn't born into a privileged household, nor did I get lucky and just happen to get successful. I'm never gonna meet the people I want to meet, or find a partner, or have enough money to not have to worry.
Theres nothing else to do. Especially during this time of year when you can't even go outside for 5 minutes without freezing to death. I think about taking a sledgehammer to my computer ever single day. Just smashing it to pieces, but then what would I do? I would just use my laptop in a more limited capacity. If I smashed that with a sledgehammer as well I would play PS4. If I smashed that then I would still have a phone. I have no money and cant afford to go drive somewhere in the hopes that I'll find and have a good time every single day.
There's a snowstorm right now, OP, how do you recommend I pass the time? Not much I can experience in this weather.
You can
>Download Chess Titans for free or play online
>Start writing short stories
>Take up programing (There's plenty of tutorials on Youtube to get you started)
>Play guitar or produce music electronically
>Download pdfs of public domain classics
>Browse Wikipedia
Video games, T. V. shows and Jow Forums are an empty pleasures. You might get a rush of dopamine at certain points but like a drug it will leave you high and dry. If you're depressed you may need to give your life more substance with any of the aforementioned activities.
>Download pdfs of public domain classics
you can also visit or its mirror
ting ting ting
fuck copyright holders.
Thank you.
Just like everyone else, you have to work for opportunities.
What's a good programming language to start with?
Met my best friend (who's a turbonormie) in real life through Jow Forums. We live in neighboring cities.
Got anything to say to that OP?
i like running away from life
i hate people, that is why i stay in my room most of the time
water is wet, thank you OP for enlightening us. We were all deluded that our lives are amazing
I'm partial to Java. I started with Visual Basic which is technically a good starting language, but I also didn't have Youtube tutorials.
I've seen C++ get called the industry standard, but C++ is an old language and it's very difficult to write Graphical User Interfaces (as in windows) whereas with Java there's all kinds of built in methods for that purpose.
I used Netbeans but Eclipse seemed to be the 1337 version from the tutorials. If you just search Java Tutorial on Youtube you'll get an idea of what to expect.
any of them
>figure out a "problem" you want to solve
>use any language to solve it
>you now learned something in that language
i want to make a calculator
java sounds okay
google everything
make calculator
you now know a bit of java
But isn't Java on the way out?
I've been to dozens of countries, fought in multiple armed conflicts, fished the Bering sea, speak two languages fluently and working on a third, have 6 digits in the bank, no debt, and my car is paid off. I still enjoy internet escapism more than anything and I'm a 29 y/o KV.
You're not entitled to women, sweetie.
Your personality is very toxic it seems.
Im jealous. You're almost a Hemingway jr.
trips of truth, you're probably right. I really fucking hate women. I haven't interacted socially with them in like 15+ years since I started high school at a private all-male academy when I was 14. I can barely even stand to be in an attractive woman's presence, which is a large reason why I've pursued employment in 100% male environments in isolated locations my entire adult life.
or how about you stop telling us what to do? no one gives a shit about your point of view. fuck off
I'm too depressed to care. When the time comes for me to die, I will die, and nothing will have changed from when I was 'alive'. You literally can't get me to care enough about my life to save it.
>There's a snowstorm right now, OP, how do you recommend I pass the time? Not much I can experience in this weather.
build a snowman
I was joking user.
I understand your frustration and I'm sure you don't act on your feelings in real life.
Try to talk to women again if possible.
What is a chad like you doing on Jow Forums?
doesn't matter
its just to learn the basics of programming
if you know the basics of one, it is pretty easy to adapt to the others (you learn the others easier and faster)
>Try to talk to women again if possible.
way too scary
>What is a chad like you doing on Jow Forums?
force of habit. I'm an oldfag. I've been on Jow Forums since day 1 and been on Jow Forums even longer. I raided the pool.
Blizzards are prime programming environments.
All of those things are empty pleasures as well, except for the programming.
>experience life
this literally means nothing
>standing shirtless and shoeless on the gravel is 'experiencing life'
fuck off
Notice how the actual advice is incredibly vague
"experience life" damn nigger you changed my fucking life
this is some intense fucking cope
currently most of my self improvement project is for attracting a wife material gf
I don't have time for this gay normie shit, fuck outta my face
this is some dedicated trolling
what is "experiencing life" to you, and what if someone doesn't enjoy doing those activities?
So why wouldn't I start on one that's not dying?
>guys just do what i do lol it will fix ur life
>nor did I get lucky and just happen to get successful
Kek at people who think this happens
I do most of this and I'm still depressed and feel like shit. 90% of my free time is programming/reading/working out. Still hate looking in the mirror, still dont want to wake up, still lonely and hopeless.
Isn't that temple from the dune movies
Shit nigger. I served in military as well. I bench 330, Jow Forums aesthetics, been in war too. Probably not traveled as much as you, but still seen my share of a world also. Not virgin anymore, I lost my virginity to a prostitute while serving but no other sex stuff since. I have huge ass debt. No gf, no car, very little frens. Escapism is my favorite thing to do.
I am 29 too.
But if I dont stay home on Jow Forums and save my money instead of going out to bars or whatever Ill never have the money to go anywhere
There is very little you can do that doesnt either cost money, or time, and most of my time is spent at work
I only make a dollar more than minimum wage
I did just apply for a passport though so maybe one of these weekends I can drive 6 hours to Canada
>escapism tools won't get you anywhere in life
and where is there to go in life that I would want to get to?